4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2801: Disappointed

Life in the void... very difficult.

This group of survivors who got rid of synthetic creatures and flew into the void... could not see hope at all.

They can only see the beautiful starry sky...

There is also a warehouse that is eating fast.

Many creatures who travel in the void will encounter this problem, that is, they can't find any food for a long time.

The same is true of this group of creatures.

Their warehouses were eaten up after they had been traveling for a while, and because they escaped too quickly, they did not develop any long-sleeping devices.

In short... they can't keep going.

However, this group of survivors came up with an idea, maybe... can go back.

Because they felt that synthetic organisms might have been killed, they were bombarded with the most densely packed nerve structures.

After the bomb may blow up, the thinking of synthetic creatures has no way to continue... Maybe it will die.

But the researchers remain opposed to this.

Because it always carries a small section...the nerve line of synthetic biology.

Even if this nerve line is far away, the researchers can still feel the thinking of synthetic organisms when they contact it with their own neural structures.

Synthetic creatures are not dead at all.

However, they are not floating in such a way, so they started a meeting to discuss it... The final decision is to go back.

But not directly return to the place where they lived, that is, the body of synthetic creatures.

Instead, it floats nearby, lives in an aircraft, and collects necessities from the body of synthetic creatures.

This will allow you to live while... while studying ways to completely eliminate synthetic organisms.

Although the researchers thought it was dangerous to do so, they had no other way, so they had to go back.

The aircraft were flying for a while, and they were horrified to discover that... they were lost.

Originally, according to this flight, it should be able to return to the position where the synthetic organisms were located, but after flying, they found that...

Synthetic creatures are not here.

This is not because the synthetic creatures have left the original position, but their locators have made mistakes and there is no way to return to their original position.

They immediately intended to correct the positioner and, after correction, found that there was still a long way to go from the normal position.

And their food has no way to support it for so long.

“Why haven’t you found the locator error?”

The original cause was this sentence. The creatures began to blame each other and argued.

Because there is no hope in the next life, there are several creatures that have already become desperate to start attacking the surrounding kind.

Soon the survivors in the aircraft began to attack each other, seemingly to unfold the last killing that symbolized the end of their civilization.

It’s all because of meaningless emotions...

Researchers think so.

Looking at these last kind of mutual attacks, it began to recall the previous time.

In fact, once connected nerves have symptoms of addiction, they completely banned nerve connections and gave ... very serious punishment.

But there are still countless people who are trying to connect, and eventually the entire civilization has collapsed.

Why do they have to do this? Why do you have to... only care about the satisfaction of the moment?

The researchers fell into meditation.

The current situation is similar. After discovering the error, I will rely on the other kind to make myself satisfied.

Even if there is no practical meaning to do this, they have to do it.

After all, relying on the mistakes on the same kind, I will feel relaxed... The root of this feeling is also from the secreted substances in the mind.

After the creature has wisdom, it always feels that it is based on reason and gets rid of the influence of instinct.

In fact, it is not at all... They have always been controlled by instinct, and they have been pursuing a little bit of reward material that is secreted in the deep nerves.

All the species of this civilization are themselves symbols of sorrow.

... They actually see a little reward material more important than the entire population.

When the researchers came up with this idea, it killed all the same kind.

To be precise, they broke through their 'brains', but the body was well preserved.

They belong to the kind of creature that can live for a while without the brain, and the researchers are taking advantage of this time... to add a new brain to these similarities.

This 'brain' is made by studying the neural structure of synthetic organisms.

After fleeing, it has been studying the synthetic biological structures that he brought out.

The original was to find out how to completely eliminate synthetic organisms, and it was discovered during the research, or very early...

Synthetic organisms themselves have very similar neural structures to themselves, and when connected to synthetic nerves... it is a sensible sensation that surrounds other connected nerves.

Simply put, synthetic biology is like a huge ‘network’, and all creatures can be connected.

They can sense each other by synthesizing nerves.

Only in the past they mainly felt the consciousness of synthetic organisms, and the perception of the same kind is very weak.

But now, after leaving the synthetic creatures so far, the sense of consciousness of the synthetic organism itself when it comes into contact with synthetic biological nerves... is not that strong.

Instead, I can feel the same kind of consciousness more clearly.

The researchers also tested on the aircraft with several companions who were as ‘sick as it’.

Of course, these companions are now killed by it.

Although they are as ill as themselves and are not controlled by rewards, they will certainly disagree with themselves and may obstruct themselves.

So the researcher decided to make himself the last survivor and the first resuscitator of the entire population... and this must be aided by synthetic creatures that destroyed their population.

It is based on the neural structure of synthetic organisms and manufactures many mechanical devices.

These mechanical devices are then placed in the same type of brain.

At the same time, it also carries a synthetic nerve.

Next... it succeeded.

It finds that when you are exposed to synthetic biological nerves, you can clearly feel the same kind of body.

At the same time, if it makes some thoughts, its idea will affect the body through the synthetic biological nerves, thus controlling these bodies to move.

Because they have no original brain, their bodies have become signals from the nerves of synthetic organisms.

In this way, researchers can control them.

In fact, the original researchers did not think about success, after all, it has not been tested before.

But since it is successful.

Then their population... will surely recover.

But first of all, we must solve the problem of starvation.

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