4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2803: success?

"Successful... I succeeded!"

The second generation of researchers has done what a generation has failed to do...

After a long period of research, it was finally successfully manufactured...

A group of similar bodies that can be controlled without the need to synthesize biological nerves.

In fact, controlling the same kind of body still needs nerves, except that it completely replaces the original synthetic biological nerves with ... the same kind of neural structure.

This requires removing most of the brain of the same type, leaving a small part plus some special mechanical devices... so that the same control effect can be achieved.

After the second generation completed this, it began... to fully remove the nerves of synthetic organisms.

It sent a large number of ... the bodies charged with the body to the ruins of their original civilization, where they rebuilt... many buildings.

At the same time, they also began to fully remove the neural structure of synthetic organisms under the command of the second generation.

The neural structures of synthetic organisms are widely present in various substances... It is very difficult to remove them... but it is not impossible.

The second generation has developed a ... device.

This device is a disassembling combination machine that rapidly disassembles substances and screens out synthetic biological nerves in various substances.

Then the second generation built many factories with such dismantling machines on the original ruins of civilization, and used them to reconstruct many buildings without synthetic nerves.

Of course, the goal of the second generation is to decompose and reconstruct the body of the entire synthetic creature, to get all the nerves inside and destroy them.

It is also a bit afraid that synthetic creatures will attack it in the process, so it has been remotely commanding the same kind of body to do these things. If there is any movement in the synthetic creature, it will immediately fly the aircraft to escape.

However, synthetic organisms have not been moving.

After it reduced the original ruins to a former city, the synthetic creatures still did nothing.

The second generation believed that it should be a long time ago that they had blown up a large number of neural structures of synthetic organisms, and maybe synthetic organisms could not do anything at all.

So it began to accelerate the reconstruction plan on a large scale.

It sent a large number of troops to build a dismantling plant everywhere in synthetic organisms and begin to completely reshape the body of synthetic organisms.

This process is long...and boring.

Because the second generation always guarded against synthetic creatures when they did this, but in fact it did not encounter any ... dangerous.

There are no obstacles and no difficulties.

Even so, it takes a long time to refactor such a big thing.

Fortunately, the second generation was still very young at the time, so it could see the completion of the entire reconstruction plan before its life was dissipated.

Yes... At the end it completed the refactoring plan.

It “renovated” the entire body of the synthetic creature, and almost eliminated the synthetic biological nerves inside.

Of course, it can't guarantee 100% elimination, but it doesn't matter if there is only a little left. Synthetic creatures simply can't rely on a little nerve formation thinking.

As for the nerves in some substances, it is very difficult to get rid of them. In this case, it will destroy such substances.

Most of the substances are good at removing the nerves inside.

It completely reconstructs the body of the synthetic creature... into a huge 'bridge'.

The bridge that Lin is seeing now is very similar.

Their civilized population is also ... completed the recovery.

Now the second generation has moved back from the aircraft to this place, which gave the place a new name... ‘the only bridge’.

In order to commemorate their civilization recovery.

This name is mainly because it controls all the same kind of body, and completes such a feat with a single consciousness, so it has this name.

But according to the plan of the original generation of researchers, it is time to end this control.

And the second generation... don't want to do this.

Because during the time of reconstructing the synthetic organism, it has been watching the various things of the past civilization.

From the beginning of their civilization... until the end, they all continued to compete, and in the end they almost ruined a meaningless mutual accusation.

Mainly it is also greatly influenced by the thinking of a generation.

The second generation believes that their civilization should be like this, and it is enough to maintain a unified operation with one consciousness.

There is no need for more awareness at all, and that is simply the source of redundancy and disputes.

Therefore, it does not follow the plan of the first generation, but continues to control the next baby, but its life is endless.

At the end of the second generation, it also found a pup with a similar personality like a generation, and decided to let the youngsters continue to develop their revived civilization.

The second generation did not personally cultivate this cub, it was already set after a set of cultivation system was set up and died.

It decided to let the set mechanical system raise the pups.

So... this didn't work.

All pups are placed in the cultivating container at the time of their birth, and when they grow to a certain extent, most of their heads are cut off.

Of course, the successors of the second generation will not be cut off their heads.

But because of a small system failure, the head of this successor... was also cut off.

Since the second generation was dead at the time, it did not stop this mistake.

So this civilization has no consciousness to inherit.

At that time, there was only a lot of wandering bodies on the whole ‘only bridge’.

Without the control of consciousness, they still have some basic abilities, such as they will maintain buildings, cultivate food, and carry out some simple daily life.

At the same time, they will multiply on their own, and each time a fixed number of pups are born, they are placed in the cultivation container.

The ability to have these basic activities allows the rulers to control the details of their actions.

And this allows them to maintain the entire civilization even if they are not controlled by consciousness.

But they will not have any development.

Because their behavior patterns are fixed, the number of pups currently produced is based on current resources, but if there is any problem with the resources, then there will be insufficient food for so many cubs.

Of course, this civilization will not invent anything. They will live here forever and cannot fly to the void.

Normally it should be like this.

But the distorted manager said...the actual situation is different.

It passed for a long time.

This group of civilizations began a wonderful movement.

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