"Calm... are you eager?"

The meat is the first time to communicate with other creatures.

But it does have the ability to communicate with these creatures.

Although these creatures were surprised to find that the meat pieces had the ability to communicate, they quickly reached ... resonance.

The meat found that this group of creatures, like themselves, was eager for calm.

They look forward to the state of doing nothing, but they can live forever.

Maybe there will be creatures who think... What's so interesting?

But for them, this is the ultimate fun.

Of course, they can't die directly. They need to live on their own, but they must do nothing.

It feels a bit like the state of the eternal observer of Midgarth.

But they have to fulfill this desire... it is quite difficult.

But they did not give up.

The meat quickly gathered a group in the ruins... yearning for a calm creature.

They are gathered together, in addition to doing a few things that must be done to survive the area, is to discuss how to achieve calm.

They have proposed to create something like a 'perpetual motion' to sustain life, and then fly to the void with a perpetual motion machine, drifting down.

"At this time, they have formed a new belief... a belief in calm."

There is also a random difference from the unification. The manager said that this group of creatures began to believe... ‘forever calm’.

Only a group of refugees in the ruins can't do this kind of thing. Apart from the meat, other calm believers are all local creatures.

They are slowly being crushed by increasingly difficult lives because the resources in the ruins are limited.

As resources become more and more difficult, they begin to ask the meat to devour them all...

They want the meat pieces to eat them... don't digest their brains.

In this way they can stay in the body of the meat and do nothing, and get calm forever.

This is mainly because they have previously investigated why the meat can talk, and later detected the biological structure of the body in the meat, so they think that the meat eats the nerves that the organism can not digest.

It would be a lot easier for the meat to live on its own, so that... perfect.

The meat pieces also agreed to them, and all these calm believers were swallowed up.

As for whether their nerves remain in the body, the meat is not known.

It’s just that the meat pieces find themselves becoming... smarter and more sensitive.

Of course, its beliefs have not changed. In order to find a way to be permanently calm, it left the ruins.

For a long time, it lived a life of wandering around.

It has been to cities that have seen various civilizations, and has been caught again as a livestock, and then escaped...

It witnessed the various biological civilizations on the only bridge during the wandering period.

These civilizations are in a state of war, and they are almost always on the go, but they also have a lot of conditions inside.

There are many creatures that have a unified belief, and many creatures are randomly affected.

At the same time, it also encountered other calm pursuers, but in addition to these three, there are many other ‘believers’.

This kind of faith is not the belief that creatures imagine themselves.

They are all caused by the influence of ‘special transmission energy’.

Twisted managers say that they have quite a variety of kinds, and they have a kind of belief in a certain kind of god...but many of them are doing some strange activities as a whole, like flying, the building must use some kind of Material construction, etc.

And all these beliefs are still the most influential.

... Many creatures have a group of unified beliefs, but they spread less to the whole family.

Of course, these beliefs also exacerbate the endless war.

Although it is said that even if they don’t believe in them, they will continue to fight... but the war obviously makes them even more fierce.

The meat is wandering between these civilizations, seeking the possibility of calm.

At the same time, it also received a lot of ... believers when wandering around.

These believers are all calm believers, they come from different ethnic civilizations, and some creatures are still two species of hostility.

But they don't care at all, these creatures have left everything and just want to seek peace.

However, the number of these believers is very unstable, because the meat is wandering around with them, so it is often caused by wars and deaths.

There are also many believers who want to be swallowed up by the flesh.

Later, the meat piece had such a title. It was called the ‘perpetuator.’ Although the calm faith does not have the existence of ‘God’, it is indeed similar to God for other believers.

In many civilizations, the creatures that believe in calm have gathered to follow the story and title of the meat.

Its ranks are getting bigger and bigger. With so many believers, the meat pieces lead them to a place.

This place used to be the ruins of a civilization, it was destroyed and not yet occupied.

The meat pieces occupied the place with the believers and then declared to establish a permanent neutral 'state of calm'.

Its practice has aroused the shock of the surrounding civilization, but compared to the establishment of this kingdom, there are so many ethnic groups gathered together to be surprised, they are even more surprised that the command of this group of creatures is ... a livestock.

Before this, although there were rumors of meat in various civilizations, its identity has not been disclosed.

Its actions have also been very secretive.

Until now, it has revealed everything about it.

This of course will be hostile to the surrounding civilization.

No matter what it says is permanent neutral or they just want to be calm, the surrounding civilizations only think that they have gathered so many creatures here, and it will definitely be a huge threat.

So a nearby civilization immediately launched an attack on the 'state of calm', trying to kill them if they were not standing still.

And the meat block is so attacked, it still has a way to resist.

Because the meat block expected this situation, a lot of weapons were reserved in advance, and under its command, these calm believers could well resist the enemy.

However, what it didn't expect was that... it was captured.

A nearby civilization was very interested in its wise livestock, and a group of elite special forces were dispatched directly into the meat block... the fort was captured and taken away.

Losing its command, its troops quickly collapsed.

The meat was closed again, this time not as a livestock, but as a test.

It is also at this time...

Feel the ‘sound’.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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