Space storm...

It is said that if the control and adjustment of the space in a certain area is too intense, a similar phenomenon will occur.

This phenomenon has occurred many times on the only bridge.

There are many effects of space storms. Sometimes, some places suddenly explode, some places suddenly disappear, and abnormal gravity is generated.

Bus biological combat is mainly based on the use of transmission capabilities, and their gravitational control is also space-dependent.

There were too many buses gathered in the war, and the war they carried out led to a dramatic storm in the area...the space storm.

Space storms seem to occasionally 'stick' something that is related to the transfer of energy and happen at any time.

It is like the only bridge.

After waking up, the recycler discovered that there was a space storm on the only bridge.

This phenomenon kills a lot of creatures, and the recycler itself... is also in extreme danger.

Because it couldn't move at the time, there was no way to escape the space storm.

But it still managed to do something.

It tries to control the surrounding creatures... creatures that use their brain and organ fragments as treasures.

Recyclers can signal the effects of these biological nerves and let them do things for themselves.

But this group of creatures is a group of very low creatures.

They can't easily move the brain of the recycler, because the recycler's brain is a huge object with a diameter of 100 meters.

These bio-lights have been dragged here for generations, so it is impossible to carry it around to hide from the space storm.

So the recyclers still decided to let them do something else.

That is collecting and assembling those organ fragments.

By assembling the surrounding organ fragments, the recycler retrieved the previous data. In fact, in addition to the large amount of data collected from the meat pieces, there is a lot of data stored by the original recycler, which puts all of this data in one. In the container.

Then, a space storm happened.

Although the recycler predicted the arrival of the space storm, it has no way to avoid it. It can only look at luck and look at the storm...may not affect itself.

But its luck is not so good.

The recycler was killed by the storm...

The space storm caused the phenomenon of 'collapse' in the place where it was located, that is, all the substances in this area became very ... in a short time... a phenomenon of flatness.

This completely killed the brain of the recycler, but did not affect the organs it used to store the data.

As for the creatures it controls, before the storm comes, the recyclers let them escape and escape, so they are not affected.

The space storm phenomenon does not last long, and the overall harm to the only bridge is not great.

This creature continues to live here, and occasionally a group of religious beliefs is born, but not all creatures are infected.

In this way, it has been a long time.

There are so many creatures on the only bridge.

This group of creatures is a group of cell creatures.

The creatures that live on the only bridge have never had any cell biology.

They are the first cell organisms to appear here.

And this group of creatures came to this with a very clear goal.

They quickly landed on the only bridge and found the entrance to the 'underground'.

They have been deep inside the only bridge, and finally found... the location of the data organ left by the recycler.

Then it died.

They all committed suicide.

The data organ started... moving.

It recovers ... nuclear information in the bodies of the surrounding creatures.

Then, the data organ starts to work, and slowly collects the various debris and puts them together...

Finally, it successfully assembled a ... creature.

That is the creature that Lynn sees now - the origin of the distorted manager.

It can also be said that this data organ is actually a twisting device that can read nuclear information to create objects.

What is wonderful about this is that the source of the manager is mainly through the twisted information hidden in the nuclear information of these creatures, and also the combination of the original data in the data organ.

The data in the data organ is not nuclear information.

Although these data are not nuclear information, they provide ‘help’ in the process of organ reading nuclear information.

This creates a more 'perfect' work, which the manager says.

But the details inside it are not detailed.

At the same time, it does not elaborate on itself, for example, what kind of creature it is, it does not tell Lin.

After the manager wakes up, it quickly knows what he should do. It is mainly to display...distorted.

It says that its mission is to distort everything here... let all the creatures on the entire bridge act according to the set behavior.

But before that, it still has to recycle... energy.

It's the transfer of energy that causes creatures to infect all kinds of beliefs, and today they still permeate the only bridge.

The distorted manager created something to collect the energy, which it said was actually difficult to collect and it took a long time to collect.

And during this time, it slowly... controlled the only bridge.

In addition, many other things have been done, such as the demise of bone civilization and so on. It has a deep relationship with it.

The ability to distort managers seems to be quite powerful.

Later, the distorted manager collected almost all the energy... It found that each of these energies had a different consciousness.

That is to say, each belief is caused by a different collection of beliefs.

Originally there was only one type of 'unification', and there are quite a few types now.

And they produce so many kinds of things, it seems to be the reason for the war before the bus.

The space storm at that time caused its special transmission energy to produce...variation.

The manager collected almost all the energy, but it found that... unified energy could not be collected.

Here you can find some unified energy, but more is in the void outside...

No other faith has drifted out, only unity can be.

And managers believe that reunification may have drifted away at an early age, not now.

In short, it decided to collect all the unified energy that was floating away.

Then there is what Linde knows next, it finds the unified energy, and then finds ways to make it... like the distortion.

This is actually a way to 'collect' it.

Previously it prevented Lin and Ershi from killing a unified collection of beliefs. In fact, the manager almost collected it.

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