The only bridge continues to float in the void.

It is said that in this early period, the 'unified faith' was not passed on.

It will only happen to residents living on this bridge.

The only bridge as a huge drift in the void, plus some of the species that were originally inhabited, were not completely extinct.

So by chance, there will be some biological groups with faith in it.

According to the introduction of the distorted manager, and what Lin had known before in Ershi...

It is obvious that the ultimate goal of any unit of faith is to form a collective consciousness.

And this consciousness is actually a synthetic creature... Of course it can be said to be a collection of beliefs.

The aggregates that the united believers made at the last minute usually do nothing.

Although it is conscious, it will also pay attention to the surrounding environment, but it does not have ... desire, it does not have anything to do.

As Lin and Lin knew before, in general this consciousness will always be in a daze, until the things that carry its consciousness die.

What carries its consciousness is generally something... can concentrate the memory of the entire population, or connect things that are thought of the entire population, like ‘supercomputer’ or something.

In general, the consciousness of connecting the entire population will make this group lose its individual consciousness.

When the entire biological group is connected, each of their individuals does not have any thinking, and the collective consciousness is required to control these biological individuals.

But...the assembly will hardly do anything, so when these individuals are all dead, the consciousness of the assembly will dissipate.

Occasionally there will be some exceptions.

For example, the group of creatures that originally produced aggregate consciousness.

Because this group of creatures has previously set the behavior patterns of all individuals, even if the collective consciousness does not control them, these individuals will act according to the set behavior patterns.

When they are unable to maintain this pattern of behavior, the aggregate will feel very strange and then try to keep it.

As a result, the initial collective consciousness has tried to develop in the void by various methods, but it has died because it has not developed the relationship of combat power.

Later, the beliefs were unified, and all kinds of creatures that made up the collection did not set any behavior patterns.

Therefore, after the collection is made, the collective consciousness will not do anything.

The consciousness of the collective is thus... constantly emerging and disappearing until some time.

At that time, the only bridge floated into a place in the void.

There was some wonderful situation in the only bridge at the time, that is, there was a lot of material transferred to it.

It is said that this is because the special transmission energy of the only bridge has a certain situation.

The reason for this situation is still unclear.

This is almost the same as before, there are a lot of ... the sundries are transmitted to it.

Of course, some creatures are also included.

This group of creatures is a group of divisional species.

But it is not the only one that is conscious, but there are many... brains.

It is also a division of labor that has a brain system.

According to the distorted manager, this group of divisional species quickly settled on the only bridge and began to develop there.

Although they are divisional species, these different brains still have different personalities, so they also began to show the phenomenon of unity of faith.

Every brain feels that they should be merged together and form a powerful brain.

For them, it is much easier to do this kind of thing than the general personality.

However, this group of brains did not merge so casually, but did some investigation first.

Because they found many ruins of past civilizations on the only bridge, they were curious and conducted detailed research.

Later they discovered the truth of the collection of beliefs.

They realize that the collection of beliefs has made many species unify, but in the end they have died.

But this group of brains did not give up the belief in unity, they still decided to synthesize a powerful and incomparable brain.

"I don't know what they did at the time."

Distorted managers said that this group of divisional species made some preparations... but there is no record here.

In short, they have synthesized a huge brain after this...

And this brain... is very powerful.

The manager can determine that it was controlled by the consciousness of the collective at the time, but it is different from the past.

At the moment of its birth, it began to develop with all its strength.

Its intelligence is much stronger than the original brains, it controls the rapid development of the entire population, and the technical aspects continue to improve.

It even created... a transport organ.

It is said to be an organ composed of a large number of arms, which is different from a bus because it uses the very special transfer energy of the aggregate to move.

But the main purpose of its development is not to invade anything, but to better travel in the void.

At the same time, it also has a strong sense of prevention, and its development in weapons is also very good.

In short, managers say this collective consciousness is the most powerful generation ever.

It has been developing frantically, and has used special transport organs to go to the void.

Anything that encounters any danger, or a species that dares to attack it, is easily eliminated by it.

In the end, it has become a supernatural being, roaming around in the void.

The cause of all this is mainly because the group of divisional species that synthesize the brain is very powerful in itself. After the synthesis, the aggregate has a strong sense of development.

So they become very powerful.

The only bridge wandering around in the void, seeing many wonderful things in the void, and because of its wide range of activities, it was noticed by some bus creatures.

These bus creatures find collections very similar to themselves.

It is mainly the use of organisms that transmit energy.

The collective carrier of consciousness, that is, the group of divisional species, is said to be very similar to the structure of bus creatures.

This group of divisional species may itself have a close relationship with bus creatures.

In short, they started each other... friendly exchanges.

The bus is wonderful for the existence of the mass, and the assembly is also very interested in the bus.

Their relationship is getting better and better, and the collective itself slowly thinks... it is a kind of bus.

It directly regards itself as the same kind of bus.

It was said that a bus had made some requests to it at the time and it also agreed.

"It was at that time to join the war."

Twisted managers say so.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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