"This is a group of creatures that are pursuing their dreams."

"They are looking for their closest dreams."

This seems to be a bit different creature.

From the outside, it looks like a paste stuck on the chain.

This paste has a diameter of more than ten meters, and Lynn detected it not long ago.

The reason for detecting it is actually because it always sends out a lot of signals here.

There are many ways to communicate with the creatures formed by the dreamer's shedding debris... This signal is also one of them.

These signals can go directly to the neural structure of the fragmented creature, and because Lynn recently created something that mimics their neural structure, they can receive this signal.

When Lin arrived here, Lin found the paste.

And it has been talking about things about...dreams.

And the language of the bus is used.

Although it had been sending signals of debris creatures before, it was seen that Lin’s pompoms had changed to the language of the bus.


"Yes, dreams, they have come close to their dreams countless times, but they have been blocked countless times and should not be stopped."

“Can you describe things about your dreams in detail?”

For Lynn's inquiry, this group of paste stopped the words... After waiting for more than ten seconds, Lin found that it had not responded... Lin decided to capture it.

Several pompons quickly rushed in the direction of the paste, and as the pompoms approached, the paste suddenly moved.

It quickly converges and turns into something like a smooth stone.

At the same time, it also quickly flew out in one direction.

It seems that I want to escape... In this case, Lin also let the pompon chase the past.

It didn't look like the exposed power of the West, but the speed was very fast... Soon it flew out of the fuselage corpse and flew toward the void.

Lin is speeding up the pompoms little by little and slowly catching up with this goal.

Lynn found that its speed slowed down bit by bit, so it didn't take long to catch up.

But Lynn didn't immediately grab it.

"This is where their dreams come. They have never been able to get close to it. They have never been successful. They have been blocked."

This piece of pulp with Lin's pompom flew to a place that looked very interesting.

There are a lot of rings...the bodies floating here.

The number is quite large, there are tens of thousands.

And these rings are all... cut in half.

They are completely cut from the middle of the body, and it looks like there is something powerful here... the power makes them look like this.

“Why is this the place of their dreams here?” Lin asked the paste.

The paste did not say anything, but slowly drifted to the center of the circle.

All the rings here are aligned in one direction and are surrounded by a huge circle.

The center of this circle is a 'empty land' of hundreds of meters in diameter, without any discs coming close to it.

The paste slowly drifted to the center of the open space, the moment it approached the open space...

'Snapped! ’

I saw that the paste was also cut from the middle.

Then there seems to be some kind of power to push out the paste that has been cut into two pieces.

What's more interesting is that the section of the two pastes that were pushed out is also aligned with the center area.

But after a few seconds, Lin found that two pieces of paste floated together, and then... glued.

Its section is bonded and restored to a complete paste.

Although it is not like paste now, Lin still calls it paste.

This central location seems to be very wonderful, so Lin also let a pompom float to the center position...but when the pompom flies into the target point... nothing happens.

Pompon does not seem to be attacked.

"Only the pursuit of the dream will be stopped." This paste says: "You have no dreams."

"What is this dream referring to?" Lin questioned.

"Feel its existence." Paste said: "Feel the dream... Feel where the dream lies, the concentration of thinking, where you have what you think, everything you think is..."

'Snapped--! ‘Lin found that it had been broken before it was finished.

‘Boom—’ At the same time, there was a violent airflow in the center of the open space, and the broken paste and a large number of rings flew out.

At the same time, there was a huge ray of light in the open space, which began to be extremely dazzling and then slowly dimmed.

When the light completely dissipated, a creature appeared in the center of the open space...

This is a plant flower that looks like a white snow and looks like a lotus flower.

The overall size of this 'Lotus' is more than two hundred meters. It said at the moment of its appearance: "Your dreams... can't be pursued, they can't be obtained, they must die."

... it also uses the language of the bus.

"You are... what creature?" Lynn asked it with a pom-pom.

"You are... I am..." The creature seemed to hesitate for a while, and Lynn felt it was testing the pompom.

It uses the more common detection method of bus creatures. After a while, it said: "I am a dream hunter."

"Dream Hunter?"

"Maybe you have been in contact with it just now, it has mentioned ‘dreams to you.” Lotus said: “I specifically hunt them for these dreams.”

"What is the dream?" Lin asked.

"That is the connection with another world." The dream hunter said: "They want to bring the world closer."

"The world?" Lin asked: "What kind of world is that?"

“If you want to know, you have to pursue your dreams like them.” The dream hunter said: “But I can show you, there...images.”

After that, Lin noticed that it sent some special information.

This information shows a look of space, presented in the form of a 'picture'.

This space is the space for...the dreamer.

The same as what Lin had seen before, you can find the group inside... in the discussion of the last days of the creature.

"Here is the world of their dreams..." Lin asked.

"This is one of them, and there are many similar ones." The dream hunter said: "I have to hunt these things that are trying to pursue my dreams and prevent their lives from continuing... to stop their dreams from continuing."

“Why do you want to do this?” Lin asked.

"If you don't do this, they will definitely repeat the same mistakes and re-present the final pursuit."

"The ultimate pursuit of dreams will lead to massive destruction and cannot be allowed to do so."

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