4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 127: Want to have a brain

Time is like... casually, after a long period of time, the periphery of the mainland is not just a wilderness. It has been covered by a lot of jungle, with dragons in the jungle and underground in the jungle. Intricate base tunnel.

Because Lin said, "I want to bring the dragon to the place where I used to live," so the brain worm arrived at the place on the dragon.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, there have been changes." The brain worm rides on the dragon's body and looks at the situation below. The dragon quickly swept across the jungle, approaching the huge rift that once separated the two places.

On the ten-kilometer-long rift valley, across a 100-meter-wide 'bridge', this surface looks like a large number of shin bones, so it is also called the 'bone bridge', although It seems to be broken when you step on it, but there are some creatures such as Dome Dragons moving slowly on them. They go back and forth between the inside and outside of the Rift Valley, seemingly to eat plants in two different areas.

The dragon flies through the rift valley and flies over the mainland. This grassland is different. The low grassland is now several meters high. There are some huge creatures on the grassland. These creatures look strange, they have A big mouth, constantly chewing the grass, smashing a lot of fresh grass...

The dragon flew over the grass and flew over the jungle. From time to time, there was a weird sound between the jungle. When looking down, there was a large group of caterpillars moving there. They knocked down some trees with huge bodies and then smashed them. The leaves on the tree.

And some dinosaurs with fangs and claws lurked around the caterpillars, and they suddenly swooped up and tore a lot of scars on the caterpillars.

The dragon flies over the jungle. Close to a huge mountain in the center of the jungle. The top of the mountain is no longer smoking. It is filled with red lava. These lavas constantly emit a large number of bubbles, but they are very stable and will not be ejected.

The dragon turned his head, left the mountain, flew out of the jungle, and came to the sky above the wilderness...

Here the dust is flying around the whirlwind and the environment covered by the gravel. A large group of obese strange dragons ran in the desert.

This group of creatures is also followed by a group of skeletal creatures, the dragons, who are chasing the dragons with wooden spears, and a dragon looks at the opportunity to smash the wooden spears in their hands! One shot, suddenly hit the head of a dinosaur, and suddenly fell to the ground with his feet, the surrounding dragon immediately surrounded, with a wooden thorn to give it a fatal blow to the neck.

"Original hunting..."

The brain worm flew over the wilderness on a flying dragon and flew over a river. It saw some huge trees on the riverside, and they slowly moved on the ground with roots. And use the branches to poke the fish in the water...

"Trees?" The brain worm continued to fly on the dragon in the distance. It saw huge dinosaurs and flying Slim. I saw the strange giant egg and the crystal jungle...

The brain worm suddenly developed an idea: Where is it going to fly?

At the moment when it came to this idea, the surrounding scene instantly turned into a powder, and when the vision was clear again, it was the top of the rock cave where it was.

"This is wonderful, and some of them are correct."

The displayer next to the brainworm retracted the tentacles sticking to the brainworm and ended the previous test.

Lin is still active in the brain after testing the brain worms. This is called 'dream'. This phenomenon often occurs after the creatures fall asleep. They always show some wonderful things... This is Lin recently. Only discovered.

When Lin began to discover the phenomenon of dreams, she thought that the creatures would 'replay' all kinds of information in the brain when they sleep, but recently Lynn discovered that sometimes there is no information.

Like the dream made by the brain worm, it does not know what the mainland is changing now, but it can show the changes in the mainland in the dream, and some of it is accurate. Through some connections of nerve lines, Lin also Can 'see' its dreams.

The dream of most creatures is ambiguous, but the dream of the brainworm is quite clear. Lynn is very curious about how its dreams show unknown things. Maybe with the brainworms themselves guessing the changes in the mainland? However, there are all kinds of strange things in the back... This should also be something that the brainworm imagined, but when Lin asked the brainworm, it didn't have much impression.

Anyway, dreams like this stuff are very fun and can show some unknown things,

Originally, Lin has never thought of making a brain. Lin has no dreams. Once she goes to sleep, the next moment will arrive at the time of waking up, but it seems that it is very interesting to have a dreaming brain. Maybe something special can happen. In the case, there will be deeper progress in the study of signals.

...Yes, just make a brain...

Originally, Lin did not pay much attention to this kind of thing, but now it seems that it is very interesting.

When Lin studied the dream, he also studied the characteristics of the dragon. This species may indeed be single-breeding.

First of all, to meet some conditions: the dragon is a female, but also a certain kind of information and environment to stimulate, originally this form of reproduction has only been seen in some arthropods, but Lin recently found in dinosaurs.

This type of reproduction is still sexual reproduction, and it is not the same as splitting and breeding. The characteristics of the dragons may be due to the fact that they do not have a large number of ethnic groups. They use both sexes when they are heterosexual, and they use them when they are single. Female reproduction.

It seems that there is no problem now. The small dragon's ethnic group will not be extinct, but it has not yet reached the time of reproduction, but some structures in it have already appeared, so it can be studied.

It takes a considerable amount of age to breed, which is one of the reasons why they are scarce.

Now that it has been confirmed, there is no need to worry.

Next, let's make a brain look. This will be made under the base of the mainland. It is very good to start with a little, because I don't know what will happen, so I can't make too much.

This continent is like a dream of a brainworm. The wasteland outside the rift valley is full of plants. Lin uses spider silk, bones and some shells to build a huge bridge leading to the rift. Some creatures can leave the circle and live outside the wasteland.

Although the periphery of the mainland has changed a lot, what is more interesting is the change inside... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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