Travel... is still going on.

Lynn told Ershi that there is still a thing that has not been attacked by a solidified creature. This creature... is much stronger than the previous solidified creature.

But Ersh is not very concerned about it.

Mainly because the travel space has left the edge of the location too far... Ershi believes that a solidified creature is not easy to attack the travel space.

Many solidified organisms can appear randomly in the void because of the close contact between the solidified void and the normal void.

If there is no contact, the solidified Nether creature cannot move freely.

In this way, the travel of the travel space... has been continuing.

There have been dozens of Ershi staying up late, and nothing special has happened yet.

The collective seems to be able to adapt to the life of the people, and Lin feels that it has returned to the stage of observing observation in the past.

However, Lynn has always felt that it is a bit... strange, because it is really hobby, is the only creature on the bridge, not Ershimin.

It shows how wonderful it is for the people of Ershi, but there is no problem at the moment, so I will continue to observe it.

Lin is now mainly concerned with the location of the only bridge.

The only bridge in many places was carefully investigated by Lin, and Lin also understood its entire power system.

The main function of these systems is mainly through special energy, almost all the power on the bridge.

But what's more interesting is that Lynn doesn't necessarily need special energy to start them.

The power system on the bridge can be activated directly by a relatively common method to open the movement of the entire bridge.

Lynn thinks... you can start it and see it.

Of course, before starting, Lin needs to transform the bridge... The main purpose of Lynn to start it is to chase the creature.

Because the solidified creature that said to attack the travel space has never appeared, and Lin found that the bridge power system set the orientation of the creature.

It does not specify where the creature is located, but there is a function to move to the location of this creature.

So Lynn wants to see if I can catch up with that creature with this bridge.

At the same time, Lin also found another interesting place.

That is a location that can be called...the video recording room.

A large amount of video content is recorded in that place.

The civilized creatures on this bridge have produced a large number of ... video installations.

Most of them are monitoring systems. Like Ershimin, these civilizations also like to place monitoring systems everywhere... and to prevent crime.

Lin found that there is a lot of video material in this place... It seems that when these civilizations invented the video installation, their information was recorded here.

Therefore, Lynn can see the history of these civilizations here.

Of course, not all the videos are slowly read. Lin found that by making a biological brain, this includes the brains of many kinds of Nether creatures that Cell Bio and Lin have seen... and then use this brain to connect to the recording room. At a certain location, you can get all the content of the video recording here.

All the information will be infused in the moment when the brain is connected.

Lin can be found here...something different from the collective description.

The previous description of the aggregate is that after the manager has controlled the only bridge... almost all civilizations have been extinct, and the whole bridge has become a place that is now filled with civilization ruins.

But in these materials it seems...somewhat different.

That is when the managers control the entire bridge... those civilizations are not extinct so quickly.

There are many civilized creatures that survived the first round of attacks by managers and gathered together.

Their concentrated position is the only relatively backward civilization in the bridge.

After defeating the managers before, these civilizations began to collect the research manager's technology in large scale in the underground laboratory, but not all civilizations have this qualification... In fact, the managerial technology was contracted by several powerful civilizations. .

And many small civilizations have not even qualified to study these technologies.

Even after a long time of development, there are still some civilizations on the bridge that have never touched the manager's technology. They are still using...the old age technology, and they are regarded by all civilizations as primitive backward races.

But now it is the original backwardness that makes them alive, because without the use of the manager’s technology, this civilization’s creation is not controlled by the administrator. When the manager controls all the things that attack the creature... this backward civilization is It is safe.

Although they also have some managerial technical creations imported from the outside, they are only a few.

When it was discovered that this was the only safe place, all the survivors of the surrounding civilization gathered in this backward country and gathered here to build a rebellious army.

And the elimination of this country is... a calm faith.

After the surviving creatures of these civilizations gathered in the army, the first thing they did was to decide to destroy the main power system of the only bridge.

There is a main power system on the only bridge that controls the movement of the entire bridge, because I don't know where the enemy's real body is... they think that the most likely position is in the main power system.

Although it is not clear from the video records, Lynn only discovered that... this army was originally prepared to attack, but they suddenly stopped acting.

Because they all believe in calm.

This also includes almost all the creatures in the entire 'backward civilization' country.

They suddenly entered a state of believing that they had reached absolute calm.

In this state, they don't do anything... Of course they don't eat anything, they don't seem to feel hungry.

Then all of them died.

The collection did not tell Lin this history, perhaps because it did not know.

Because it was at that time... it has been caught by the manager.

Or this phenomenon is what managers use to do it, but it does not want to say.

Of course, there may be other reasons.

All in all, Lynn feels that it is still possible to cause... dangerous.

After studying these, Lin has almost rebuilt the only bridge.

Now Lin can start it and chase the condensed void in the void.

What Lin knows now is that it is in the normal void...not the solidified void.

Thinking, Lin started it... the only bridge.

The entire bridge instantly disappeared into the void and entered a dark space.

That is, solidifying the void.

The only bridge is not transmitted, so it is necessary to move long distances by solidifying the void... It should take a few hundred seconds to get to the creature.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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