"I have been talking for a long time... I have shared enough information."

“It’s good to have a biological understanding of these history.”

"So, almost..."

"It should be over."

Lin learned a lot from the manager... Although it is said that there is a part about the only bridge, it is very detailed... but its own part is not elaborated.

Perhaps the thin line world is also managed by it, and the ‘church’ belief assembly is also distorted.

Why do you want the collection of beliefs to like to distort it?

Of course, it also did a lot of civilization on this bridge... all sorts of things, it did not explain.

However, it doesn't matter. In fact, it is so good to say that so many have made Lin feel wonderful.

And it also says... It also wants other creatures to know the history of it, which makes it very interesting.

As for the more detailed situation, Lin feels that she should go to investigate.

Recyclers and managers, whose sources are mainly those that have had a fierce battle with the bus biota... and what are those creatures? Is it a creator?

It is not detailed.

But what is certain is that the distortion is carried out by them.

"Now... I have to leave, although I regret that I have not completely recycled it." The manager said: "But I...will not stay here again."

"But before I left, I had to do the last thing to destroy the culprit who launched the war."

This culprit... is Ershi.

In the previous exchanges, Lin also asked many of its details about the war.

Twisted managers, though not experienced by themselves, have a lot of knowledge at birth and know a lot of things.

It said that Ershi was the culprit of the war. In fact, it was Ershi who summoned a lot of buses in the void.

Initiated an unprecedented war in the history of bus biology... a war.

The manager found that the current murderer was so close to the distance... it must be destroyed.

"So, let it all end."

This is the last sentence it says.

The entire 'only bridge' disappeared into the void at the moment it was finished.

Lin found that all of Lin's arms were left behind, whether they were communicating with the managers in the bridge or exploring everywhere, they all stayed in this void.

But in addition to Lin's arms, Lynn also found a lot... It seems that the creatures that originally lived in the bridge were also left here.

They are struggling in the void because of panic...

It seems... need to do something.


"War? No... no memory."

... Lin and Ershi discussed about the war.

Ersh said that it has no memory of this war... It has not done this before.

This may be the distortion manager... confused.

Because, Ersh thinks these creatures have their own set of ways to identify bus creatures.

In general, no one will identify different buses through the terrain on the surface... Many creatures familiar with bus creatures have some special ways to perceive buses.

According to Ershi, there are currently several ways, and these methods are possible... to mix different bus individuals.

But Ershi also said... It may have done this before.

Just not... it.

To be precise, the current Ershi is mainly a 'body', and all its memory knowledge is mainly in the inner body's neural structure.

Ersh believes that the memory in the inner nervous structure may not be complete.

Perhaps the consciousness of getting out of the past has something that it does not know.

Of course, it also said that there is only such a possibility. In the end, it is not known.

In short, now... prepare to cope with the battle.

Twisting managers may attack this space at any time... But when is it?

This is hard to say.

Because the only bridge is now...solidifying the void.

Although the only bridge was left in the same place when leaving the bridge, there are still a few that have not been left.

This is what started when Lin and the manager exchanged.

When Lin and I met it, I found that it seemed to be sending the whole bridge. Lin also found that it would leave Lin’s arms after the transmission, but this was discovered after a while. .

Because it was about to start the transmission at the time, Lynn could detect that the transmitted energy was mainly...the original thing gathered on the bridge, but Lin’s arms did not, so once it left, it would have all the arms of Lin... ...throw it.

This transmission energy is a kind of 'special transmission energy', not the one that buses usually use.

It is similar to the kind of belief assembly. Lin mainly adjusts the original detection mode to discover this energy.

It seems that it identifies all of the Lin's arms, but... in fact it doesn't have to know which creature on the bridge is Lynn.

Because Lynn detects every creature in the entire bridge, or has the kind of 'special transmission energy' on every thing, this should have been long gone.

But there is no such thing as Lin’s arms, so Lin’s arms will definitely be left behind.

However, Lin still made some special arms.

This type of unit can be called a 'resonant pompon'.

Because the transmission of the entire bridge was prepared for a long time.

It was also during this time that the manager told Lin the history of the only bridge, and after it was finished, it was just ready to be transmitted.

During this time, Lynn used some special pompons... to gather special transmission energy.

Accurately speaking, it is not gathering, but Lin uses the energy of the 'faith aggregate'.

Previously, Lynn had successfully trapped the power of the belief complex in a creature called a brick.

Then Lin put the bacteria bricks... and made them into multiple arms.

Then Lynn sent them to the only bridge.

Lin thinks that if it wants to use special energy to transmit, the arms that might be manufactured can be transmitted with it.

As Lin thought, these arms with special energy were also transported away with the entire bridge.

Only the location of the transfer is a solid void.

Why is it sent to this place?

Lynn thinks it might want to go to a certain location... sneak up on Ershi, because its solidified void position seems to be a 'collision point' that is in frequent contact with normal voids.

These locations often collide with normal voids... There are currently some methods that can be detected.

It should rely on this 'collision' to ruin the travel space.

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