4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2787: Collective experience

“That is... this is a very old ‘biological’.”

Here is in the ... travel space.

Not long ago, Lin and the creatures here caught a...will continue from a long time ago.

The collection of beliefs is a wonderful ‘biological’, and its consciousness has been maintained for a long time.

It can always be summoned by various creatures, as long as it is a way of gathering a group of distracted consciousness... it can appear.

This kind of creature with such a long history is generally very powerful.

However, it is not very powerful... except that it is difficult to kill it completely.

In the long history, the faith assembly has not done almost anything.

It can always be said that it has always been a state of ‘no desire and no desire.’ Every time a collection of beliefs is generated in various ways, it does nothing and does nothing.

Just keep watching this void... until death, then regenerate somewhere, and then die.

The long-term reincarnation has been carried out with the bodies of countless individual creatures, and only two abnormalities have occurred.

Once is the time of Ershi.

It has tried to develop rather than wait for death, and once again it is now... It has an interest in distortion and has led to more emotions.

Although it now believes that Ershi is the culprit in killing its emotions, according to its long history of life, it is not normal.

In fact, after being slain by Ershi, the next time the aggregate is reborn, it is possible to remember the last memory very clearly.

It was just that it didn't care at the time, so I didn't think about what to do.

It was not until now that various emotions were generated that it caused anger to kill it.

These emotions have caused it to deviate from the original life trajectory... Although I don’t know why it is, it is not normal for such a collection.

Lin can know the reason for all this, or because of its distortion test.

Aggregates not only use distortion to affect various things, but also constantly adjust the root of distortion, that is, cellular biological information.

In the long-term research, it has been searching for various cell biology, but after all, there are few cell creatures in this place, and it tries to create it by itself.

To be precise, it is to create nuclear information.

At some point, the collection found some cell biology, and the behavior and thinking of these creatures can cause subtle changes in nuclear information.

Simply put, it is a creature like a pompom.

Nuclear information is not stable, and many things can cause changes in nuclear information.

Aggregates have been experimenting with this kind of organism. It is mainly to insert various information into the brains of these organisms and observe how these organisms affect the nuclear information and their offspring in the body.

The collection puts a lot of information into these biological brains, and its favorite is the life experience of stuffing into other creatures.

For example, the life course of a set of bone creatures is inserted into the brain of a cell organism, and then observe how this affects the creature.

In this experiment, it even puts its own experience into the brains of some cell organisms to test.

It also brings this cell creature to the ‘body’.

At present, the collection of beliefs that Lynn sees is ten huge bones, and none of them actually count as ontology.

These bones convey a large amount of information to each other, and the consciousness of the aggregate lies in this information.

It is similar to the group thinking that some divisional species use pheromones to transmit information to each other.

However, the aggregate can send the bones in a certain direction to send and receive information in some way, which makes it feel like there is a master brain.

This is actually giving... there are some more important bones in the bones.

Some bones contain a lot of cell biology, and a huge amount of cellular bionuclear information.

At present, Lin found that there are two such giant bones inside which are stored in quite a lot of cell biology.

This is to make it easy to take out the test at any time, so the aggregate is usually in motion... It will send information to the two bones that have a lot of cell biology, mainly to inject various 'experiences' into the brain.

Although these stored cell organisms have no way to carry out any activities, because of the stimulation and influence of these external signals on their bodies, they can continue to grow or even 'evolve' even if they cannot move them.

Lin detected most of its structure after catching the bones, and then discovered the cell organisms stored in a bone. Usually, the brains of these cell organisms, Lin knows the information.

Lin is more concerned about the content of the distortion.

Regardless of the thin line or the ‘God’, they have no way to read the distorted content directly to achieve distortion.

This collection...there is a way to directly read the nuclear information and then distort it in some way.

This is mainly the role played by the 'device' assembled in one of its bones.

This thing is very...complex and looks like a metal structure, but it is also mixed with solidified matter.

The consciousness of the collective can use it to read the 'hidden content' in the biological information.

Lin is still not sure how it works, and how much it can control the distortion.

The intelligence of these details is not in the brain of the cell biology, but Lin believes that as long as the research is more, I will know.

In addition, the device like space control is also in a certain bone body. Lin found that the device is very similar to the space mobile devices made by Lin and Ershi.

Its main role is to adjust these small spaces created by the mixing of solidified voids and normal voids.

This includes adjustments to some of the 'rules' in the small space.

But after it leaves its own space, it will be much weaker.

Although the assembly seems to be 'playing' with the bone civilization, it is actually... not very strong.

It also didn't fight against opponents like Space, who knew about space, so it seems to be easily defeated now.

And Ershi’s opinion is... kill it.

Killing it is not to destroy these huge bones, but to make its consciousness disappear in some way.

This is equivalent to its death, and its consciousness will be transferred to the next place, which is the next group of faith-unified creatures.

At the same time, Ershi also said that it has some methods that should be able to track its point of consciousness transfer.

Although Ershi has not encountered a collection of beliefs for a long time, it has been thinking about what kind of life this creature is.

At the same time, Ershi also came up with some methods to test and certify.

Now is a good opportunity, just kill the assembly... you can confirm what creature it is.

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