The anger of Ershi...

In fact, it has never been such an emotion, and it is not even known what Ershi is.

The collective has been doing what it wants to do.

That is to distort everything, or more than everything.

It also includes a twist on a tumbling person.

At some point, the collective found a tumbling rafter in the void, which is a very ordinary rock world from the outside.

Then, the assembly lost a lot of 'twisted balls' there.

These twisted **** have the effect of automatically distorting the surrounding environment, and the aggregate does not know what will happen.

It just wants to see how the bottom will twist into what it is.

These twisted **** do a wonderful thing, they completely change the surrounding terrain.

After a period of time, the surface layer of the tumbling person was transformed into what Lin later discovered.

That is, there are a lot of buildings where abandoned buildings are stuck to the ground...

But in reality, this is not really abandoning the field buildings, but the twisted ball is transformed into a set, which made the original rock structure perfectly built according to the various buildings in the abandoned field.

Then they made a variety of substances to glue them together, and it looked like a lot of buildings were shipped here to stick.

The collections themselves also feel wonderful, why can they create buildings for abandoned creatures?

Maybe it's because the nuclear information it reads is related to the waste creature...

All distortions are made possible by relying on the 'hidden data' read from the nuclear information.

This seems to be the founder of the 'twisting' that adds all cellular bionuclear information to hidden data that can be distorted.

But this is not the case. Newly created nuclear information can also read data from it and distort it.

Aggregates have always been doing research in this area, such as synthesizing nuclear information from different organisms.

Or it can directly create some nuclear information, and in the end, the newly obtained nuclear information can also obtain distorted data from it.

The nuclear information that creates such a large number of buildings is that the aggregates are made by studying waste creatures.

Abandoned creatures are similar to bones, and they have a special 'information' to store their life forms.

The collection understands the life form composition information of the abandoned organism through the analysis of the information base, and then translates the information into the cell organism.

In a nutshell, it is trying to create a group of cell creatures that grow into a close-up creature shape and a close-to-life form.

If successful, the two creatures... are still very different.

But at least it looks a lot like it, and the behavior and personality are very close.

Of course, there are huge differences in many aspects. First, their basic composition is completely different.

This kind of attempt actually failed, and the nuclear information that the aggregates squeezed out in various ways does not make the cell biology look like... abandoning creatures.

In fact, the cellular organisms that are inserted into the nuclear information produced by the aggregate cannot grow up at all.

But instead of throwing away the failed nuclear information that mimics the waste creatures, it uses them to try to distort.

The result is that such a strange tumbling person has been created... The assembly does not know why.

The hidden data in the nuclear information, the aggregates have never known what they are.

But as long as the content inside is read in some way, it can be distorted.

Why do nuclear information in cell biology have these hidden content that can be distorted? This collection has been under study.

But it can't find the result.

It is only constantly experimenting with new nuclear information.

Of course, the results of these tests are usually very stable. For example, twisting a creature generally transforms it into another form.

It doesn't transform it into an explosive. What hurts the aggregate itself... usually doesn't.

So far, the aggregates are still very satisfied to be immersed in the distortion study.

Until it felt a signal in the void.

This signal... comes from the travel space.

The assembly was in a small space created by itself.

It is said that the creation is actually made up of some small space generated when the solidified void and the normal void are 'collided'.

In addition to itself, it has many ways to detect the surrounding space.

This ability is itself evolved by distorting itself.

It doesn't distort itself into something bad like ‘God', maybe it's because the aggregate is real... distorting the endorser, maybe it was “selected” very early.

In short, the collective senses the location of Ershi, and when it feels the moment of Ershi, it produces a lot of memory.

Each generation of collectives will generally remember their previous things.

For example, where was the previous generation, where was the upper generation, but the experience, details, etc. are not very clear.

After I felt it, the memory of it became instantly clear.

It reminded me a long time ago.

At that time, it was also a group of... individual creatures.

It is the group of worshipped creatures that Ershi mentioned before in its history.

Almost every generation of collectives, they are very 'staying' after birth, they can not even maintain their own lives.

This is not because they can't do this kind of behavior, but they never thought about it... to live.

This seems to be because the ‘biological’ of the aggregates lacks some...important things, which makes it difficult for each generation to maintain.

As for what this important thing is... it is not very clear.

The generation that the collective was born on Ershi recovered this kind of 'important thing'. So what does it seem to be related to the creatures of unity of faith?

Then, Ershi let them return to the personality state from unity.

This is equivalent to killing the aggregate.

The consciousness of the assembly has gone to other places, and it has entered an unsustainable state.

Accurately speaking, it is a state of almost unconscious.

Although it has a huge amount of memory of a united creature, it has no way to use it to do anything.

Or don't use it.

It is actually the same until it comes into contact with the distortion.

It was only accidentally giving the idea of ​​'trying it' to the distortion, and it became more and more interesting and has arrived.

The aggregate believes that it will be richer in emotions and thoughts than it is now if it is developed on Ershi.

In short, it is that Ershi has caused it... has been stuck in this situation.

As for why it is talking about the original bus... it is not related to Ershi.

But it's confirmed to know the original bus of this creature.

Because it senses the Ershi, the collective thinks of its many generations of memories.

Its earliest memories can be traced back to the time when there was a creature like the original bus.

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