On the 'single bridge', a group of bodies with only a little brain left to maintain the entire civilization.

They continue to repeat the same work, allowing them to continue to multiply.

But their resources are not unlimited.

When the resources are reduced, they continue to make a large number of pups according to the original activity mode... resulting in a lot of cubs not enough food and not growing.

At this time, their overall number has also begun to decrease.

And this group of bodies should only be active in a fixed pattern, but in reality they are not...

They seem to have noticed the current situation and began to reduce the number of pups.

It also changed some behavior patterns.

Although any body that lacks most of its head does not show intellectual thinking, their entire group has begun to unify activities and begin to change behavior patterns for the entire population.

It seems that they have completely become a division of labor.

These brainless bodies began to act in unison and began to work hard to maintain the life of the population, but no matter how they are

Originally they were throwing out the dead bodies of the old and the dead. Now, after the shortage of food, they have crushed the bodies as food resources.

Of course, they are not going to care about eating similar corpses.

Later, they also reduced various activities, and almost all individuals were always in a state of sleep to reduce energy consumption.

However, no matter how hard they work, the resources on the entire 'only bridge' are limited.

In the constant consumption, there will still be little left.

And because of the longevity of the individual, they need to increase the number of pups regularly to maintain the population.

This causes them to slowly collapse...

However, this group of creatures did not die so simple, because the only bridge at that time gathered a lot of transmitted energy.

When these transmitted energy converge to a certain extent, the entire unique bridge disappears.

It is transmitted to another place in the void, a place with resources.

Twisted managers believe that this should be a bus that helped them.

Because it feels that this group of creatures can become a unified consciousness of divisional species mainly because of synthetic organisms.

Synthetic organisms did not dissipate because the original neural structure was destroyed.

In fact, the consciousness of synthetic organisms is mainly in a special transmission energy, and those nerve structures are those that the original bus synthesized because of this energy affecting their subconscious mind, and the nerve structure is destroyed. Will not let the consciousness of synthetic creatures disappear.

Maybe it is for some reason, and ‘hosting’ is in the minds of this group of civilized creatures.

The brain nerves left by this group of civilizations are connected to each other, thus forming a unified consciousness.

At the same time, there is also a large amount of transmission energy in this place.

Although bus creatures have long abandoned the use of this special transmission energy, they may still be able to affect the subconscious of some bus creatures in the vicinity.

This may make the bus creature feel the newly formed unity consciousness here, and know that this consciousness is dying.

Then the nearby bus creatures sent it to the place where there was food.

This is what the distorted manager thinks.

The only bridge was sent to a location in the void, where there are many resources that can be used as food.

In fact, it is some void floats.

And the sense of unity on the bridge quickly found out where these foods are.

It began to advance to these resource points.

The main development is the use of many aircraft that were created when they reshaped the synthetic organism.

Once these resources are retrieved, they can continue to maintain their population.

However, this awareness did not continue to wait for the consumption of resources in situ.

It started to try... to study how you live.

It is like a new creature. Although there are many past civilizations left behind, this consciousness knows how to use it, but it does not develop on the basis of this knowledge.

It began to learn from the beginning.

For example, it only now finds that if you want to have food, you must constantly search for resources.

If you want to search for resources, you must have mobility.

If you want to move, you must have a ... carrier.

If you want to have a carrier, you must...

In short, it only then imagined various logical relationships and then began to develop.

It creates a variety of aircraft that can travel farther to collect resources, and later in the process of continuous manufacturing, it transforms the entire single bridge into a warship that can move in the void.

Of course, it was not a warship at the time because there was no fighting function.

When nearby resources are collected, it decides to move to a distant location... to continue collecting.

Then it died.

Because it encountered some dangerous creatures during the trip, these creatures easily eliminated this new consciousness.

Because it does not have any combat capability, it has not thought about fighting.

However, this group of creatures did not destroy this unique bridge, but instead occupied the original civilized building on the only bridge and lived here.

Then these militant creatures... began to unite in faith.

The distorted manager said that it should be the time when the 'unified infection' first appeared.

This group of aggressors living on the Unification Bridge began to become more and more faithful and unified, and later became a new one...

Unity consciousness.

The process of change is actually that they use a variety of methods to connect ideas together and finally succeed.

But this awareness... nothing will be done.

Even if there is a lot of civilization knowledge on the only bridge, it will not learn civilization knowledge at all.

It will only be in a place... in a daze.

The distorted manager said that this may be because there is no reason to set it.

The original civilized creatures, those bodies were mainly set before the breeding mode.

When one of them maintains an abnormal behavior, the unity consciousness feels 'discomfort' and tries to continue to let the original behavior, that is, reproduction, be maintained.

After the new intruders entered a unified state, they did not set any behavior in advance.

Even if there is a sense of unity, this consciousness... nothing will be done.

It will only... always be in a daze.

This seems quite wonderful. Unity consciousness itself does not think about anything. It needs certain factors to 'guide' it, and it may produce various ideas.

So this new unity of creatures will perish because nothing will happen.

But everything is not over yet.

Because the only bridge is still there.

It is still drifting deep into the void...

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