4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2796: management

"They have tried it."

"Do you want to try it too? Do you want to save it?"

"That is unlikely."

"Because it did that... it triggered the war."

Lin's pom-pom is slowly moving in a dark environment.

This ambient temperature is quite high, almost letting the ice melt.

At the same time, there are countless pieces of debris floating around them. They are like dust surrounded by dust and generally surround the pompons.

Finally, there is the ‘sound’ that keeps resounding.

"Everything is over, yes, we have finished everything, we are leaving."

"But we will destroy some things that have tried to destroy us before we leave completely."

As it continued to reverberate, Lynn did not respond to it any more, but moved in the direction it was sent.

The debris around it became more and more as Lin's progress... rich, in fact, these crumbs are the biological bodies that Lin had always wanted to know where to go.

They are all made into crumbs here and are scattered here.

And this position is the center of the giant bridge... Not long ago, Lin sent a pompom to it.

This place is completely dark, and of course there is no gravity, and all kinds of things are floating.

It seems... this is it.

When the distance of almost a hundred meters was moved, Lin’s pompoms stopped.

Shown in front of the pompom is a disc-shaped object with a diameter of more than 30 meters.

There are many on the surface of this disc... It looks like a embossed embossed, which seems quite interesting.

"So, what are you going to do?" At this time, Lin received the signal again, which was sent directly from the disc.

"I want to know what you are," Lin said.

"Just simply want to know? Don't want to do anything else? Like the last arrival, try to destroy me. It is more interesting to do so."

"..." Lin did not say anything, but sprinkled the micro-arms to detect the surface of the disc-shaped object.

This seems to be... ‘Lost Legionary Legacy’.

It should not be the heritage itself, but it is related to the heritage.

Previously...Lin once found a creature in the condensed void, which created an army called the Lost Legion and harvested all the cell creatures that were not managed by the Creator to obtain their nuclear information.

The large amount of bionuclear information it collects is engraved on small plates that are placed in a huge, solid object.

This object, which stores all nuclear information records, is called the Lost Legion Heritage, and it also has the name of lost treasure.

Lin found that the discoid body that Linlin saw now... it is similar to the lost treasure.

The embossments on its surface have many plates, each half a millimeter in size, and some nuclear information is recorded on it.

The way of recording and the lost treasure are recorded in exactly the same way, so Lin reminds of that thing.

"Do you know them? It is a missing link." At this moment, the signal in the disc suddenly said: "If you have seen..."

"I have seen them." Lin said: "I have seen a nuclear information record like this."

“Is it?” This message seems a little surprised: “So where is it?”

"You may be able to explain it first." Lin said: "What are you?"

"...If that's the case, that's fine."

Then, this signal tells Lynn something about it.

It calls itself a 'distorting manager'... it is responsible for managing things about distortions.

Lynn also asked... what is the distortion?

"This is order." It says: "Let everything be in accordance with the planned route, plan, and order of action."

As for the distortion itself, it is related to biological nuclear information.

This is a plan that started a long time ago, putting some 'hidden data' in the nuclear information of cell biology.

These hidden data do not help the growth of the cell biology itself, but it will be changed by the influence of the evolution of the cell organism itself, or it can be said to evolve along with the cell biology.

As long as all the cellular organisms in the void evolve to a certain stage, the hidden data in their bodies will also present a state that can be called 'perfect'.

Finally, it is to extract the hidden data that has become perfect, and then use the data to distort the things in the sky in various ways.

This will also make everything perfect.

This is the general picture of the entire ‘distortion plan’.

Of course, there are still a lot of details that are not explained. What Lin is more concerned about is what these hidden data are.

Why is it 'perfect' with the evolution of cell biology? It does not make any explanation for all this.

It said that it is only doing some testing at the moment... The current plan cannot be implemented.

One of the reasons for the inability to implement is the legacy of the Lost Legion.

Managers say that the nuclear information in the heritage can make them more complete distortion plans.

Of course, the loss of the estate itself is not in the distortion plan, but it is considered to be better to join the heritage.

"So, are you a creator?"

Lin asked at the end.

"No." It just gave such a simple answer.

"If you can bring a legacy, maybe I will tell you more things." The manager said: "But maybe there is no time."

"The final destruction is about to start, all the tests have been completed, my last mission... is the need to destroy the creatures that have tried to destroy us."

"Now, the startup has begun."


At the end of it, Lin felt that it started to shake.

In fact, the entire 10,000-kilometer giant bridge began to shake.

It said that the start, it seems to start this... the whole bridge?

Lin asked it, what the bridge is.

"It is a creature. It has been involved in the war that destroyed us, but it is no longer a creature, it is just a corpse, and there are countless rots on the body. I am also a member of it, but I am better than others. The scavengers must be strong, so at the end I managed to control this...the body."

"What kind of creature is it?" Lin asked.

"You see the information...you know, they store everything."

So, it refers to these reliefs on the disc...

There are also subtle record information on the relief.

It contains all the things that it has been talking about trying to destroy their creatures.

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