"We should not have order, there should be no rules!"

This group of creatures has become very fanatical.


They are a random fanatic.

This is a new kind of faith that spreads rapidly across the entire biological community.

They don't need any rules, they do almost everything they think about, and don't worry about any consequences.

In fact, they have two kinds of random beliefs, one is to decide what to do by virtue of the ‘first impression’.

For example, when they see something, if they don't like it, they will immediately go up and lick it.

If there is no feeling, it is ignored. If you like it, you will bring it back.

Almost all living things begin to live in this way...

There is another kind of random belief that is all about luck.

This group of creatures also has something like 'scorpion', and they have to use this decision to see what to do when doing anything.

In any case, this group of creatures must become random when everything becomes... their populations quickly collapse.

Initially they ran away from ignoring various laws, and then began to kill similar games everywhere, and completely ignored the consequences of such behavior.

In all kinds of recording machines, it can be known that this group of creatures is completely mad, there is almost no ‘order’ in operation, and only a group of mad creatures live in the ruins of civilization.

But even so, they worship the random, even if they are too painful... there is no regret.

Lynn feels that it seems that the opposition of a collection of beliefs affects this group of creatures and prevents them from maintaining order.

However, as a group of large groups, they still have some individuals survived in this collapsed environment.

These events were then recorded with various recording machines... Finally, these individuals did not know how.

It may not be able to survive.

From these records, the reason for the extinction of this group of creatures seems to be very different from what **** said.

No matter how much, let's continue to explore.

Many of Lin's arms are still being explored quickly in the depths of the ground and in the large buildings on the Giant Bridge.

Lin is more concerned about the underground situation, and those arms that are exploring deep underground can find many interesting things.

For example, a deep pompom is now under attack.

This layer gives Lin a feeling of being heavily guarded. Although it looks like the underground street with the same number of layers above, as long as it moves on this street, the ground often pops up some...cannons and the like. Weapons.

At the same time, Lin also found that almost every door here would explode if it touched, or it would become extremely hot.

Even if you want to go through these doors and enter the rooms, you will find that all kinds of electrical furniture inside have instantly become weapons and shoot crazy against this side.

And some rooms have crushed traps.

Lynn used a lot of arms to test the various traps here. In fact, most of them are not working very well.

The ammunition reserve is not enough. It should have played a lot of role before, but here... no bodies have been seen.

No traces of biological residues were observed.

This is the most wonderful place, because many of the recording machines with random worship have not found any corpses and wrecks.

The bodies of these creatures... should be very much.

But they are all gone, and there are no traces left. It should be something to get them all gone.

At this time, Lin's pompom came to a special place deep in the underground.

The entire underground environment currently explored is almost always a narrow street environment.

There are very few such...so spacious environments.

It is like a square here.

The entire square is more than a kilometer in diameter and the ground is very flat and looks like a grey rock structure.

In fact, it is indeed a rock structure, but there are many cracks on the surface. These are actually... organs.

There are many traps hidden under the square. Some of them are machine guns, some are thundering, and some are grotesque weapons that don't know what works.

Lin’s pompom flew slowly in the square, and sprinkled a lot of miniature arms into these cracks... investigate what kind of weapons are inside the gap.

'boom! ’

Just as Lin’s pompoms approached the center of the square, Lin found that there was a... the warhead flew away from a distance.

The speed of this warhead is more than three hundred meters per second, not very fast... so Lynn's pompoms easily escaped it... and by the way, it simulated the sound in this place without air.

However, when the warhead hit the air and hit the ground, Lin found that the entire square was shaking.

A large number of weapons stretched out from the open floor and simultaneously aimed their heads at the pompoms.

But they did not fire.

"You still found it here... because there are too many clues, too much guidance is not necessarily a good thing."

This is a brain wave signal that can be received by cell organisms. Lin can easily understand what it means.

"Who are you?" Lynn asked the pompom to question it.

"I represent their collapse and demise." This signal responded: "You have discovered it above, their demise, then I am their source of extinction."

"The void can't be without order. You think so. We have already set the order here. We have to go to a new place to create more order, but I think this is not enough. The order here... not enough."

"..." When it spoke, Lin was mainly paying attention to the direction of the signal.

This signal was transmitted from a cannon not far from the pompom.

This is just a sender, not its body, and Lin feels its body... obviously deeper.

"Are you destroying the creatures here?" Lin asked.

"Yes, the creatures here have not been able to survive, although their original intentions are good... but once they get into disorder, they can't be saved."

"What kind of creature are you?" Lin continued to ask.

"We should be very familiar." When it said these words, Lynn felt some special signals.

These signals...therefore, it should be the one that controls the world of thin lines... creatures.

At the same time, it is also a creature that gave Lin a signal to Linlin not to kill the collection of beliefs.

What kind of creature is it?

Lynn decided to send it directly to the location of its body, and Lin recently detected the position of the body with the claws.

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