4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2884: Awareness

"Maybe you should know me..."

"Although we have never seen it directly."

"But I have a lot of relevant knowledge, related...memory, and ideas."

"Because we have been together for a long time... fluff."

In a small space, Lin felt a strong change.

A lot of dream energy, like floods, surges in the pipeline, and also 'infects' each of the branches in the pipeline.

At the same time, Lynn also felt the information conveyed in this dream energy.

Sure enough, as Lin thought, it was deliberately let Lin's arms invade the inside of the pipeline... and then wait until Lin occupied all the pipelines before making a 'counterattack'.

All the creatures in the pipeline, even the small space itself... belong to its consciousness management.

Its consciousness is not a creature of 'physical body', but the energy itself, which is simply a dream creature.

But what's more interesting is that Lin found this dream creature... it is the creature that Lynn knows.

It is said that a long time ago, there was one...the creator.

... actually not a long time ago.

It is the ‘dream creator’ that Lynn knows.

It has been building its dream world and creating its ideal dream environment.

The dream world created by the creators is already very broad, and there are a lot of dream creatures in it.

At the same time, in the process of creation, the creator's understanding of the dream world is getting deeper and deeper... The study of dream energy is becoming more and more thorough.

It has been able to do a lot of things with dream energy.

Although it has no way to completely eliminate the creature of the 'Little Protector', its control of the dream energy is much stronger than before.

But there is a small problem in it, it is about the creator itself.

When the creators themselves experience a variety of things, they will give this experience to ... 'write' into nuclear information.

This special nuclear information will be sent out in some special way.

However, this dream creator is a little different.

It is mainly 'written' through dream energy, rather than being written into nuclear information as usual.

Of course, this information will also be sent out as usual and received by some creatures.

The 'consciousness' in this small space is one of the creatures that receive the information of the dream creator.

In fact... it was “created” by this information.

"It has been a long time, fluff." Lin found that in addition to talking in the small space of the dream energy, Lin also found that it is ... crushing every unit of Lin.

To be precise, it is a smashing of the arms made by Lin's scorpion corpses.

When a lot of dream energy was filled with it, Lynn noticed that the materials of the original hoods all collapsed one after the other.

These substances seem to react very directly with the energy of the dream... can be broken or reorganized by adjusting the energy of the dream.

In fact, Lin had already discovered this situation when he created the Dream Energy Detector, but he has not studied it.

In more than ten seconds, Lin's arms of the entire pipeline were all broken, and Lin also noticed... This group of broken arms was assembled again.

They are like...the magnets are pieced together to look at things like debris piles.

And this crumb heap will... move.

These things are very slow, but because they have already got rid of the internal 'cell driver' in the process of fragmentation and reorganization, they are not... Lin's arms.

This is also equal to it in a moment... it took back control of the entire small space.

"Fleece... What do you want to do? Want to stop us from pursuing our dreams?"

Because there are still many cells left here... Lin can continue to feel its words.

"The ancient dreams, only we can continue, no other creature can continue it, they can't do it."

"You?" Because Lynn's 'Dream Detector' didn't break, Lynn could continue to communicate with it.

"Yes... we are going to realize the ancient dreams."

After talking with this creature for a while, Lynn found that it seemed willing to talk to Lin about something.

For example, this small space, it means that this place is... a place that existed a long time ago.

Here too, some 'energy' is generated to activate the ring in the fuselage corpse.

It just happened to come to this space by chance and control it.

As for the 'energy' in the thinking of the chain, it is actually a variant of the dream energy.

It is said to be exactly the same as the dream energy, but after some changes it has become a different form.

It said that it has learned this change.

Simply put... it can turn itself into a 'melting chain thinking'.

"I can replace it's consciousness! Let it pursue dreams again!"

This seems to mean that it can...recover the melting chain?

Lin went on to ask about it, mainly about the birth of it.

This creature is roughly a creator, and should be considered a descendant of the dream creator.

Its birth process is related to the energy here.

After the melt chain died, its own thinking energy drifted away.

But a small amount of energy is concentrated in a certain location.

This location is this small space.

The small space was also here long ago.

When the melting chain dies, some of its drifting thinking energy seeps into this space and slowly accumulates.

But the initial accumulation is not a lot, and because the thinking energy of the melting chain is gone... and no new energy enters the small space.

But... there is other energy into this small space.

That is the energy of dreams.

Dream energy occasionally wanders around this place.

They permeate into small spaces like thought energy and slowly blend into the interior.

And the main thing is...

These dream energies are 'assimilated'.

They are slowly transformed into thinking energy.

When the energy in the small space is full, they will have some... leaked out.

This is why the ring is revived.

However, it is said that this speed has been very slow all along.

So the ring of recovery is also rare.

"You must be wondering... why is this corpse done this way?"

Suddenly, it said: "Because they want to use this body... they just can't use it."

"Using?" Lin asked.

"It's those... bus creatures who want to do something with the 'melted chain' of the body, so keep it intact."

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