4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2790: Things to do

"This is what we have to do."

"What are we going to do?"

"Of course... merge."

Here is the illusion of a temple consisting of a huge number of bone corpses in the void.

This temple was recently dug by two separate bodies.

Then Lin found that the interior of the temple was hollow, and the bones were just a layer outside.

Inside the hollow temple, there is a floating, much like... a golden object.

After coming in, the bones did not introduce the object, but told the diamonds what they were going to do.

They need to gather all the avatars and re-merge, so that they can merge into the original ‘God’.

This refers to the original shape, but can recreate the twisting device.

The bones seem to know a lot, and the diamonds seem to... don’t understand anything.

It keeps asking why the bones are convened to gather all the avatars to recreate the twisting device, but the bones don't tell it.

It just says that in addition to them there are some living ‘God’ avatars, all they have to do is find them.

Then integrate them.

Although the diamonds were strange, they decided to believe that the bones were separated and looked for those avatars.

Then Lin found that the two of them floated out of the temple and flew to the other side of the void.

... It seems that they come to this temple without any meaning.

After they left, Lynn asked the mini-arms to examine the entire temple. The bones around the temple were indeed ordinary... bone bodies.

The central part of the object is like a gold object, it is also the body of the bone.

It's just golden, and it's made up of a lot of small pieces of corpse stick together.

This temple seems to have no sense of meaning. Why does the bone pile suddenly produce this kind of thought?

After several hours of pompoms, Lin did not find the answer.

Because the two avatars have been flying in the void.

Their energy consumption is very slow, but it will continue to be consumed... After a while, it should be unable to fly.

Bone heaps should find something before they consume energy, before that...

Lin first focused on this side.

Lin has to go to find the battleship of collective thinking... it has already been made.

This is actually the result of the bones that were previously collected as the body of the assembly. After disassembling them, Lin will continue to study the important parts...such as the device that performs the distortion.

The rest of the material was combined by Lin, and some additional materials were added to make a warship.

This warship has a length of more than 600 meters and is shaped like the hand of Ershimin.

It just seems that the whole hand is covered with white fluff. These fluffs can be seen as tentacles and have many functions.

So Lynn called it ‘flaws’.

It has many functions that the original assembly has, for example, it can be drilled into space, and it can control the 'rules' in some spaces.

Because many of the abilities in it are made by Lin in accordance with the original organs of the assembly.

Of course, its most important role is to find the consciousness of the collective.

The 'flaws' can be transported using the surrounding transfer energy, and the location of the aggregate is not so far... it only takes a few passes to arrive.

Thinking, the transfer will begin.

The surrounding scenery changes rapidly, and the claws are continuously transmitted in the void.

Lin originally wanted to send it many times in a row, but after sending it twice, Lin stopped.

Because Lin found the source of the communication with Lin before.

It is in a different location than Lin’s previously confirmed location.

It was not in this position before, but when Lin came here, she suddenly felt that there was a signal coming from the front. This signal is to communicate with Lin.

It is about the size of Lin's claws and has a length of nearly six hundred meters, but the overall is a long square gray object.

"who are you?"

Lynn sent a signal to him asking about the brainwave signals that the cell biology's brain can receive.

"You...must die!" It responded immediately, and at the same time it responded, it also launched an attack.

The object suddenly exploded like a flower, and the moment it broke into eight pieces also radiated a large piece of flying objects from inside.

These should all be relatively common missiles.

At the time of the missile's flight, Lin also let the velvet shoot a lot of fluff, and each fluff hit a missile accurately.

After a while, they all exploded in the void, and there was no claw that could hit Lin.

And the eight pieces of the object did not continue to attack, they floated in the original position.

Then, Lin fluttered over and examined these objects.

Obviously, this is something like a box. It has a lot of missiles in it. It just spreads out all the missiles inside, and the remaining shells are useless.

Lin found that the shells were all made of metal, and Lin found a simple... control device in a shell.

It controls the overall split open-air missile and also controls the response to Lin.

Lin found that in addition to the sentence that Lynn had just received, this control device contained some other words.

As long as it emits brainwave information, it will respond.

The words stored in it are mainly: "You killed it. It should have perished. I want to destroy you."

These simple contents indicate how it kills the collection in the blame.

Although the collection is not a slay, it may not be that much.

But who is it?

These shells seem to have no answer, so Lynn does not care about them and continues to move forward to the goals set before.

After the transfer, Lin's claws came to a new environment.

In addition to the twinkling stars, there are a lot of ... missiles.

They are of the same type as the missiles that have just attacked Lin. These missiles are shaped like a thorny sphere.

Each size is about ten meters, and here they are quite dense.

It can be said that there are millions of people around the location of Lin's transmission. When Lin arrived here, they ran into Lin's claws.


The claws disappeared.

Lin sent to a location not far from the group of missiles, and then watched the missiles all hit together... turned into a dazzling brilliance.

At the same time, Lin also saw not far away... It should be the source of controlling these missiles.

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