"Devouring... constantly consuming..."

"And... cheers."

It is not interesting to raise livestock.

It’s interesting to use them to fight.

However, this kind of combat is not sent to the battlefield, but throws many pieces of meat into a closed space for them to swallow each other.

Or if the enemy captives and meat pieces are locked together, the captives will be sent some simple weapons to force them to fight the meat.

There is nothing strange about entertainment in this way.

It’s just this piece of meat with its own mind... there is no way to live a comfortable livestock life.

After being captured, it was quickly scheduled to fight a battle with another piece of meat.

It won in this battle, but this is just the beginning...

It noticed that it was caught in a constant ... battle.

Perhaps it is a strong performance, and those creatures continue to throw it into the arena and fight the captives and other pieces of meat.

Although it can win every time, it is very disgusting with this life, it wants to live a very peaceful life.

It is like the life of a former livestock.

However, it can't do anything at the moment and can only be forced to deal with every battle.

Until...the creatures that like to hold the arena began to unite, but they are similar to the bones...not the whole group.

Rather, some groups began to unite in faith, but most did not believe... and felt that unity was a cult.

As a result, these creatures have also begun a fierce civil war, and the entertainment of the arena is of course not held.

And this piece of meat has finally lived a quiet life, as a livestock was placed in the shed.

However, it quickly noticed that this calm could not last long.

Because the number of unified believers is not enough, the civil war they caused was quickly subsided... and the arena activities continued after the civil war.

The meat pieces had to fight again with other pieces of meat and captives.

It is extremely eager to calm rather than fight, but there is no way.

And when it won the battle one after another, it noticed a wonderful thing.

A group of guys called ‘Arena creatures’ appeared.

In fact, the meat has long noticed the existence of such creatures... Arena creatures refer to a group of competitive enthusiasts, not a special kind of creature.

The arena creatures include some enemy captives and local creatures. I don't know why they like the arena very much.

They are eager to enter the arena anytime, anywhere, as long as they enter the arena, they will be like crazy, attacking all creatures, usually they can kill all the contestants to achieve the final victory.

But what they crave is not victory, but the next battle... the feeling of killing other creatures in battle.

And in the rest time that usually does not fight, they usually stand in a state of difficulty and desperately want to enter the battle.

This phenomenon has appeared in many prisoners who were eager to leave the arena.

They suddenly became very fond of killing.

Even in the local creatures that were originally only watching the battle, many creatures made a request to join the arena battle.

Originally, local creatures did not participate in the battle, so the arena organizers did not pay attention to them at first.

But after they were rejected, they started to go crazy... The final organizers had to let them join.

Later, the guys who were crazy about the emotions of the arena were called arena creatures.

There are also Arena mad, the name of competitive madness.

And... they are still being produced, and the number is growing.

Obviously this madness is not attractive, but more and more creatures join them.

Many creatures were originally normal local creatures, but they all fell in love with the arena's crazy killing activities.

And this madness behavior will initially be calm and rest in order to win a battle.

But in the later stages, these mad creatures were completely unable to calm down, and they immediately demanded to start playing after a battle, otherwise they would attack anything, including walls and ground, until they died.

"That is a random beginning."

Distorted managers said that this is a 'random belief'.

Although I don't know why this happens... But these mad creatures actually have their nerves affected by that special transfer energy.

That is the energy that carries the collective consciousness.

It just did not produce a unified belief, but it produced this... crazy feelings.

This phenomenon first happened only in the arena, because these creatures are crazy all very powerful... If they are crazy, they will be left in the arena as a tool to make money.

But this phenomenon began to spread to the surrounding... This whole civilization began to feel bad.

Not only in the arena, but also around the general public, what is also starting to madly attack the surrounding creatures.

This phenomenon spreads farther and farther... and soon created even more terrible results than the last civil war.

The entire civilization of this group of creatures is in a state of madness, and almost every creature is attacking everything around it.

Later, they were invaded by enemy forces and then they died.

However, the enemy did not occupy the city because they thought that such a large-scale madness might be the impact of a plague.

In short, there are certain factors that lead to madness, and the enemy forces do not occupy it.

And the meat block... also restored freedom again.

It wandered again on the ruins of civilization.

There are still a lot of madmen in this ruin that are active everywhere. They are not without instinct, that is, they will eat.

So some of the remaining ones can live for a while, and they are not so violent.

They used to attack anything, but now they have a variety of reactions.

Some will attack, some will run away, and some will do strange things like...

The meat pieces notice that the behavior of these creatures is completely random. These creatures completely do whatever they want, just simply and casually do an action.

The meat is not very concerned.

It occasionally grabs some creatures to eat and then continues to live in the rubble.

It only longs for... a calm life.

And it also found that there seems to be a group of calm hunters like it in this ruin.

They are a group of local creatures that take care of them, no matter what they encounter.

Never actively attack anyone, always try to hide, unless it is necessary for life, otherwise they will not cause any fighting.

This group of creatures has attracted interest in meat.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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