4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2843: Multiple creatures

“It’s hard to say what it is, maybe it’s not the same creature.”

"Not the same one?"


Here is a tall building on the island of Ershi.

Now that the whole Ershi is slowly recovering, Lin and Novo have also left the underground potholes of Lulu and went to the tall buildings of a nearby city.

Here, Lin continues to discuss with it about the distortion of the manager.

Connaught that the distorted managers actually have... many, but they did not appear at the same time.

The earliest distortion manager... Ershi thought that it was dead after the elimination of the biological army united by the assembly, but before it died... it was designed to be 'distorted'.

This distorted content... is to distort the world's civilized creatures, let them use the technology left by the managers, transform the only bridge into a warship, and create a lot of managers' technology.

It seems that managers are reborn in the creation of these creatures, but to be precise... these creatures have created a new manager.

This manager is not the resurrection of the previous one, but inherits a new individual from the previous memory.

Ersh thinks so, the manager buried the twisted 'seed' somewhere on the only bridge before he died... or earlier, making these civilizations transform the whole bridge and create A new one.

The situation of attacking Ershi is similar.

The consciousness of this manager who attacked Ershi is not a consciousness separated from the ontology, but a new manager created by the manager. As for the original manager himself, he has already left.

What Ersh thinks is indeed very likely... It is no different from ‘resurrection’ by constantly creating individuals who can inherit their own memories through distortion.

The problem is how it is designed to distort the creatures on the only bridge.

It was designed with a twisting device in a hidden place in the bridge, quietly changing all the creatures of the whole bridge... or what a wonderful idea.

This is hard to say because distortion can be a lot of 'forms'.

And Ershi believes that the manager may have designed distortions somewhere in Ershi.

It may indeed harm Ershi in this way, but there is currently no such discovery...

Next, the calm on Ershi continued until the solidification of the travel space slowly disappeared.

When everything was able to move again... Ersh carefully examined every part of it and found no 'quiet believers' or strange places.

Now, Ershi is full of people who have been in a panic since they have recovered from solidification, but overall... It seems that the various 'traces' left by the managers have disappeared.

Or successfully solved.

If so... then move on.

Although Ershi said that he would like to continue to study this edge... Because this is very special, it can make such a strong solidification, but Ershi decided to leave here first.

The journey of the travel space will continue.

Lin’s words will of course leave some units in this position to continue to study this place.

Now that the decision was made... Ershi started the mobile device for the travel space.

No problems encountered... The space quickly left the original position, left the edge of the solidified void and the normal void contact, and continued to go deep into the void.

After that... it has been a while.

The travel space has left the 'edge point' far away and continues to move in the void.

During this period, Ersh always felt carefully, detecting every place on the surface and under the ground.

Did not find anything about the manager.

Does it seem to really destroy it? Ershi has always maintained a skeptical attitude.

At the same time, Ershi also decided to discharge all the special energy, it does not want to keep these energy ... to avoid accidents.

As for the calm collection, it can be left behind. In fact, Lin has created a 'container' for it.

This container grows like the shape of Ershimin, and can be regarded as a cell creature... Its brain is a nervous system that permanently believes that it is completely calm.

So this container can always carry the consciousness of the assembly... and then Lin asked it to sign up for the school in Bilu.

At present, the assembly is very fond of the living environment of Ershimin, which means that it reminds us of the civilization on the only bridge.

Of course, the reason why Lin and Ersh left it is because they have to study it.

Lynn is also investigating the situation on the only bridge.

Lynn has created a lot of arms and distributed them throughout the bridge for investigation.

The whole bridge...is indeed a warship with a complicated structure. Lin wants to investigate how managers have distorted civilizations and constructed the only bridge warship.

But now... I haven't found any twisting devices left behind.

But Lynn found another device.

That is the device used to contact the coagulated organism.

This is what Linde found somewhere in the bridge... This device is a large device that is hundreds of meters in size.

Lin found that it can detect the nearby solidified void environment and send out a wide range of signals there, and also know what creatures are feeling this signal.

Because Lynn tried to send it, Lynn found that many creatures felt the signal in the solidified void, but they did not react to this signal.

Obviously the creatures that can be called are called, but the signal will also work for other coagulation creatures, but they don't matter.

Moreover, Lynn also found that the device records the creatures that have been called... and what these creatures have played.

It can be found... Almost all creatures are used by managers as 'propers' for powerful coagulation.

In addition, only a few creatures were used to attack Ershi.

But... Lin found that there is a creature that has not been used.

In the device record, all living things have played their part.

Only one kind of... didn’t work, or it didn’t work.

It was planned to launch an attack long after the administrator invaded Ershi.

Regardless of the success of the manager, this creature will also attack Ershi after the manager invades Ershi... thirty erh nights.

To say thirty days and nights... It seems almost coming, but will this creature still appear?

After all, the manager did not actually have a few days and nights from the invasion to the settlement, and then the travel space was launched.

Now the space has sailed a long distance... away from the point of contact with the solidified void.

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