4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2874: Manufacturing dreams

If you want to pursue a dream... then this dream must be worth pursuing.

The ring thinks so.

They learned from the debris creatures that dreams are generally random and disordered.

The last dream content is usually not directly related to the next one, but generally a dream content will last for a long time.

For example, this dream content has been going on for a long time.

The ring doesn't like this random content... they want a dream that suits them, they want to pursue a suitable dream content.

In fact, they want to dream and imagine themselves, and then transfer the content of the imagination to the real.

However, the ring itself does not know how to dream.

They don't sleep like cell biology. Although they can imagine things that are unknown, they don't know how to 'play' such imaginative content as clearly as dreamers' dreams.

Simply put, they want to make their own dreams, and then let the fragments of creatures create the dreams they want.

Because I don't know how to dream, the ring creature began to study the dreamer here.

The way they study is to dig up the dream cultivator and then study the internal structure and so on.

They will not be wasted when digging, they will eat the part that was dug.

So the result of the digging until the end is that... the ring has eaten a whole dream molder.

Their original size has also increased a lot because of this behavior, but they still have not learned how to dream.

So they continue to go to other dreamers.

Their behavior has attracted the attention of the debris creatures... and the rings have shown to the debris creatures that they can make better dreams. These original dreamers are no longer useful, and their random dreams are not worth pursuing.

And the fragmented creatures don't care so much. In fact, they don't care about the content of dreams. They are trying to pursue as long as they are dreams.

But the behavior of the ring has already damaged the dream itself that has been pursued.

What's more interesting here is that the shard creatures will dig up the dream cultivators in pursuit of dreams... but they don't care.

However, if it is like a ring, it is not for the purpose of pursuing a dream to hurt the dreamer, then they are very concerned.

The debris creature immediately attacked the ring.

The ring was a little surprised by this situation, but they have become very powerful because they have eaten a dreamer and resisted the attack.

Of course, the debris creatures will not only attack once... They soon sent a larger army and launched the ring... crazy bombardment.

The ring found that their firepower was not strong enough, and the defense could not resist the debris for too long.

If this continues, they will definitely be completely smashed by the other side.

Under the crisis, the way the ring came up with was to continue research.

Because they had eaten a dreamer before, they got a lot of information about the dreamer.

They continue to investigate how to dream by studying these materials.

They are fighting against the attacks of debris creatures while studying how to dream.

This is actually a...gambling, and they bet on success.

They completed the study when the ring was almost unable to withstand the attack of the debris creatures.

They finally understand how to dream, how to completely imitate... the dream of the dreamer.

And while completing the research, they immediately tried to make a ... dream.

To be precise, it is ‘made’ a dream.

At this instant, the debris creature stopped attacking the ring.

Just as the ring thinks... as long as they can also make dreams, the fragments of creatures will follow their dreams.

Of course, if they think wrong, they are now destroyed by the debris creatures.

After all, this is different from the last time, the fragmented creatures are trying to attack them.

But since it has survived, it will continue... the previous practice is good.

The dreams of the original rings were also random, and they found that the dreams they created were a mixture of things they had experienced before.

It's just that the content doesn't include the debris creature attacking itself, so the debris creature stopped the attack.

The ring decided to learn to control the dream, they want to create what they want in the dream.

This difficulty is actually quite big... and Ershimin is almost as difficult to control his dreams.

Simply put, you have to carefully control your thinking.

As a result, they began to attack other dreamers and explore their dreams by digging these dreamers.

Of course, they continue to eat these dreamers, and the pieces they have dug are assembled into their bodies by swallowing them.

The ring has grown stronger and stronger.

But the ring at this time is not a consciousness, but a lot of consciousness, each of which is responsible for controlling part of the body.

And there is a consciousness that is specifically responsible for... dreaming.

This kind of cooperation allows them to do other things while they are dreaming.

What they do... is to dig all other dreamers.

This is not just for research, but for the complete control of debris.

They believe that fragmented creatures should only follow their dreams and do not need to have other random dreams.

Because the debris creatures will not attack them at this time, their actions are still very smooth.

The ring succeeded in eating a lot of dreamers, and at the same time constantly researching... they also learned to control dreams.

Making the dreams you want is the first step to success. With this, they can control all the debris around them.

Using methods that control dreams, they find that they can indeed control debris biological action.

Then, the rings made more fragments of creatures by using the methods of making creatures.

Soon, they created a large army of fragments of creatures.

Then the ring commanded the army to destroy the debris creatures... creations.

Because they control the content of dreams, they can let the debris creature do anything.

It's just that they sometimes find that the fragmented creatures are desperate to complete the dream content.

As long as you pay attention to this, they can control the debris creatures very well.

And with the help of the ring, the war that lasted for a long time slowly fell to the side of the fragmented creature.

Those creations were eventually completely destroyed.

At the same time, they slowly ate all the ... dreams.

In the end, the entire space is left with rings and a lot of debris.

What should I do next?

The ring found that they had not thought about this kind of thing.

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