4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2879: Pursuit and hunting

“There are so many creatures that are always trying to pursue their dreams.”

"They never give up."

"We have never given up."

"We must hunt them... hunt them to the last moment."

‘Dream Hunter’ is a bus creature that is said to have only one purpose in birth, that is to hunt those creatures that pursue their dreams.

The things that this ‘dream’ refers to are a little bit complicated.

It is said that a long time ago, there was such a kind of creatures. The ecology of this group of creatures is not clear. They only know that their biggest...the characteristic is to change the surrounding environment through thinking.

Their own consciousness has never directly touched ‘reality’, but has always been in ... imagination.

But the real environment around them changes according to their imagination, and finally becomes the same environment as they imagine.

Of course, the reasons for the changes are not clear. These are the legends of a long time ago.

As mentioned in the legend, these creatures have transformed a fairly large area that is completely based on their imagination.

And this place...is the ‘unpredictable land’.

It is said that like a dreamer, and some creatures in the void are descendants of this imaginary creature.

Lin feels that if this legend is true, the phoenix and the whirlwind creatures, as well as various dream creatures, are also related.

However, the ‘dream hunter’ mainly talks about some creatures that Lynn is not very familiar with.

These creatures enter the normal void for various reasons, and at the same time have the kind of life in the solidification of the void.

Most creatures have forgotten... or simply don’t know the connection between themselves and the unforeseen land, so they live an ordinary life here.

But some creatures may still have some ancient memories in the depths of their minds.

It is like a dreamer.

The dreamer may be to create a similar situation before shutting himself in space... and then forming a fragmented creature, and slowly transforming the surrounding environment, that is, changing the environment with imagination.

Just don't know what's wrong with it... the result is now.

But in general, many creatures don't know how they relate to unforeseen places. There are very few such things as dreamers.

Until... sometime, that thing evokes the memory of most creatures.

This is the war.

When a creature proposes to bring the unforeseen land closer to the void, many creatures respond to its call, and the main reason is said to be...because these creatures are from unforeseen places.

Although they didn't know it, when the creatures showed their existence in unforeseen places... they all... produced a 'resonance'.

Even though there are quite a few of these creatures that have not been in the normal void for a long time, they are completely different from the original ones, but they all have a special feeling when they feel there.

It's like a fragmented creature, and the reason they are interested in it is not just because it is a land of dreams.

It may also be because the 'old memories' in their minds are awakened.

At the same time, some creatures that were not unforeseen were involved in the war.

They may simply be interested in there, or some other purpose.

After the end of the war, many creatures still did not give up, still looking for ways to go back.

Most creatures have no good way.

But there are also some creatures that have found... it seems a bit tricky.

That is through the 'old space'.

Ancient space... It is similar to the 'homecoming way' that Lynn encountered before, and many creatures from unforeseen places will try to return there through this place.

The space of the dreamer is also such a place.

It is likely to have a passage similar to the 'homecoming way' that leads to unforeseen places.

Although even if there is that kind of channel, it is likely to have been disconnected.

There is another possibility at the same time.

That is, the 'old space' itself has the effect of narrowing the unforeseen land and the normal void distance.

Perhaps a long time ago, the creature was able to bring the two voids closer through the ancient space.

In short, because ancient space has various possibilities, there are creatures to pursue them.

The same is true of the ring creature...

The ring creature that was born in the fuselage corpse is now called the ‘wandering consciousness’ by the dream hunter.

Melt chain... or dream creatures are creatures of energy thinking. After they die, their thinking energy is dissipated.

As long as the original body is not damaged too much, it is only necessary to inject this kind of 'energy' into their thinking to make them wake up again.

It feels a bit like a collection of thoughts.

And now those rings are like this.

It is said that they occasionally wake up suddenly because they have more energy in their bodies.

As long as this kind of energy is generated in a ring, they will move... It becomes the situation that Lynn sees now.

Some of them will have the idea of ​​repenting the space of the dreamer, so they will look for the entrance to the space nearby.

And all these creatures that are trying to find... are all killed by the dream hunter.

This is the mission of a dream hunter, it will kill all creatures trying to pursue unforeseen places.

Because it also learned about the history of the melting chain from the fuselage body, it specializes in hunting the rings here.

Of course, there are other creatures that want to pursue the ‘dream’ and it also goes back to hunting.

In this case, why didn't it destroy the entire fuselage body... to eliminate the birth of the ring?

The dream hunter says so...

Because the 'energy' that revives the ring is mainly from a place it can't detect.

If the entire body is destroyed, then the energy will definitely not disappear and may be launched to other bodies.

In this case, we have to look for it, and there is no way to continue to investigate where this energy comes from.

It is better to keep the body and let the energy flow here.

Recently, the ring has been resurrected less and less, and the dream hunter thinks that energy may be consumed quickly.

If there is no ring resurrection, the dream hunter will decide to kill the space of the dreamer.

Although it does not have the confidence to destroy the space, it can kill all the creatures inside.

At the same time, Lin also asked why it is willing to talk to Lin.

It said that there was information about the bus creatures detected from Lynn's pompoms.

To be precise, it is the information of Ershi.

The dream hunter also knows Ershi, of course not directly, but it knows that Ershi is the key to making war. 8)

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