4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2886: Complete recovery

It is said that after the end of the war... Many creatures, including the initiators, were unable to connect to the unforeseen land.

Although many creatures try to find ways to go there, they have no results.

Only one creature successfully connected there.

That is the creator.

According to it, the creator, or creator, is one of the former warriors.

Obviously, they are the opposite of bus creatures.

But the creators are not the initiators of the wars of the bus rivals.

The initiator is a more...old creature.

As for the initiators of the bus, it seems that they have always been considered to be Ershi.

After the war, all creatures could not connect again... or found unforeseen places.

Only the creators, they succeeded in connecting to the place where there is no creature to touch.

And use some of the things there to affect this normal void.

For example, fear energy.

It is said that the energy of fear...not the 'biological' from the unpredictable land, but the fact that they use unpredictable land...something to turn the 'fear' of the normal void creature into a conscious... creature .

When the fear energy has consciousness, it feels that it is an unforeseen creature, and tries to return there.

However, even the creators... they have not successfully reached unforeseen places, or have not touched them there.

This void does not have a direct way to get there... The only way to get there is to wait.

It tells Lynn so much.

As long as you wait until some time, the 'old space' that exists in the void will automatically open the road and lead to that place.

What is the unforeseen place? Lin also discussed this issue with it.

However, this has not produced any results. According to the information currently available, Lin believes that the unforeseen place is a...

Similar to the place where Midgart is empty.

It is the 'empty space' shaped by creatures.

Maybe it was originally a space that was stripped from the normal void or the solidified void, and then it became enough... After the huge, it formed a void.

It doesn't care much about this. It always wants to go to the void and create its own world there.

So it has been working **** that goal.

The biggest obstacle to this effort is the ‘dream hunter’, which tells Lynn that this odious bus creature has been obstructing.

The hunter has hunted a lot of creatures, and almost all creatures trying to pursue the ancient space will be hunted by it.

In addition, there are other obstacles, such as the entry into the ancient space, it is not so easy to open the way to there.

But... under long-term research, it has solved all the obstacles.

It believes that it is now time.

"I will go to the land of dreams... it is impossible to stop me! No creature can stop me!"


In the void, Lynn can see the huge... chain activity.

The fuselage body consisting of countless chains began to sway, and the dim core in the middle illuminates with dazzling light.

As it has said before, its conscious energy can start the entire melting chain.

Many micro-arms are located on many chains of the chain... It can be seen that the inside of the rings that make up the chain are all moving at all distances.

They began to assemble... a variety of complex visceral structures, and when all the structures worked together, the entire body of the melting chain also moved.

"You should be interested in seeing the completion of all this, fluff, to witness the moment I finished my dream!"

The fuselage's body is active. It sends information around the bus language. Although this information is for Linda, it has other purposes.

When this information is sent out... the nearby void is shining.

A white lotus blooms in the sky with the light.

The dream hunter felt the message from the melting chain and came here the first time.

"It... moved."

The dream hunter showed amazement at the activity of this huge object... It didn't seem to have thought that it actually moved.

The melt chain with creator consciousness also noticed the dream hunter.

"You have been ending our dreams." It said in the bus language: "But my dream is not to be ended."

"I will pursue it to the last moment... I will... end you!"

At the end of the moment, a large number of rings flew out of the chains of the chain and rushed toward the dream hunter.

These rings are the rings that were originally in the fuselage body.

It seems that they are all under control now.

Each ring flies to the dream hunter, and at the same time emits brilliant light toward the target.

High-temperature rays are their most common form of attack. These rays hit the snowy skin of the dream hunter...and have no effect.

Even a trace did not leave.

At this time, dream hunting was manually started.

It flew in the direction of the large group of rings, and during the flight, it scattered a myriad of white matter.

These materials look as beautiful as snowflakes, they are only a few centimeters in size, and rotate at high speeds close to the surrounding ring.

At the moment the ring of the ring touched the 'snowflake', it broke a huge crack.

In the case of being hit by a large number of snowflakes, the whole ring is also torn apart, and the unit composed of this ring also becomes a metal block floating in the void at this moment.

It took more than ten seconds for the dream hunter to clear the obstacle and continue to fly in the direction of the chain.

To compare the size of the body, the dream hunter is much smaller than the melting chain.

But it was completely fearless... just hit the melt chain directly.

The melt chain seems to be a little bit... at the moment, it is going backwards.

At the same time, Lin also noticed that a large number of small **** flew out of the chains of the chain.

These are... ‘the eye of the storm’.

When Lin investigated the entire fuselage body, she did not find the 'eye of the storm' inside.

It has thrown so much now, is it temporarily assembled? The eyes of these storms look like a one-meter sphere and look like a miniature model of a tumbling person.

However, it still seems to have no effect.

Although it was directly hit by a large number of 'eyes of the storm', it did not slow down.

Finally, the dream hunter flew to the chain... before a chain.

'boom! ’

Just a short contact, this chain is... disconnected.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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