4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2891: Tibetan

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"No, it

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They don't dream about themselves." They are not directly related. ”

"They don't dream about themselves."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"Do they have a nightmare?"

"No, they don't have nightmares. In fact, their dreams are not directly related to themselves."

"They don't dream about themselves."

"But actually this is... impossible."

"They should dream about themselves, unless... they exclude this part."

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