4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 126: End of war

Monte II stared at the dragon above the Rift Valley. It constantly avoided the falling rocks, but the line of sight did not shift. It was waiting for the opportunity to go out.

And the brain worm is waiting for the opportunity, it blocks Monte II on it, and so on, it will soon be buried in the crack by the collapsed rock.

Monte II also understands this, so the opportunity is only once.

It has four wings, it believes in its speed of flight, its ethnic group is now on the verge of extinction, it must... escape from here!


The fanatic wing of the fan rang a loud bang, and Montezuma rushed over the crack, and its speed had risen to the highest. It hoped to react faster than the brain of the brainworm...

Obviously, that is impossible.

The developed brain brain of the brain worm makes it convey information much faster than the average creature. This has a special word to describe it, called ‘frame number’.

This is a word in Lin Si's thoughts. The brainworm also knows that the number of frames refers to the speed of the picture changes caused by the eyes. The average creature, such as the dragon, can capture more than 30 frames per second. Frames, while some insects, such as a creature called a fly, can capture the transformation speed of more than 500 frames.

When the brain worm is concentrated, the number of frames that can be captured is ... 2,700 frames! Monte II does not say that it is flying speed, even the speed at which it **** its wings, the brain worm can see it clearly.

Although the brainworm usually only has more than 30 frames of leisurely stone, it is impossible to concentrate now.

So even if the goal is fast, you can't escape the eyes of the brainworm!

But can avoid the eyes of the dragon.

‘Hey! 'Like a flying armor-piercing projectile. Montezuma instantly flew out of the gap. Fly to the sky...

Because the dragon is not a creature directly directed by the brain wave. It took a while to look at the sky, and Monte II was already on the way to the sea.

"Chasing!" The brain worm has no extra words. Under its command, the dragon slammed into a wing and chased it up.

Monte II's flight is somewhat unstable, because its full-force flight can only last for a few seconds, after which it will be tired and the flight will become unstable.

Watching the huge dragon approaching behind it, Monte II forced the feeling of tiredness to fly forward.

Because of its goal - the sea has already appeared in front of it!

"Do you want to escape? Do you want to leave? Do you hide in the abyss of the sea? Your ethnic group will not be born again."

Although the brain worm sounds no loud noise. But still can pass to the hearing organs of Montenegro, Monte II did not hesitate, it flew faster, the sea is below it, it flew out of the edge of the island!

But the dragon has already approached it at this time...

'call! 'A high-temperature flame sprang out, and Monte II suddenly felt a heat behind him. The fire burned its lower body and passed its right wing. It was difficult to continue flying. Monte II suddenly fell. Into the sea.

Monte II did not come up. Instead, it sinks directly into the deep sea, and the brain worm rides on the sea to watch the underwater. The brain worm is hesitating.

Then... ‘咚’.

The brain worm jumped into the water!

It tumbling rapidly under water and observing the environment in the water. The dragon screamed anxiously on the sea, and it did not dare to enter the water.

The cerebral worm rotates in the water and looks around. Because of the collapse of the island, the sea water and a lot of sediment are mixed together, it seems muddy, and everything around it is difficult to see.

"Hey..." The brain worm swung to a deeper place. There were many fish swimming in the sea, which made it difficult for the brainworm to distinguish the surrounding conditions. Even it could see some in the distance. Huge biological shadows.

The collapse of the island did not scare away these monsters in the sea. Instead, they gathered together and tried to devour some of the water. The brain worm also understood this. After swimming for a while, it could only give up swimming back to the surface. The brainworm itself was not. The method sneaked into a place that was too deep.

And Monte II... It sank into the seabed on the bottom of the sea. It was unable to move because of the tail injury. It lay on the seabed and looked at the murky sea without moving. I don’t know. What?

However, it will not stop, no matter how tragic the situation is, it still struggles to crawl on the sea with its forelimbs. In the muddy sea, it must find a way out...

what is that?

Montblanc suddenly saw a group of strange creatures in front of it. This strange creature swam up, tied Montene II with their tentacles, and pulled it to a trench... ...

What is the fate of it? Brain worms are hard to know.

Only the brain worm knows... the war is over...

The dragon flew over the collapsed island, overlooking the ground beneath with the brain worm, although the deep-sand bus in the depths of the underground had stopped because of the injury of Monte II, but the roots of the entire island had been destroyed. The island is still in the process of constant collapse.

Although the brain worms have retreated some of the small units, it is difficult for large units to move around in the collapsed islands. If they sink to the bottom of the sea, there is no possibility of survival.

Of course, the same is true of the troops of Montenegro. The deep sand bus cannot live in the water, and some of the brainworm troops are left on their own islands, and Monte II can be said to have basically disappeared.

The brain worm flies back to his island on the dragon. The troops can save it as much as possible, but it is a pity that the large arms can only sink into the sea...

After the worms return to their islands, the first thing is to rebuild the rocky mountains by the sea, so that they can live in a place with sea views! Although this is the thing that cares most about it, it cares about another thing...

"Lin, victory, seascape." In his own rock mountain, the brain worms rolled in front of the display. Although Monte II has not yet decided to kill, it seems to have nothing to do with it. It is even more exciting to win. This battle, and ... can continue to live in places with sea views.

Lin has been observing this war and started from the brainworm to the island. However, Lin did not provide any help to the brainworm during the period. If it is almost killed, it may help it, but it should be no. It is too possible.

This is really an interesting war... and Lynn can learn a lot of things. These two races were almost extinct, but now they have developed. In each other’s battles, they try to force each other again. To extinction...

Lin was originally transporting the head worm to the opposite side of the island where Monte II was located. The size of the two islands was almost the same size. Monte II originally wanted to directly sink the island of the brain worm, but unfortunately the connecting part of the two islands 'Very fragile, if the deep sand bus is drilled from there, it will cause the surrounding area to break into the water before it reaches the target. It only wants to sink its own island when it is unavoidable, and it is the same as the brainworm. Strategy.

This is also related to the flying arms of Montenegro who have never seen the brain worm. Although it has seen several flying dragons before, it does not care that it is not a group of brain worms...

Because the number of troops on both sides is similar, we should not say the quantity, but the weight. The Aztecs began to sweep all the creatures on the island. After the whole island was lighted, because there is nowhere to go, they can only stop in place. Activities and planting some moss, of course, there is no energy in the moss. If you don't eat meat, you can't even produce a deep-sand bus. Therefore, it is difficult for the troops to grow any more.

In terms of cerebral worms, it began to develop without madness. It was only after the attack that it began to mass-hunt and speed up the proliferation. It can be said that the worms of the worms developed later. The Aztec worms will eat everything and the head. Even if the worm starts a large-scale hunting, it will not kill those biological populations, it will always leave a little, so that they will regenerate quite quickly.

The brain worm knows how to regenerate resources. Eventually the brain worms and the Aztec worms weigh almost the same, but the islands of the brain worms are still alive, while the islands of Aztec are bare, and some It's just an empty shell.

However, the strength of the two sides is similar. The commanding ability is stronger than the brain worm. It can only defeat the large species and small species of Aztec insects with infantry, but the biggest difference between the two sides is the arms gap...

For the power of the crackers, the Aztec insects do not have any means other than letting the islands sink. But Lin is still not very clear. What is the usual role of the crackers in the brainworm population? It is not like Pure warfare, the group of brainworms will not run around before, wars are less likely to occur, used to shovel or excavate?

There are also robbers, this thing does not know what is used to do, to communicate with each other? Speaking of the brain worms, it seems that they will not transmit brain waves to each other. Lin feels that the brain worms use this type of arms to replace themselves that are difficult to scream.

In terms of the use of crackers, it seems that there is not much difference between the brainworms and the Inca insects, at least... Lynn thinks so, but the brainworms feel very angry about the 'inappropriate use' of the Inca insects, which is estimated to be Personality related.

As for Monte II, I am still alive...but what will happen next, then I don’t know.

There is still a lot of research on the development of this kind of creatures, but the more important thing is the problem of dragons.

Many years ago, it was extinct, but now it is still on the verge of extinction, but it has grown up, the body is more mature, and Lin can see if it can be successfully reproduced.

This may have to bring it back to the mainland, and there are many new ... situations on the mainland. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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