"This...this should be what it does!"

A creature fell to the ground, and Nobel’s head... shattered.

The attacker is a creature that stands on the annihilation ship.

It looks like a tall Ershimin with a height of about two meters.

At the same time, it holds a large... sniper rifle in its hand.

It was just that it launched the attack, and it now lifts the gun again to Lynn's Veronica.

"Be careful! Veronica's classmates!" In the distance, he saw a pistol and shot at the attacker on the battleship. It was robbed from the small machinery that was smashed by it.


The flying bullets hit the tall attackers precisely, but it didn't work.

Lin could see that all the bullets were bounced off, and the attacker buckled the sniper trigger...

'boom! ! ! ’

After a loud bang, the bullets that flew quickly hit the ground heavily.

Its impact caused a lot of cracks in the ground that was hit... This power is quite strong, but its speciality is not just power.

Now Lynn's Veronica jumped high into the air and rushed in the direction of the attacker.

It immediately aimed at Veronica for several consecutive shots. Each bullet was almost wiped by Veronica, and although it was dangerous, it was not difficult to escape them.

After avoiding a bullet again, Veronica had already rushed to the attacker's face. A lot of hair was twisted into the shape of a fist in an instant, and Lin directly slammed it toward his face.

‘Hey! After a dull sound, the tall Ershi was hit hard by Lin, but it was not shot.

Because Lin's "fist" twisted with hair actually has many subtle ... barbs on the surface.

When hitting its face, these barbs will also plung into its skin and hook its entire face.

Of course, these barbeds also stock a lot of micro-arms, and they constantly rush into each other's skin as they get into the skin.

However, this 'Ershman' movement was faster, and it leaped backwards, pulling the entire face while opening the distance with Veronica.

Now its cheeks are still hooked on Veronica's 'fist', and its subcutaneous appearance is not as **** as the real Ershimin, but... it looks like it is covered with dense Scales of the face.

This creature...is actually a bus creature, a type that Ershi specializes in.

Although it has a layer of Ershimin's skin, it looks like Ershimin, but the inside is completely different.

Lin wants to see what it looks like inside... use its sniper rifle.

Lin just hit it. When it jumped back, Lin also grabbed its gun.

Now Lin raised the gun and aimed at it.

'boom! ’

After a gunshot, the bullet hit the shell of the annihilation ship.

The sturdy shell flew the bullet, because the target creature moved very fast, and after Lin shot, it evaded.

But instead of using the normal method to avoid, but ... split into two.

The body of this bus creature splits from it and turns into two creatures.

They all seem to have only half of Ershimin's body, one leg and one hand... and half a head, which seems to be very inflexible.

But actually... they move very fast.

The two halves of the body can use a single leg to approach Lin at a high speed.

'boom! ’

And Lin’s shot once again successfully hit a recent goal.

The bullet hit its upper body, and the impact that came with it suddenly broke the entire half of its body.

Now the last half of the body seems to think that the situation is not good, immediately turned and jumped to the distance.

At the same time, Lin also found that... there are no bullets.

"Veronica, you let me go! Let me marry it!"

I don't know when I climbed up, and now I saw Veronica, who yelled and ran to the half body of the long jump.

The long sword in his hand slammed out, sweeping a beautiful arc in the air... The other side leaned over to avoid the sword of the dew.

At the same time, the half body immediately turned around and hit the belly of the dew with the only one hand.

Bilu screamed and flew out, but it also threw a ball out of his waist pocket and threw it out.

'boom! ’

When the ball flies into the air, it turns into a raging fire. This half of the body is also swallowed by the brilliance. After the glory of the past... there is only one leg left in the same place.

"Ha ha ha... I succeeded! Veronica classmates!" Bilbao, who was flying, stood up and swayed: "...under me, I can save the world!"

"The world has already been headshot." Lin looked at the promiser lying next to the ground.

When Lynn jumped up and attacked the attacker, she jumped up with her, so now it is next to it.

In fact, Novo is not a headshot.

Because it is the shape of the Ershi people, but its head is not the head, that is, there is no nerve structure.

Its main control center is in the position of the chest.

The reason why it has not been moving now is because of the relationship between the guns... Lin carefully examined it.

The bullet in this gun is a kind of 'interference bomb.'

It is itself made up of part of the structure of the bus creature, not an ordinary metal structure.

It has the function of interfering with the perception of the bus... The body of the Noor controlled by Ershi is mainly to perceive the surrounding environment in a way similar to the transmission perception.

And this kind of bullet can interfere with its perception, so it can be successful.

If Ershi's own itself is not coagulated, it can't interfere, but Nuo's ability to perceive is much weaker than Ershi himself.

In addition, there is a kind of special transmission energy mixed in it...so even if it is not hit, it can affect the control of Ershi.

Just let it fall into a coma for a while.

After a while it should wake up and repair the damaged part.

But during this period, Lin felt that the other party would not let go of this opportunity, so Lin had to solve it.

To solve this is very simple, it is to adjust to the control room of the annihilation ship, so that the other party can not control it.


When Lin thought about it, Lin found that the ground not far from the front opened an opening.

One, two, three...

A total of ten bus creatures of the shape of tall and tall people have come out from inside.

Most of them should still be solidified... It seems that they are starting to wake up one by one.

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