
Huge cracks bloom in the sky.

This seems to be the impact of the storm.

The travel space is still moving fast in the void.

Not long ago, it bypassed the area of ​​space storms and continued to move to the previous route.

At the moment of bypassing, the travel space has changed.

There was a huge crack in the walls of the space, as it is now... This crack is hundreds of kilometers long and continues to extend.

However, Ershi said that it can be repaired, but this crack may be used by the other party... sneak attack.


On the other side, the only bridge that is distorted by the manager is still in its original position.

Its shape and originality may have changed, that is, it was originally bombed... it was covered with many dark buildings.

These buildings are all formed by the accumulation of solidified organisms, and they also gather a lot of special transfer energy.

It may be that it wants to use this transmission energy to attack the travel space.

When Lin thought about it, the whole bridge suddenly... turned black.

It seems to be dyed in an instant, and all the parts that can be seen on the entire bridge become black.

at the same time……

"... stopped."

The movement of the travel space has also stopped.

Some strange changes have taken place here, such as the snow-white scenery that I could see when I went to the sky, and it became dark on the surface.

Many areas of Ershi's surface turned into pure black, which included the highest peak on the Ershi. After the whole mountain turned black, the blacks continued to spread around.

"This is the farthest edge point." Ershi explained this to the abnormal changes here.

It seems that the current location of the travel space... is the farthest location for solidified voids and normal void contact.

As long as you leave this position, even if you completely rid yourself of the solidified void, you will no longer be able to open the solidification gap.

It’s just that I’m almost able to leave the edge now, but it’s stopped here.

This should be something weird by the manager. The current travel space is getting dark all over, which is actually solidification spreading here.

The black that extends on the surface will solidify all the things that come into contact, including the Ershi people.

"Do you want to lift these solidifications?" Lin's Veronica and Noy were standing on the original roof, and Lynn asked Ershi.

"No, just dismantle it." When Ershi finished this sentence, the only bridge around it was lit up with a dazzling light.

After the light flashed, many huge objects appeared in the void.

These objects are all more than one hundred meters in size, a total of thousands, and is the shape of the Ershi people.

They are all like the blaze of flames that burned up. This group of arms is Ershi who made it very early.

In fact, it used to be the type of arms that was created just because it was interesting.

They were originally placed on the seabed of Ershi, and they were used to excavate the people of Ershimin or some of the ethnic civilizations in the future.

However, Ershi people have recently transformed these things into arms that can be combated.

And before the travel space moved, Ershi left a ... ‘hidden transfer point’ in the original location.

Because the travel space has moved a considerable distance, the usual transfer takes a long time to go back.

It also requires a lot of transfer energy.

However, after leaving this 'transfer point', you can continue to transfer things to this side even if you are far away, and you don't need any energy consumption.

The downside is that it can only be transmitted to a fixed location.

Fortunately, this fixed position is not far from the only bridge of the target, only a distance of more than 3,000 kilometers.

At the moment of the appearance, this large group of burning troops marched toward the only bridge.

Because they are made by some of the film and television works, this group of troops also has the ability in the works.

That is the ray that shines from the mouth.

'boom! ’

Thousands of rays hit the surface of the only bridge, and the only bridge that almost completely became dark was blown out of a huge pit.

The only bridge seems to have no counterattack idea, but it is getting darker and darker, and the energy that accumulates on it seems to be getting more and more... rich.

What is the use of this energy? According to Lin, the bus industry abandoned most of the other ones to transfer energy because it was not stable enough.

There are a lot of mistakes in the transmission, so the bus creature slowly becomes specialized.

But in fact these special transmission energy seems to have a wonderful use, at least the belief that the aggregate is very stable... for a long time.

‘Boom! ’

With the tremor of the only bridge surface, these arms of more than 100 meters have fallen on the bridge deck.

They begin to sweep everything around them with the beam of light in their mouth, whether it is a building of solidified organisms or the original.

After the shining light swept, the original building turned into a melting wreck.

They ruined everything on the bridge, but the only bridge still didn't want to fight back.

This gave Ersh some...confusion.

In fact, these troops, like the previous Ershimin fleet, were mainly used to test the only bridge.

The ability of the only bridge is still a mystery, so many ‘cannon fodder’ units are needed for testing.

But it doesn't fight back at all, but it can't be tested.

In this case, it is directly ruined by its core.

Lin knows the position of the core of the distorted manager, and Lynn also told this to Ershi.

Now a group of troops on the surface has reached the top of the manager's core... they have emitted a different beam from their mouths.

These beams hit the ground and melted the surface... Ersh wanted to dig a hole in the way to the core.

The structure of the only bridge is not very strong, at least not resistant to this beam.

As the potholes get deeper and deeper, the distorted manager still hasn't done anything.

And Ersh did not stop.

The beam extends all the way down, melting the surface of dozens of underground streets... close to where the manager's core is.

Because, Lin also has some special arms to observe as the melting beam moves down.

These special units are actually some 'energy' arms, and Lyne can see through them...

The core of the manager is still in the original position, without any action.

At the last layer, the layer blocking the beam is melted, and the core of the distorted manager is instantaneously melted by the beam.

Dissipated without a trace.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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