This is perhaps the earliest...unified faith.

Focusing on the researchers themselves, they manipulate large groups of similar ones.

Initially it only allowed these similar bodies to do simple things.

But after they are proficient, what they can do is more and more complicated.

It never felt so good.

There is no dispute of noisy, no stupid pursuit of the same kind of reward material in the brain, only a group of quiet bodies.

Willing to listen to the body of any instruction.

The current food problem has also been temporarily resolved. After all, it no longer needs to distribute food to each member fairly.

Researchers generally leave these bodies in an inactive state, which saves food very much.

Even if you need it, you can eat a few bodies... Of course, the researchers themselves do not eat, but they can give some body nutrients as other bodies.

So after it re-adjusted the positioner, it started to return.

Researchers are also worried because it can control these bodies... that synthetic creatures can certainly.

It may not be possible for synthetic organisms to control them after they return.

But it can't drift all the time, it has to go back to get the essentials.

This time, the locator didn't make a mistake... It successfully returned to its original position and successfully saw...the synthetic creature.

The 'surface' of synthetic creatures is not much different from when it leaves, and their civilization ruins still stand there.

When approaching a distance of three thousand miles, the researchers stopped the aircraft.

In order to prevent its similar body from being controlled, it locks them in advance, but it notices... these bodies seem to be fine.

In other words, they are not controlled by synthetic organisms, and researchers can still direct them.

Even so, the researchers did not dare to use them directly, and they took a small boat back to the ruins of civilization.

Then collect things everywhere, initially mainly food, and then necessities like various energy sources are becoming more and more abundant as it continues to collect.

In the end, it lives on an aircraft three thousand kilometers away from the body of synthetic organisms, and keeps itself alive by collecting ruins.

Of course, it is not prepared to live like this.

When the resources are sufficient, it begins to recover.

This is to let the current several similar bodies to breed.

Although they have no brains, the reproductive physiology is still there... It is not very difficult to make them breed.

Of course, the cubs they gave birth have brains, so the researchers removed the brain after they grew to a certain extent, and put the neural structure of the synthetic organism into control.

In this way, the body that it can control is more and more, but it finds a problem, that is, its own control has a ceiling.

It can only control a certain number of bodies.

So the researchers began to study the neural structure of synthetic organisms more closely...

In the end, it created a new 'mechanical brain'.

After putting the same kind of body, these similar kinds will carry out some basic instinctive activities, such as moving, eating or something.

It does not require any detail and it is carefully controlled.

It only needs to make general commands, such as letting them go, these bodies will go by themselves.

There is no need to carefully control how their limbs swing.

In this case, the number of bodies it controls is greatly increased.

Later, the researchers began to modify their own aircraft in order to accommodate more bodies and to recover the entire population.

It slowly transformed the originally fleeing aircraft into a huge space station.

During this time, researchers have been studying the most critical things... about synthetic organisms.

In fact, it can control so many bodies, all because of the large number of neural structures found from synthetic organisms.

Researchers have been trying to prevent synthetic organisms from controlling these bodies, and they have never dared to approach them.

Moreover, the location of residence has moved from more than 3,000 kilometers to tens of thousands of kilometers.

But sometimes for testing, the researchers specifically let some of the bodies it controls close to synthetic organisms.

But they found that these bodies were not controlled, and they were continuously controlled by researchers even in synthetic organisms.

The researchers are very strange... what the synthetic creatures are thinking.

It has been trying to study and understand the idea of ​​synthetic organisms, but there has been no progress at all.

It can only be developed in doubt...

Slowly, the life of the researchers themselves is almost over.

It has developed a very large... group, but this group has only one such 'brain'.

The researcher decided to continue this state, and only then can the population of it continue to be maintained.

So it found a candidate, which was selected from the newborn pups.

Every cub will be taken off the brain and replaced with mechanical brain control... but the latest batch of pups are carefully scanned across the brain.

The researchers let the brain of a cub... survive.

This pup is the one that it found during the scan and the person closest to it, and the same 'ill' as it is.

It believes that this individual can perfectly inherit its consciousness and continue to develop civilization.

It taught everything that he knew to the cub and let it know the specifics of civilization.

In the end, the cub inherits everything from the researcher.

The researchers also died.

Because the character is close, the baby grows new... After the second generation of the researcher, it also began to develop according to the old road.

Of course, they didn't plan to continue to develop like this. Maybe they will completely eliminate the synthetic creatures at a certain time... so that the new generation of cubs will no longer be removed from their heads and grow up.

The beginning of the researcher generation thought so, although it was disappointing to the same kind of selfishness, it still wanted to revitalize the entire civilization.

The second generation has different ideas.

Although they are similar in character, they cannot be exactly the same.

The second generation believes that the use of the neural structure of synthetic organisms to control this behavior of the same body means that it is impossible to completely eliminate the synthetic organisms.

The only way to destroy it is to never use this neural structure.

Destroying all neural structures is the right way.

How to do it has become the research theme of the second generation.

It does not use the nerves of synthetic organisms while trying to maintain control of the same body.

This is actually... not difficult.

There has been a generation of various nerve-related studies accumulated, and the second generation is still very young.

It has enough time to develop a new, mechanical brain that does not contain synthetic biological nerves.

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