4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2789: far away

Finally... it is still dead.

It’s not that Lynn killed it, but the collective himself committed suicide.

Perhaps because it learned about the communication between Lynn and the distant signal.

These giant bones have some self-explosive functions inside, and the assembly just started the self-explosion of some bones.

Self-explosion affects the signal organs inside them, and when these organs are blown up, the aggregates also die.

After it died, Ersh immediately tracked where it was.

Ershi said that the ‘thinking’ of the collective is a very interesting thing. A long time ago, Ershi once thought about how it was transmitted to some creatures in the void.

The conclusion is... no conclusions.

Because Ersh did not understand what the form of the aggregate was, and at the time it did not find the aggregate again, so there was no way to continue the investigation.

However, Ersh now feels that it has a way to detect it.

Mainly... Ersh is now in contact with a lot of things about space, and now Ershi thinks that the assembly is actually a bus-like creature.

It is mainly a creature that can use 'fine space'.

Nowadays, it is mainly believed that the bus transmission will be carried out using the numerous small and small spaces generated after the collapse of the void tunnel.

The same is true of the consciousness of the collective.

At the time of its death, there will be some small and small spaces in its place to transfer its consciousness to the distance.

These shredded spaces can also be said to transmit energy that affects some creatures. It does not initially cause any major changes to the creatures, but the thinking of these creatures will slowly change and unite.

This is a possibility that Ershi came up with, and it also thought of many possibilities.

But Ersh thinks this possibility is the biggest.

Because when he and Lin studied the devices that made space travel, Ershi specially studied the transfer of energy.

Transmitting energy is a kind of energy that exists widely in the void. They themselves are discovered by Lin, and they are the integration of a large number of small and small spaces.

Only bus creatures can 'use' them and pass through them to achieve a transfer effect.

However, when Ershe did this research, he also found that in addition to the usual transfer energy of the bus... there are actually some more small spaces.

Moreover, there are other strange spaces, and Ershi said that they all exist in the form of transmitting energy.

In short, there are many different types of 'transmitting energy'.

However, the bus does not use all, bus creatures only use one of them.

So, Ershi came up with this idea, maybe there are other creatures... will use other kinds of energy to transmit.

Now Ershi said that its idea should be confirmed, because at the moment of the death of the collective, it can detect that there are some 'fluctuations' in the transmission of energy.

The average bus is not aware of this energy, but Ershi 'upgrades' its perception.

And the direction that Ershi perceives... and the direction that the previous signal with Lin told me not to kill the assembly... is the same place.

Is the collection going where the signal is?

This is indeed very likely, and Lin believes that the signal should be something that initially attracts the assembly and tells it to be distorted.

But whoever it is is not sure.

Although Lin thought of some possibilities.

Like... twisted shaper and the like.

How did the distortion come from? It feels like it is related to all cell biology.

Since there is a connection, it is necessary to explore from the origin of cell biology... Although it is still a mystery in general, there are a group of creatures who claim to be the origin of cell biology.

Creators...whether they are the origin of cell biology, but it is indeed that they spread cell biology into the void.

Otherwise there will not be so many cell creatures in the void.

According to the information that Lin currently knows, during the period of the void tunnel... it should be that no cell organisms have emerged.

It is possible that cell organisms have grown stronger at some time after the collapse of the void tunnel.

In short, I will know when I go there.

Ershi is not going to check it because it doesn't go down the road.

After some of the equipment in the travel space was repaired, Ershi planned to move on.

Of course, Lin is going to see what is there, because I want to get past faster, so I will get a unit that will be transmitted.

It seems that various things are now temporarily over, and Ersh quickly fixed the devices and started the journey.

As for the huge bones that were originally controlled by the collective, they were thrown out of the travel space in the void, and Lynn decided to continue researching these things here.

... because Ersh thinks there may be danger in continuing to put them in the travel space, so let it go outside.

Lin decided to use these huge bones to integrate a new unit, which should be interesting.

At the same time, Lynn also paid attention to the other side.

Here is the place where the two ‘God’ are separated.

The diamonds are also divided into bones, and the two avatars have been flying in the void.

Generally speaking, they have nothing to pay attention to here, but Lin found that they suddenly flew to a very special place.

"It is here that we can make a new start here."

The two avatars flew to a huge object floating in the void.

This object can be said to be a ‘bone temple’.

Bone also has various beliefs like ordinary creatures, and they have also created many buildings such as temples.

This is the case with this building, which looks like a bunch of bones bonded together to form a sphere of three hundred meters in diameter.

There are many things like flags on the surface of the ball that are densely packed.

There is such a legend about this shrine. The bones usually sprinkle the same kind of body on the food and eat it... and it means no waste.

It is said that there are a group of bones. They think that they should not eat the same kind of corpses. All the corpses should be properly placed, so a huge ‘shrine’ is built... piled up with similar bodies.

The idea of ​​this group of bones was rejected by the bones and was treated as a cult, but it was said that they finally carried the temple into the void to save it.

What is strange now is why these two avatars will... find this temple?

It now seems that the bones are here and they are here with diamonds.

Lin found that the bones were separated... they were digging in the surface of the ‘shrine’.

These bone corpses are easily excavated and scattered to reveal the space inside.

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