4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 125: On the verge of extinction

"Even if you get into the abyss of the earth, you can't escape your destruction!"

Looking at the crack of Monte II flying into the earth, the brain worm did not catch up, but the robbers on the back of the dragon jumped down and fell into the abyss with Monte II...

When Monte II saw the robbers falling from the sky, it immediately turned and evaded, but at this moment, the robbers suddenly burst into a fierce whistling sound, and the affected Monte II figure suddenly fell, falling. The robbers bite it in a moment and inhale it in the mouth.

The worm has no teeth. It looks like a big mouth. Although it can't be chewed, it can squeeze Montene II inside and cut off its oxygen.

Monte II was madly struggling, squeezing a **** mark in the mouth of the robber with the claws of the forelimbs, but the robbers were not afraid, under the command of the worm, it Constantly exerting pressure to try to squeeze Montenegro.

'Snapped! ’

But this process didn't last long. The robbers fell heavily on the bottom of the crack. The hard rock and the strong impact instantly caused the body to burst, and Monte II in it was soft because of the explosive body. Without any harm, it was drilled out of the mouth of the robber and looked up.

'boom! ’

A boulder suddenly fell off the rock wall, and a bang slammed into the side of Monte II. It immediately flew up and flew to the sea along this increasingly wide crack.

The entire island was slowly destroyed during the collapse, the earth collapsed, the rock burst, but the two protagonists of this war did not seem to care so much, they just wanted to kill each other.

The brain worms are on the dragon and have been flying along the cracks of Monte II. But because the dragon is too large, it can't enter the crack.

Monte II was not so safe in the cracks, and countless rocks broke down from the rock wall, and it constantly twisted the long body to avoid the stones.

But it did not prevent the destruction of the island by the deep sand bus. These giants still excavated the foundation of the island in the depths of the ground. Monte II is determined to sink the army of brainworms into the sea with the island, even if it loses its own troops!

During these times, Monte II has experienced many things. It left the northern continent, wandering at sea, and the troops were almost extinct. It had to leave and fly to find an island where it could live... But when it arrived at the island, it encountered a bunch of strange fungi...

It was captured by strange little bugs on the fungal island, and then met with the opponents who once destroyed it – the creature called ‘琳’.

After it was captured, it was always immersed in the huge creature. After a long time, the creature was completely ruined for some reason. It was able to escape, but after it escaped, it was attracted by strange signals, trapped in the head of a giant monster, and also tied by hyphae.

In the end, this giant monster was defeated by Lin, and the head of Monte II was also shot at sea. It was able to get out of it, and then it flew over a jungle-covered island and continued to live its own life...

This time, Lin did not pay attention to it, there is no danger in the vicinity, and Monte II can finally live with peace of mind.

Aztec excavated most of the trees and lived in them. They were not as good as the local creatures. They almost killed the original creatures, but because of the island's relationship. They can't get out of here, so they use the old way – living in a hole, planting a lot of plants such as moss as food, and preying on some sea creatures, and Monte II also adapts some units to activities in the sun. Try to be afraid of the sun.

Originally, it thought that he could live here all the time, slowly letting the entire Aztec race recover...

However, true peace seems to never come. On a certain day and night, it sees the green figure it once familiar with on another island across the island.

Monte II will never forget that it inherited the memory of Montezuma I, remembering that this little green creature is the basic unit of the Maya group: infantry!

The ethnic group was ruined, and it itself fell into the ocean island, was captured, imprisoned, and now, it has finally developed, why did it meet its former opponents here?

At the moment of seeing the infantry, Monte II had the idea of ​​destroying them.

Then the war began again... it did not consider what the consequences would be.

Monte II first explored the flying bugs, because the two were separated by an island, with the sea as a cover. There were few flying troops on both sides, and it was impossible to transport large arms, so it was only a few small fights.

Monte II used the bugs to frequently attack the rocky mountains of the brainworms, destroying the various plants planted on the rocky mountains. The group of brainworms began to lack the arms that attacked the sky, so the brainworms that originally lived on the beach had to move into the jungle. Among them...

Because the other party made it impossible for him to live in a place with a sea view, the brain worm became more and more angry, and it decided to fight back!

Because I can't see the sea! This is the main reason!

The cerebral worm began to plant some trap plants in the jungle. The worms of Monte II were small, and it was not easy to fight in complex and flooded places, but it continued to attack everything in the brain worm and besieged it for hunting. Infantry squad.

Although the brain worm has an air unit called a bee collection, it does not catch the flying insects of Montenegro.

Until the emergence of the robbers, this muzzle that can be attacked by sound is the nemesis of flying insects. They can even use the sounds of the sounds to interfere with the flying insects until they affect the brain nerves...

After solving the problem of flying insects, the brain worms often yelled at the opposite islands, and the noisy Monte II was not peaceful. During the process of yelling, the brain worm himself invented many new words. Some are the language that Lynn told it to be an emerald dragon or a limp...

The brain worm also rapidly developed various arms, including the most powerful cracker. After a certain number of troops, it planned to attack the island of Montenegro.

At the same time, Monte II also found offensive preparations for brain worms, but because of the limited resources of the island, it could not create more troops, so it also prepared a special defense in its own island. ......

The brain worm also found a thing. The island called Gemini Island is actually connected together, but some of it is submerged by the sea, but that part is actually very shallow...

"You have no way to escape, Montezuma."

Monte II, among the cracks, found that it had already reached the end, and there was still a road from the ocean...

It must now fly out of the crack, but that will face the brain worm and its dragon.

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