"Wow, ah! Eat me this trick!"

The flashing sword light is accompanied by the sound of the object being cut, and a skull is spinning and flying out.

"These seem to be a lot better than before!"

When he talked about the rest of the body, he cut a lot of pieces and said to Lin.

"They are indeed more vulnerable."

Lynn Veronica also shredded a creature that was entangled.

Now Lin and Bilu came to the interior of the annihilation ship.

It is similar to the interior of a typical warship, with criss-crossing corridors leading to each room.

There are rooms for ordinary Ershi people, as well as for bus creatures... and there are also small factories that assemble mechanical units.

Ershi’s original idea was that the warship made bus creatures the main control, but it also needed some Ershi people.

Now Lin and Bilu are heading for the control room.

On the way, there have been many obstacles, mostly small machinery, and many bus creatures.

But these bus creatures...they are actually not bus creatures.

They have a small number of bus nerves in their bodies as controls, while others are completely composed of cellular organisms.

Although they are all the same as the tall attackers before, only the original attackers are real bus creatures, at least most of the structure is.

These can be said to be cell biology.

"Ah, we seem to be here! Let's open it, Veronica classmates!"

The corridor has come to an end, and there is a thick metal structure door in front of Lin.

This door is of the detection type, that is, the detection of the arrival is a bus creature will open.

"Let us bang it, I have a lot of this stuff!"

When Bilu said, he took it out of his pocket... a piece of packaging that contained ‘chewing gum’... it smashed it into a ball and stuck it on the door.

Of course, this is actually not a chewing gum, but an explosive.

Bilu is very active in resolving the threat. Although it is very positive, Lin also tells that the things it is doing now are all about saving the world.

"Okay, then I am...ah!"

Bilu, who had just glued the chewing gum, was about to leave, and was pierced by a black spike that slammed out from the door.

This spike... looks like a solidified creature.

"Veronica... classmates..." Lynn Veronica walked up and pulled the nearly faint dew from the spike and gave it some treatment.

‘Hey! ’

When Lin did this, the front door was opened.

But it is said to be open, it is better to say that it is kicked from inside.

After the opening of the door, you can see a creature that is more than three meters high. Its shape is also the type of the Ershi people.

The same burly structure as the previous 'bus creatures' is much bigger.

It has two black... weapons on its hand that look like a sharp needle that is one meter long.

It just used this to pierce the dew.

"It is over." It did not immediately attack, but said in the language of Ershimin: "This world is over."

"No, it is your life is over!"

At this time, Lulu had woke up and shouted at it: "Look behind you! Stupid!"

The creature didn't look behind him, but it slammed behind him.

'boom! ! ! ’

A violent explosion... is caused by chewing gum.

The chewing gum stuck to the door before the dew blasted, and the brilliance of the explosion swallowed the tall creature.

Lin has dragged Bilu to the rear of the corridor and observed it carefully.

When the smoke of the explosion dissipated, the original thick door was severely distorted and fell to the ground.

The creature was also pressed down by the fallen door.

This door is quite weak, but it is actually used for the people.

Operating the battleship is not something that can be done by opening the door... Ersh did not specifically strengthen it when building the battleship.

So blowing up the door doesn't seem to mean that... you can kill this creature.

"It doesn't make sense." The door that was pressed against the body was opened, and the creature of three meters high stood up slowly.

It can be seen that it has a trace of being blown up by an explosion, and a viscous black liquid is revealed under its skin.

It feels quite interesting, this should be a mixed creature.

"No... meaning!" It screamed in a low voice, and slammed it with the weapon in his hand.

"How can it save the world?" Bili yelled and chopped the past, and the collision of weapons ran back in the corridor...

Bilu also flew out with great power in the next second. The other side immediately saw the victory and pursued the attack, and slammed the spike in his hand toward Bilu.

'Snapped! This one was cast into the spike of the dew, and was captured by Lynn Veronica.

Then Lin threw it back to the creature, and the other hand took the sniper rifle at its legs...

'boom! ’

The creature caught the spike that Linde had lost, but the next time his leg was interrupted by the impact of the bullet.

At the moment when it fell to the ground, Lin continued to fire a lot of guns on it.

The bullets of the gun were found in the rooms on the way to Lin, although Lin could make it herself.

Although it is very resistant to the explosion, it seems to be unable to resist the shooting of the bullets. Under successive shots... its riddled body is no longer moving.

Lin walked over and tested its brain.

The brain of this creature...is also the bus nerve structure.

However, its body is very fun, it is a structure based on coagulation, and it is also mixed with a part of the cellular biological structure.

It can be said that it is a very complex creature, and these structures work well together.

What's interesting is the idea of ​​its brain.

It is a ...... calmer believer.

It has been pursuing calm, and it believes that doing it all will make it calm.

The bus creatures that had been attacked before did not believe in anything. They were simply mad.

They can only identify similar and non-similar targets, and then continue to attack non-similars.

This is currently the only ‘normal’ creature.

After testing, Lin and Bilu entered the control.

This control room doesn't have a control device... it's a... empty room.

A specific group of bus creatures is needed here, arranged in a certain order to initiate control of the annihilation ship.

So as long as there are not enough creatures gathered here, it won't start.

Even so...


But this battleship seems to have started.

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