The radiance of the explosion is more dazzling than the starry sky, and countless war weapons are firing wildly.

In the face of the monster in the void - the recycler, this ignition does not seem to be strong enough.

The shining 'Shield' blocks all attacks, no matter how violent the explosion, it can't hurt it.

The recycler is slowly approaching the only bridge, and when its shadow obscures the bridge... the unified creature above makes a decision.

They decided... to abandon the meat.

The strength of the other side is unimaginable. Since the battle cannot be won, they will only abandon the meat bridge.

There is no opinion on the meat.

In fact, it does not have any opinions now, because it itself believes in unity, and its thinking is “consistent” with all living things around it.

However, they are not really consistent yet, and they have not yet reached a unified mindset.

If this is done, the collection of beliefs will control them as a whole, but the collection has not yet appeared.

But now the meat has thought that it is part of this huge group, so sacrificing it to save the only bridge is like a lizard's sacrifice of his tail to the predator is generally normal.

So they sent a message telling the recyclers that they had given up the fight and decided to hand over the pieces.

The recycler did not do anything about the bridge.

It is just the only bridge to fly, and after the meat is taken away, it leaves.

However, the story of the meat piece did not end there.

The meat pieces are caught by an object in the body of the recycler. After the meat pieces are captured, the recycler clears the unified belief in the nerves of the meat.

This makes the thinking of the meat pieces return to normal...

The meat also realized how stupid it was. It tried to unify all the creatures against the recyclers, but the reality was to unify all the creatures and discard them.

Then the recycler tells the meat, it is now going to completely break down the meat, let it feel great pain and die.

The recycler seems to be interested in stimulating the meat, which is very effective.

The meat piece was already very scary, and when the recycler began to break it down and let it feel severe pain, it was even more...

It’s like crazy.

The piece of meat struggled frantically, trying to escape in the organ that held it.

But it didn't work, it was broken down bit by bit, with extreme pain.

In fact, the meat does not feel pain, but the recycler sends a pain signal to his mind while dispelling it, making it feel the pain that has never been felt.

In the end it just died.

The recycler also successfully recovered all the data in it.


The recycler did not succeed in bringing the data back, because it was said that after that, the collector’s body had a storm.

It is also a space storm.

This sudden storm may have something to do with the meat, and it may be an accident. In short, it happens suddenly.

The storm caused a heavy blow to the recycler, destroying many of its body's structures... and making it lose consciousness.

Finally, the recycler’s flight ability was abnormal.

It is like a falling meteorite that flies uncontrollably in the original direction.

It is... the direction of the only bridge.

Seeing the recyclers flying here, the creatures on the only bridge immediately sent various signals to it.

The main thing is to ask why it came back, the meat has been handed over and the like.

The recycler has not answered, it directly collided with the only bridge.

In this regard, the distortion manager has some doubts.

Whether this is a direction in which the recycler himself is out of control, randomly hit, or is affected by any special factors, it is difficult to say that it is hitting the only bridge.

The violent explosion caused by the collision of both sides almost killed all the creatures on the only bridge.

At the same time, the body of the recycler is almost completely crushed.

After that, it was a while... A ‘conscious’ awakened in this place.

To be precise, it is an organ that originally belonged to the recycler.

The recycler is a creature with multiple brains, but these brains are in a coma because of the effects of space storms.

The impact of the explosion is a serious damage to these brains.

However, the recycler's brain is resilience, and it will slowly repair itself over a long period of time.

But this repair ability is not very strong, so it takes a long and long time.

As for how long it is, it is hard to say.

Immediately after it woke up, it began to pay attention to the surrounding situation, and it noticed that it was inside the only bridge.

Collision between the recycler and the only bridge... I don’t know how long it has been.

After it woke up, it found that it was almost the same as the original.

It is the only bridge... it is complete, it is similar to the original shape, and it has become bigger than before.

Although the recycler lost consciousness before the explosion, it can still find out that it hit the only bridge by searching for some information.

This information comes from the ... organs around it.

It found that its own organ fragments also floated in the surrounding space. These organs have some 'memory' capabilities, which can find some of the past things on these fragments, but these memories only stay at the time of the explosion.

What happened after the explosion... I don’t know at all.

Fortunately, it has some way to wide-area the surrounding space to get intelligence.

It found many creatures living here.

These creatures are completely different from those of the original meat block, and they are a group of new pop residents.

Why is this group of creatures coming out? The recycler also found that his brain was caused by a certain group of creatures at this location.

They seem to regard its brain and other organ fragments as 'treasures'.

Perhaps it is just because they are in line with their aesthetics, and the brain and organ fragments are dragged here to be stored.

And the recycler is most concerned about... its data.

It did get the data before, but stored them in some organs, it had to retrieve the data.

And it also found... It seems easy to retrieve this data.

The hard part is how to take them away.

Because it can't move now.

And soon after, it will fall into a coma again.

Because it finds itself in a state of not absorbing any nutrients.

Before it was intermittent nutrient absorption, it was restored, but there is no nutrient at present.

At the same time, there is another problem that it needs to face directly, that is...

It seems that there is a space storm here.

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