4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2794: Special worship

"At the beginning of the people, **** is random."

"There is no order, no rules."

"This is the root of everything."

"All things in the void are randomly formed."

"The rules of accidental combination, the material that happens by chance..."


This is... in the void.

Lin's 'flaws' also floated above the ruins of the giant bridge city...

Not long ago, Lin grabbed all the bacteria bricks that could be found in the underground streets and then brought them to the claws.

Here, Lin can clearly detect that the ‘consciousness’ of the belief assembly will continue to pass between the bricks.

It is actually mainly transmitted through the silk thread made of bacteria bricks.

Because these bricks have produced a large number of silk threads, the filaments extending from them are actually connected to other bacteria bricks.

This connection allows them to share nutrients, and the more nutritious bricks will give nutrients to the nutrients.

The consciousness of the aggregates is transmitted through the interconnected threads of them.

The transfer speed is very fast...just like light.

But Lynn can detect that this is not a transmission, it is completely moving along the thread.

Lin is currently trying to stop it from moving, that is, trapped on a brick and then 'extract' it.

However, this special transmission energy for the consciousness of the aggregate is still very shallow... It is difficult to do this.

But as long as it has not been left in these bacteria bricks, then Lin can be researched sooner or later.

At the same time, Lynn is continuing to investigate the interior of this huge bridge.

At present, there are fifteen layers in the deepest part of Lin’s arms.

There is no silk thread spread out of the bacteria bricks here, because it is not part of the living area of ​​the bacteria bricks.

However, Lynn saw some other interesting things here. Although there are no creatures, there are many recording devices left by the creatures.

The main inhabitants here are the ones that have been guessed by Lynn for more than three meters... All the passages and rooms are designed with this size as standard.

There should be no residents who are larger than this standard... At least Lin has not found it.

The shape of the bacteria bricks is also very small. Although they are now more than ten meters, they are originally less than one meter.

They are so large because they constantly absorb nutrients.

They are creatures that grow as long as they have enough nutrients. When their consciousness is clear... they will pay attention to their size, but now they have no control at all.

On the fifteenth floor of these residents, Lynn found a lot of...the recording tools they left behind.

They are also communicated in the same way as ‘bloody’ and should be of the same species.

These recording tools are very much like the breadmakers of Ershimin.

They can be found in many rooms on the 15th floor, and their own use is to squeeze some of the stored blood-like viscous material from the top.

Through different operations, you can squeeze out the 'blood' of different shapes, and you can observe the shape of these blood to see some information inside.

Because Lynn has learned a lot about the **** language, so... can get a lot of information from these machines.

These machines mainly record a series of ... things.

Things about the beliefs of this group of creatures.

They... believe in randomness.

In almost all machines, this information is stored, a sect about ‘random’.

They think that everything in the void is disorderly, and it all happens to be combined.

Numerous coincidences have formed the void of today and formed every different life.

Their essence is chaos and disorder.

This is mainly the basic concept of this random sect.

Most machines are preaching this idea, and they may have spread this 'random belief' through such machines.

However, what are the benefits of random beliefs? This kind of behavior is not good in itself.

But it has a special role, that is... against unity.

By investigating these machines, Lin can find a lot of relevant information. The three-meter-strong main residents here have also unified the 'pollution'.

There were a lot of unified believers in their group at that time. The original performance of belief unity was mainly consistent action, and it had perfect order. Each individual cooperated perfectly. Numerous individuals cooperated with each other to make them look like It is a unified and huge consciousness.

And some of them feel that unity of faith is not a good thing.

Then they began to preach the opposite of unity...disorder.

This feeling is quite interesting.

It may be that they have also discovered it by chance. If you believe in randomness, you will have doubts about the unity of faith.

It is a biological individual who feels that life is random and coincident, and order is based on chance...

It will create a sense of distrust of unity.

There are so many people who don't like to be unified at first, and they discover this, they immediately spread random everywhere.

In fact, they don't need to promote the benefits of random beliefs.

They only need to convince other individuals that things are randomly formed.

Creatures with such thoughts will slowly move away from the unity of faith.

As a result, they began to advertise continuously, mainly using their latest research... to show that everything in the void is accidentally generated.

Lynn thinks this is very wonderful. I believe that there seems to be no conflict between random and belief unity.

However, as long as you believe in random creatures, it seems to be separated from the influence of the collection of beliefs.

It can be seen from the records of the machines that at the time they mainly relied on this way to restore a large number of unified believers to normal.

Save the entire population from perishing in unity.

After all, the united beliefs to the last creatures will collectively commit suicide, as far as we know there is no exception.

The creatures here don't know this, but some individuals feel that the unity of faith is not good.

Then their population did not die under unity.

But the demise is under random.

This seems to be another... wonderful development.

After starting them to get rid of a large number of believers, the random propaganda will stop here.

They did not advertise any beliefs at the time, but only advertised the fact that things were randomly formed.

But then there was such a group...

They regard randomness as a belief.

They worship disorder, have no rules, and can do anything... live.

This may be the main reason for the demise of the residents here.

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