This brand new creature is said to have been born from the body.

When the debris creatures and their creations fought fiercely, many bodies were produced.

They generally recycle and reuse them.

But in a fierce war, the speed of the body is always much faster than recycling.

This is also true this time.

When a large number of 'life substances' were destroyed, there were just a lot of corpses around them.

These living things were sprinkled on the surrounding bodies, which made the bodies... all moving.

They are a kind of creature that is different from the past.

Of course, they are also fragmented creatures, but they are different in habits from the previous ones. ,

These creatures are the original rings.

At the beginning of the birth, I began to swallow other corpses and some fragments slowly growing up, because they were very small at this time...the two creatures in war didn't notice them.

And these earliest rings grew up in this environment.

They are mainly wandering around the battlefield, looking for corpses that can be swallowed. At this time they are not ring-shaped, and they are a group of still individual creatures.

At the same time, the debris creatures began to continue their plans to create a dream maker.

They used the same solution as before, after all, the body of the dreamer they had synthesized was not destroyed.

So they only need to collect a lot of living matter again to continue their plans.

Therefore, the body of the dreamer is still the main battlefield.

The rings have also been active in this neighborhood.

At some point, they slowly... groped into the body of the dream creature who made the debris.

Then the ring dug a hole in this huge body and all went in.

Because they find that they can get food infinitely there, there is no need to collect food in dangerous battlefields.

They settled in here.

The creatures outside don't know that this is happening... they are still fighting.

This time the plan for the debris creatures is better than before, this time they don't concentrate the living things together... but they are shipped separately in many containers.

This makes it difficult for their opponents to destroy these containers.

Finally, although some containers were destroyed, enough living matter was transported to the body of the dreamer.

The debris creatures put all these living things into the body of the dreamer.

A large amount of living matter began to affect the body of the entire dreamer... In the fear of the enemy and the expectation of the debris creatures.

And the first thing it does is to start attacking all the creatures around.

Whether it is a fragmented creature or something.

Its attack method is to radiate a large number of sharp objects from the body, although it is completely relying on the shackles, but it is very effective.

And because the troops on the battlefield experienced a big battle before they completed the transport of life material, they could not fight against this... suddenly dreaming of and attacking their dreams.

Then the troops on the battlefield retreated.

But the debris creature is still full... hope.

They decided to communicate with the dreamer after that and let it be their god.

Then, the debris creature sent a negotiating force to communicate with the dreamer and ask it to be their god.

Of course this... failed.

The dreamers immediately launched an attack when they came to negotiate.

This is mainly because of this dreamer, it is not a real dreamer.

Its consciousness mainly comes from the group of rings that had been drilled into the interior of the dreamer.

When the dreamer was injected with life material, the dreamer created a very wonderful reaction inside.

The ring creatures inside are directly connected to the whole body... ‘mixed’ together, after a while, the ring creatures... they found that they could control the body of the entire dreamer.

Then they attack the surrounding creatures.

The reason they do this is simply to destroy creatures that are different from their own... their thinking is like this.

The thinking of this group of rings can be said to be the fusion of two kinds of creatures.

That is, the debris creatures, and the creation of debris creatures.

The ring will pursue the content of the dream like a fragmented creature, but they will consider... there is something about survival.

That is to say, they are afraid of death, so they will not be desperate for the pursuit of dreams.

But in fact they have not been exposed to dreams.

Dreams must touch those dreaming and dreaming people, and the ring does not touch them.

However, there is a special feeling in the thinking of the ring that they know the existence of something like 'dream.'

So they have to find a dream.

As for the surrounding creatures... including the debris creatures, it is a hindrance to them and must be eliminated.

However, after eliminating the exchange units sent by the debris creatures, the ring produced ... doubts.

They find that... Debris creatures are not threats, and they seem to be asking them what they are doing.

Then the ring began to communicate with the debris creatures.

What's amazing is that they have no way to communicate well.

Although they are creatures of the same root, they created a set of their own 'exclusive' language when they were born.

This is different from the language used by fragmented creatures, which are currently used primarily in a language in a dream.

But after trying to get to know each other, they slowly reached an exchange.

After knowing what the other party wanted to do, the ring immediately agreed to the request of the fragmented creature.

This way... the ring will be able to watch the battles of the sacred creatures of the debris creatures, and they don’t have to do anything.

The ring can do what you want to do.

But the shards tell them that it is not so simple, even if it is ‘God’, God must also create life.

So they taught the way to make creatures to the ring.

The rings were not used after they were first learned, and they didn't seem to make much sense.

And the debris creatures continue to go to war with their creations...

The ring begins to do what they want to do, and that is to find a dream.

They quickly found out...because they came into contact with the dreamer.

When the ring feels the dream of the dreamer, they find that this is what they always want to find.

But they did not simulate the dreams immediately without the debris creatures, because the ring is not very fond of the content of the dream.

Some of the performances in dreams do not match their...values.

So the ring produced an idea that they had to create a dream they liked.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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