4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2788: To understanding

"No... can't do this!"

The fear of death is the emotion that is not found in the long life of this creature. It is never afraid of death. Fiction.

This seems to be taken for granted.

After all, a creature that can be reborn, why should you fear death?

But it is scared now, but if it is to say it is not afraid of death, but afraid of it now... interest disappears.

It has always liked to be distorted, and likes to see the impact on the surrounding things after extracting the hidden content of the nuclear information.

Even if its consciousness disappears, Lin can continue to study these huge bones and the devices inside.

At the same time, Ershi can also confirm what creature it is.

This makes killing it seem to be a more necessary thing, but before that, Lin still confirmed it like it... a long time ago.

It was when it was born.

Although it feels that many of the past memories are clear after Ershi, the memory that is too long is not clear.

In its older memories, there are memories of the creatures of the original bus...that is, the original bus creatures that appeared when the tunnel collapsed.

However, for the specific knowledge of bus creatures, it is not understood from the original bus creatures.

It is learned from a ... stellar bus.

In the long life history, it encountered a star bus at some point.

This is similar to Ershi's situation. A certain group of individual biological beliefs on this bus unify the collection of beliefs.

The collection of beliefs was quickly noticed by the bus, so the bus interested in it communicated with the assembly.

The assembly was in a state of 'nothing' at the time, and it did not want to do anything, but it would respond to the information of other creatures.

While communicating with the assembly, the bus has been trying to ask about its origins.

When the assembly communicated with the bus, it happened as it is now, and it clearly recalls the previous things.

However, it is not immediately recalled, but slowly recalled during the communication process.

It may be because there is still a long time since the distance, in short, it can recall the original bus creature more clearly.

When the collective mentioned the original bus, the bus creature that communicated with it was very interested in it... I always tried to know more.

The collectives also learned some information about the creatures of the bus during the communication process, and knew that they were probably the evolution of the original bus.

Later they did not communicate for too long, because the situation at the time was not very stable.

It will soon die.

Then when it is reborn, it is not on the bus creatures, so it continues to be reincarnation from generation to generation.

Until now.

When the assembly was angry with Ershi, he said that Ershi was an original bus, and then consciousness was the word it stole.

This is actually it mimics the bones.

The bones and the Ershi people are a bit like, they just like to say that they are the other's elders to humiliate each other.

The creature's respect for the older individual will also make the creature think that the young individual has a low status, experience, knowledge and intelligence are more... short, and calling yourself the other's elder is equivalent to saying that the other person is stupid and low.

Many creatures have this idea... bones are no exception.

However, the collective does not have this idea, it does not feel that the elderly have anything remarkable.

Even if it is a lot of new emotions after being interested in twisting... it is just that it often sees bones humiliating the same way in this way.

So the way it learns to bones is to say that Bills is older and more...a long-lived existence. If you do this, you may insult it to Ershi. It thinks so.

Although... it actually has no effect.

After figuring out what seemed so interesting, Ersh felt that there was no need to keep it.

Hurry and kill it so that it can return to its reincarnation, so that Ershi... track its thinking.

It is also very simple to kill it.

That is to do some damage to the signal transmission parts of these giant bones, so that its thinking is gone.

It is not like a division of labor. For example, when the Inca group breaks down, the group consciousness will disappear, but the original thinking will come back again after the group merger.

If the mind of the assembly is separated, there is no way to come back. It will go to the next place.

Ersh thinks this is a special kind of creature, so it needs to be confirmed by tracking.

In this case, Lynn allowed a large number of micro-arms to drill into the internal signal organs of these huge bones.

Then start disassembling a lot of structures inside it.

"Stop, you can't do this!"

In the process of dismantling, Lynn can find that its thinking is very rejection of this kind of thing, and it does not want to go back to the past state.

But in addition to its thinking itself, Lynn also found another signal.

The mindset of the original aggregate was transmitted between these huge bones, but Lynn noticed from far away...

There is another signal that is transmitted to the signal organs of these bones.

Of course, Lin can feel it in the micro-arms that dismantle the organs.

These signals also have the same content: "Stop, can't kill it, can't let it end."

"Otherwise... it will never end."

Lynn was very curious about this, so she sent out some inquiries.

In fact, it was inserted into Lin's inquiry message in its signal organ, and this signal from a distant place was also found, so Lin gave some interesting explanations.

"It's still a little late."

It says that if you kill this collection now, it will definitely be reborn somewhere.

It must be allowed to live for a long time... The information also indicates that the living state of the organism itself is normal, and that this emotional state is not normal. The same is true.

As long as it is left in an abnormal state for a long period of time, it will be completely destroyed.

Will not be born again.

Of course, there will be no more individualistic beliefs in the unity, and of course similar beliefs will emerge.

It’s just that the collection of things is not called again.

In fact, distortion itself is a trap.

In order to make it interesting... generate emotions... and finally perish.

There is only a little time left, and there are probably a few years of pompoms.

It seems that it is actually a bit long.

In short, if you kill it now... then the plan for a long time will fail.

So it tried to communicate with Lin and Ershi to stop Lin from killing it.

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