4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2818: Departure?

"It... promised."

"committed to?"

"It takes us back, takes us... back there."

A large number of pompons surround a creature like a hedgehog in a solid air.

These pompons are a group of pompons that Lynn calls a 'death force'.

Each of them has a diameter of about 30 meters. The main reason for this name is because they have some battleships and the ability to die.

Accurately speaking, it is disintegrating rays.

Lin’s current research on the death warships has been very... profound, although most of the time I’m researching my own.

The most common attack on a dead warship is to disintegrate the rays.

Now Lin has made some small disintegrating rays and assembled them on these pompons.

These pompons were also made by Lynn not long ago. To be precise, they were made in Ershi.

Ersh has encountered a lot of solidified biological invasion, so there are many solidified material reserves, Lin can now simulate the disintegration of large ships to make a small version.

The specific manufacturing method is also to make some small ... rooms in the pompon body.

In this room, the object inside is broken, and the broken ‘phenomenon’ is printed outside.

But now Lin hasn't fully figured out the principle... but Lin found that it is possible to disintegrate the rays by placing the appropriate solidified material in the right position and using some special control methods.

Although these small ones are not as powerful as large warships, it is still sufficient to deal with this solidified creature.

The pompoms that Lynn used to attack it disintegrated a large number of 'thorns' on it and revealed the internal structure of the inside.

This seems to be very painful for it, so it constantly makes a scream.

Lynn also stopped doing things and tried to communicate with it... Lynn can learn the language of the captain's organs.

It told Lin that the reason for its participation in the battle was mainly to distort the manager's ‘commitment’.

The hedgehog said that they did not live in a solidified void, but from somewhere else.

Twisted managers promised to bring them back to their original living areas, but in exchange they must also follow instructions.

So when the managers called them to deal with Ershi, they also gathered.

The hedgehog said ‘they’, which means that there are not only one solidified creature gathered.

There are other creatures, but they are not seen at the moment.

It said that although it is important to go back there, there is no one... life is important.

If Lynn does not continue to attack it, it will not continue to deal with Ershi.

In this case, then Lin will leave it alone... first deal with the manager.

Now, the distortion manager has not taken any special action.


"Vironica classmates! The thing above seems to be completely ruined!"

In a building in Ershi, you can see the 'pyramid' in the sky, which is part of the only bridge.

It was no longer the way it was originally drilled, but it was almost completely broken, and its fragments were all intercepted by the swarm, and none of them fell on the surface of Ershi.

'boom! ’

This is... the last one.

Under the pull of the gravitational force, the last small part of the pyramid was completely shattered.

When the thing is turned into pieces, the open space entrance is closed.

"This place has to leave first." At the moment of the end, the entire travel space began to move rapidly.

Of course, it is not felt in the space, but it is now impossible to open the entrance to the travel space in the original location.

The travel space is moving in one direction at a very fast rate, which is the result of Ershi's launch of the mobile device.

The reason to leave quickly is because Ersh does not want to make the space damaged.

However, it did not want to let go of the manager, so Ershi decided to move to a safe location and then deal with it.

"this is……"

Travel did not move to a safe location, it seems to be... a very dangerous location.

Although it looks calm in the space, it has a wonderful view outside.

If you let a branch leave the space to the outside, you can see the surrounding stars...changing dramatically.

All the light and shadow are constantly distorted, gathered, scattered... and merged.

It looks like the starry sky has turned into a pool of water, and this pool of water is constantly being stirred up.

This is the phenomenon known as the space storm... It now appears in the travel space.

Ersh said this phenomenon has been seen before.

This is a very dangerous phenomenon. It is said that any material that goes inside may be crushed, dissipated, or converted into something else.

In short, any possibility will happen, there is no way to confirm what will happen.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that... there is no way to stay the same after entering.

Even so, there are some buses trying to get into this place.

Ersh said that some buses are very...adventurous, they like to explore those extremely dangerous places.

Of course it includes this... space storm.

A bus that was previously convened by Ershi for a meeting once entered this space storm and lived out from it.

So this place is not absolutely dangerous.

But currently Ershi does not intend to make the travel space take risks, so I plan to circumvent it.

This storm is not necessarily the battlefield of the past... because there will be such storms in other places in the void.

As he spoke, Ershi also began to adjust the space movement device, ready to change the direction of the travel space.

At the same time, Lynn also saw something happening on the other side.

The location of the only bridge.

The Ershimin fleet that had fought with it had already been sent back to Ershi at the moment the travel space began to move.

The role of this fleet is to test the target, not to destroy it.

Now, the only bridge that has been completely broken at one end is still in its original position.

Lynn found that it opened a lot of ... solidified gaps around it.

A large amount of solidified organisms are poured out in the solidification gap.

These coagulated organisms are small in size, but in large quantities.

They are like bees, and these creatures gather in large numbers on the surface of the only bridge.

It was mainly the location that had been bombed before, where they gathered in large numbers, and the creatures got together... and then seemed to merge together.

A dark building was formed.

These buildings don't look anything special.

But if it is detected... Lynn finds that there is a 'special transmission energy'.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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