4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2885: Alternative to thinking


"Fleece, what do you think your dreams are?"

"We are always pursuing our own dreams, aren't we?"

"Now I have to go to the real place... to pursue my dreams."

"A lot of creatures want to stop me, so I have to ruin them."

Lynn discovered the character of this creature...and it is very similar to the dream creator.

Although it is not exactly the same, it is very close.

"Everything has been done, all the research... is for this moment."

"Maybe we should end this exchange."

"The real dream pursuit... started."

After saying these words, Lin felt that the whole small space......... broke out.

It's not that this space is blown up, but all the dream energy in the space is like a blast of general dissipating.

It seems that it is going to... recover.

At this time, Lin turned her attention to the location of the fuselage body.


Every huge chain began to shake.

Before, it said to Lin... After its consciousness was born in this small space, it slowly learned the story of this melting chain.

The story of the melting chain is not difficult to understand, because there are ways to understand its history as long as it reaches the core.

However, there are more ways to learn... you can learn more about the history of the melting chain.

For example, there is something about what happened after the end of the war, as well as details of the chain war.

It is always trying to study this and find more intelligence.

As for its own birth process, it also told Lin.

It is itself a creation of the dream creator, which has been said before.

However, after asking Lin in detail, I found that it was a little more complicated than what I said at the beginning.

The original cause was that the dream creator felt that he had arrived at a time when he should make a future generation.

Since it likes things in dreams, it is decided to create a pure ‘dream descendant’.

At some point, it began to make this offspring.

Lin did not know this point. After all, Lin did not... I have been monitoring it, only to look at it occasionally.

In general, the descendants of the creator...there are no memories of the 'mother', but this descendant does.

It seems that the creators have mixed in with their own experiences that should have been sent to other places.

Therefore, after it is manufactured, it has... the memory of the experience of the dream creator.

However, when it was first created...not ‘live’.

It was in a state of no thinking at first, and at first it was just a small... energy.

It may be because the creator's technology to make dreams of future generations is not skilled. In fact, this creation is a failure.

It did not create a normal offspring.

But the creator did not pay attention to it after it was created. It seems that the creator did not improve the idea of ​​this descendant.

Instead, let it flow into the void.

As for how to flow in... It is not very clear, it seems that Lynn wants to ask the dream creator.

It thinks it is taking some ... flying things or something.

But the most amazing thing is that it didn't know what the reason came here.

This small space is quite far from the place where the dream creator is, but it came here for unknown reasons.

It was not conscious at first, but after entering the small space, it was mixed with the dream energy stored in the small space.

Then its consciousness began to slowly wake up.

Although the ‘body structure’ is very different, its thinking is similar to the usual creator.

It began to pay attention to the surrounding environment and understand what kind of situation it was in.

Then it begins to shape its own environment.

Although it is a dream creature itself, it first focuses on the 'real environment'.

It is the normal void material in a small space.

There are a lot of impurities in it. These impurities are the kind of material that Lin has seen so far.

It was originally studying these substances because it found that this form of energy life can have an effect on these substances.

It can use itself to change the shape of these substances.

Initially its effect on these substances was just a very simple assembly like the spelling of 'building blocks'.

But slowly, the things it gets are getting more complicated.

This may be because it was born with the knowledge of the dream creator... and some other wonderful reasons.

It slowly learned how to assemble these substances into... creatures.

It assembles a lot of tiny creatures, and slowly it also increases the size of these creatures.

This Lin feels very interesting because it is equivalent to assembling a completely new substance into a creature.

The primitive habits of these creatures are similar to the general fungi, which devour and multiply.

But then it slowly complicates the behavior of these creatures, and it allows these creatures to do a lot of things.

Including... generating intelligence.

Although these creatures are only a centimeter in size, they still produce a very complex...ecology.

Just like the creators of the past, it has also created its own ecology in this small and small place.

But it is quickly dissatisfied with this ecology.

It is not because it is too small, but because the composition is too single.

The creatures here are all too similar, although it has always wanted to complicate the ecology here, but...

It noticed the outside.

It has been in the interior of the space before... and this space has not been opened.

But after a while, it suddenly felt the opening of the space.

This small space interval will be accidentally opened for a long time, and some energy will be leaked out.

At this time it also noticed the outside world.

Because it itself ‘disappears’ a little out.

This leaked out part... and did not interrupt consciousness.

That is, it can feel the part of the body that it leaks out.

This part touched the fuselage body outside.

Therefore, it also slowly learned about the situation of the melting chain.

And it also began to study the melting chain...

After learning about the melt chain, it has a great interest in the melting chain.

In fact, it is of great interest to...the land of dreams, and it likes it very much.

It is also an unpredictable place.

It really wants to go to that place to create its own ecology, not in this small space.

So it investigates from this aspect and sees if there is any way to go to that place.

It has been learned through research... After the war, no creature can reach that place.

Except... a creature.

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