4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2800: Special cases

"This feeling is really...it's wonderful."

When the original researchers disclosed this...that is, the fact that their neural structures could be connected to the neural structures of synthetic organisms...

All creatures want to try it... this feeling.

Of course, it was initially a small number of relevant researchers to carry out this nerve docking activity.

In addition to the researcher at the beginning, other nerve-contacting creatures produce a ... symptom.

They think that the feeling of nerve contact is very wonderful.

It is like an instant... omnipotent and omnipotent, can clearly feel that you are swimming in the empty sea of ​​stars.

If they are disconnected, they will feel how weak their original perception is, as if they are crawling and crawling in a small dark space.

This huge contrast... makes them very lost.

Perhaps the original researcher was very sensible, it didn't care much, but other nerve-connected creatures...

It is addictive to this feeling.

They often try to connect the nerves... to feel the feelings, and even some cases that are not connected for a long time, will be uncomfortable.

The original researchers noticed this problem. It told the surrounding people that they only felt the sensory system of synthetic organisms. There is no need to be fascinated by it.

Of course, this does not make sense.

They are still fascinated by the connection between nerves, and this thing has spread.

Slowly, not only a few researchers know about it, but more and more creatures, even the general public know.

But at first they were just curious. After all, no one can touch the neural structure of synthetic organisms.

However, the research records of the original researchers did not know how to spread.

As mentioned in its research, the biological structure of synthetic organisms is very rich, spreading throughout the entire 'world'.

Almost every stone has its own neural structure in every object.

These neural structures do not need to be directly connected together to transmit signals to each other.

After knowing this, many ordinary people began to look for synthetic nerves...the nerve structure because of the curiosity about that wonderful feeling.

Once they are found, they use their own neural structures to get in touch.

As a result, they did succeed in feeling the consciousness of synthetic organisms.

So they also began to addicted to it.

This is out of control.

This situation begins when the biological civilization begins to pass, that is, when this civilization collapses.

All the people do nothing in the whole day, they are connected to synthetic organisms.

There are quite a few people who even think that it is okay to die. If it dies in the connection, it will merge with the consciousness of synthetic creatures forever.

In this case, of course, no one is willing to work.

They have been trying to make nerve connections... until they die.

The original researchers realized how big mistakes it made.

It also found its willingness to care.

In fact, it is not because it is very rational, so it does not care, but it is sick.

This group of creatures is similar to cell biology. They are doing their work, winning, and so on... They will secrete a 'reward substance' in their brains to make them happy and satisfied.

The same is true for the neural connections with synthetic organisms, which secrete a lot of reward substances in their brains to make them feel extremely comfortable... comfortable.

Although they did not actually do anything.

This is similar to the use of various drugs by Ershi people to stimulate the production of reward substances in the brain.

There is no meaning other than the emptiness of emptiness.

However, since it is so simple to get the rewards that you have been able to get through hard work, why bother to work?

So they all yearn for this feeling.

The researchers themselves are sick, and their own brains secrete less rewards. Usually, they are only frantic, and they can only get a little satisfaction after continuous high-intensity research.

Usually it doesn't feel like most of the other things that are happy, it looks miserable, but now...

This disease has made it one of the survivors of the entire civilized minority.

It has witnessed the destruction of its own civilization under the rapid spread.

After all, the neural structure of synthetic organisms is so common that they can be found everywhere.

However, there is a small problem here, that is, in the past population development, why is there no such addiction?

After all, their populations have exposed nervous systems, and in the past life there should be occasional exposure to synthetic biological nerves.

But it has never been heard of anyone who is so addicted until now.

The researchers quickly realized it.

This must be... synthetic creatures.

Synthetic creatures may have awakened very early, but it did not take any action, but used this method to destroy them.

In the past, they should not feel anything when they contacted the nerves. What did the synthetic organisms do? It caused them to feel the feeling of being connected when they connected the nerves.

The researchers investigated that it believes that the nerves of the synthetic organism itself are in a 'closed' state.

It should be the earliest, and after they have conducted a comprehensive study of synthetic organisms, synthetic organisms have opened their nerves.

This will cause the creature touching it to feel its perception.

The researcher immediately made a decision.

It is going to destroy synthetic creatures.

They had been worried about not blowing up synthetic creatures because they could not transport the entire civilization.

But now they have no such concerns, because there are only a few ... survivors, some of them are also sick, while others are completely without nerve connections.

It is easy for these few individuals to escape, but of course they may be difficult to drift in the void.

But... they all agree that this creature that perishes their civilization should be destroyed.

Although the researchers believe that it is unlikely to blow up the entire synthetic organism, it can at least give it a big hit.

Anyway, they have to be executed.

And they did.

These survivors concentrate all the bombs they can carry to the most synthetic synthetic nervous system...

Synthetic organisms are not blocked.

After a violent explosion, the survivors also fled the place with an aircraft.

They think that everything will end.

Whether synthetic creatures are alive or not, they can all live a new life...

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