4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2799: Observation

"It does a lot of things in the void. Novels."

It is said that when the synthetic creature swallowed up its original birthplace, it began to think about everything in the void.

For example, why is it here, why it was born, what is it here, what is the void.

It has these strange ideas that seem to be due to the relationship of eating too many civilized creatures.

When it was curious about this void, it also tried to start the journey of exploration.

However, it did not go anywhere, just staying in the same place and observing the changes in the void.

The perceptual power of synthetic organisms also comes from the various creatures and objects that are attached to it, so it has a variety of ... perceptual capabilities.

It has been observing the various changes in the stars in the sky, to imagine a variety of things.

In the long observation, it did nothing, just staying like this...

On its body, new biomes emerged.

In fact, it does not eat the original biological group, and many other creatures remain on it.

Some creatures have evolved new civilizations and began to try to grow and develop in it, and it has not put these creatures on themselves as they have in the past.

Instead, observe the activities of these creatures with curiosity and pay attention to their...life.

Therefore, these organisms have slowly developed in a safe environment.

In the process of development, they also slowly transform the environment in which they live, that is, the body of the entire synthetic organism.

The body of the original synthetic creature is still the same as before, and there is no difference between a lot of debris.

Slowly... The creatures that have developed here have created a place like a fortress.

But there is still a big difference compared to the present.

Synthetic organisms have no opinion on this because they are the mainstay of the transformation and do not affect itself.

But this group of creatures quickly made things that affected itself.

Because they are always in the process of development, they are always investigating what they care about, because they found that there are many biological civilizations in this place besides them, but they are all extinct.

But there are a lot of traces left for them to be investigated carefully.

They follow various traces...like the buildings and records of the past civilizations, etc. They found the last moments of these civilizations.

To be precise, it is the body of those civilized creatures in the past.

In fact, they are not corpses, they have become part of the body of synthetic creatures, but the original biological shapes are mostly preserved and can be found in many places.

Coupled with some of the records left by the past civilizations, this group of civilizations is slowly discovering...

Things about synthetic creatures... This huge monster is extinct and swallows up all civilizations.

All signs show that the synthetic creature has not left, it is still located in this place.

They have made a lot of speculation that it may be that synthetic creatures have swallowed up all civilizations and then slept, or what makes it inactive now.

However, once the synthetic organisms are active, they will definitely pose a huge threat to their civilization.

So this group of civilizations immediately began to study everything in the past more carefully and worked hard to develop weapons.

At the same time, they are constantly trying to research and manufacture aircraft that can escape from here.

Although synthetic organisms observed their activity, it did not interfere.

And this group of creatures is constantly researching and investigating, and finally found out...

The location of the 'neural structure' of the synthetic organism.

The creatures immediately prepared the strongest bombs they could make at the time, trying to blow up the nerves of synthetic creatures.

But they also found a problem, that is, the nerves of synthetic organisms are at the core of this whole region.

If you blow it up, it will definitely collapse the place where they have been living.

So they all planned to fly all the way to the void, and then blow up here.

But this is more troublesome, although it is much easier for the creatures that live in the void itself to fly away than the creatures living on the tumbling.

But they were only just beginning to develop aircraft, and it was not an easy task to remove all civilizations.

At this time, one...the researchers made a special opinion.

They feel that they should be able to communicate with this synthetic creature...

The researcher believes that synthetic organisms may be a kind of intelligent creature, although it is said that in the past civilization records, they are described as dangerous.

But maybe... synthetic creatures are not necessarily dangerous species.

Although this idea has received a lot of opposition, but after all, they have no good idea at the time... Before you make a large enough aircraft to be able to transport them all, it is not bad to try this method.

So, based on this researcher, they tried to start communicating with synthetic biology.

And they can't find any way to communicate...

Although synthetic creatures have been observing them, they will not give any response to the various things they do.

There was no interference, and I didn’t know what it was thinking at the time.

It just looks at this group of creatures.

However, this researcher has discovered the neural structure of synthetic organisms under continuous research.

It notices that the neural structure of the synthetic organism itself extends to its whole body...that is, almost all of the whole area has its nerve structure inside.

The neural structures that they originally discovered are just places where nerves gather more. Blowing them up will not kill synthetic creatures... but may irritate synthetic organisms.

Fortunately, it didn't blow it up at the time... When the researchers thought about it, it found another thing.

That is, they can use their own nerves and the nerves of synthetic organisms... contact.

Because the creatures themselves have some exposed neural structures, they are used to communicate between the populations.

So the researchers found that when they use their own neural structures to contact the neural structures of synthetic organisms...

It can feel the consciousness of synthetic organisms.

Despite this, it found that there was no way to communicate through it.

Because of what it thinks, the consciousness of synthetic organisms will not respond.

But the researchers believe that as long as they can feel it, sooner or later they can communicate...

It also began to study in this direction.

Until some time.

They have never succeeded in reaching an exchange.

Instead, it has produced some ... special circumstances.

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