4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2817: Assault

"I can feel it."

The mechanical device mimics the sun's rays and illuminates the land.

At the top of a building that is hundreds of meters high... two creatures are looking up at the sky.

There is no starlight or cloud in this sky, and some are just a white snow.

"Can you feel it is in the position of solidifying the void?"

"No, but I can feel it... locked it in some way."

"It is...close to."

Two creatures are discussing while watching the sky, and then another voice joins them.

"Vironica classmates! Why are you here? And who is it!"

The door to the entrance of the rooftop was opened and another creature ran out of it.

"Do you call it? No, it is it."

The two creatures on the original platform turned to the newcomers, and one creature said to it: "We are here to discuss the end of a world."

"What? Is it the end of the world? I seem to have experienced a lot of this kind of thing..."

'boom! ’

The violent roar has interrupted its words, and all three creatures have looked at the roaring source of the sky.

I saw a huge white crack in the original white sky, and in the center of the crack, there was a huge...like a pyramidal object.

"It... has come."

The whole body of a creature suddenly surrounded the dazzling radiance and disappeared at the top of the building.

When it reappears, it is already in a starry sky.

This creature is one of Lin’s arms... Veronica.

Just now Lin was in the incarnation of Ershi, which is ‘no’, discussing some things on the roof of a building.

Then Lin now sends Veronica to the void outside the travel space, where I can see... Lin and Ersh are already discussing things that have already happened.

The only bridge... This 10,000-kilometer bridge is now not far from Veronica.

However, it is only more than 9,000 kilometers now, because it has a small part that has disappeared, and the part that is not seen...

Being stuck in the travel space.

In the travel room you can see that part of the bridge is inside, looking like it slammed into the travel space.

The only part of the bridge that was drilled in was a lot of cracks, and it seemed that the space seemed to burst.

But this is actually... it is stuck.

As Lin thought before, the manager launched a raid from the solid air.

It was supposed to be slammed into the travel space, and the only bridge and Ershi collided directly to destroy Ershi.

However, it did not open the space entrance too much, so there was a situation where most of the bridge was outside and a small part was inside.

So it seems... now is a good opportunity.

"Remove it first."

After a flash of light, Veronica returned to the previous building and said to Novo.

"of course."

'boom! At the moment when the voice of Novo fell, the pyramidal object in the crack of the sky began to crack.

A large number of pieces fell off from there and fell in the direction of the earth's surface.

These pieces are getting faster and faster, forming a piece of meteor shower that is coming to the surface.

However, before they fell to the surface, they blasted in the air and turned into smaller debris to disappear.

It was the army of the Inca worms, and Lin had already said good to them before letting them intercept the pieces.

The huge object in the sky is still fragmented, which is the result of Ershi's tearing.

If the manager does not do anything, the small section of the bridge that enters the travel space will be completely broken.

By that time, the travel space will be closed again, and it would not be easy to open the space at that time.

Of course, Lynn will not wait until it takes action.

"The target has been found... sir!"

Outside the travel space, a large number of fleets appeared under the stars.

These fleets are the fleet of Ershimin, and they appear in a position more than 10,000 kilometers away from the only bridge.

They can clearly see that there is a small part of the virtual bridge that is in the space.

It can also be easily...targeted.

"Open fire!"

A fleet of one thousand warships dumped a large barrage on the only bridge, most of which were common fusion bombs.

Without any obstruction, all the missiles landed directly on the only bridge.

The successive brilliance blooms on the bridge surface, and the pieces of buildings on the bridge are instantly destroyed.

On the surface, this attack is very effective.

"Successfully hit the target!" When the warship of Ershimin came from the news...

'boom! ’

A battleship suddenly exploded.

There seemed to be no sign that the warship exploded from the engine and the entire ship was turned into a powder in the void.

"What is this! Spread! Spread!"

The fleet of Ershimin quickly dispersed and detected any possible source of attack around.

But before they found it, several warships exploded. This explosion did not destroy the warships, but it caused some damage, but it also made them even more... panicked.

Lin has discovered the source of the attack.

That is in the solid air.


In a dark solidification, Lynn has a huge object moving... moving.

This object looks a lot like a creature called ‘hedgehog’.

Its size is more than three hundred meters in size, in fact it is a solidified creature.

Because the only bridge was mainly transmitted from the solid air, and after it was transmitted... Lin immediately transmitted some of the arms into its launching position.

This huge solidified creature is the manager's rallying in the solidification of the void.

In fact, the only bridge before was flying in the solidified space for a while, and during the flight, Lin found that it was always signaling outward.

This kind of creature like a hedgehog is one of the creatures called by the signal.

It is now sneaking into the warship of Ershimin across the gap of the void. It just opened the gap in an instant and destroyed the battleship in some way. Then it closed the gap in an instant, and the sneak attack in this way made the other party unable to find it.

So Lynn decided... to attack it.

‘Hey! ’

The dark rays marched in the dark void.

It illuminates the body of the 'hedgehog', and a tragic sorrow suddenly erupts from the position of the solidified creature.

Of course, this is actually not a sound, but Lin can receive this sorrowful emotion.

Because these 'death troops' can receive a lot of emotions of solidified creatures, including of course this creature.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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