4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2892: Burning pain

"Don't have another... nightmare..."

The brilliance of the explosion broke out in the void.

The creature that blooms them...is obviously the melting chain.

Not long ago, Lynn discovered that there was something like a fire like this again.

Every time these things appear, the melt chain will attack them madly.

Light is the more common attack method... Sometimes it will shoot the disc directly to attack.

It has not used any special attack methods yet.

What appears in this 'nightmare area' is quite special.

Although every occurrence was immediately destroyed, Lin also came into contact with some things before being destroyed.

Lin made a launcher in Lin's ring, and whenever Lin saw the presence of 'fire' nearby, she immediately shot there.

The flying warhead has a high probability of arriving and detecting the target when the target is destroyed by the melt chain.

Lynn has already detected several ‘fires’.

Lin found them more interesting... This fire is certainly not a real fire, but a kind of 'reaction'... Lynn doesn't feel anything when it comes across.

Every time there appears, there must be an object like metal, and ‘flame’ always burns around it.

The 'flame' itself is mainly based on the melting chain.

As long as the chain is 'looking' to this side, the metal-like object will react and glow like a flame.

And if the melting chain diverts attention... or destroys the metal, the flame will dissipate.

The melting chain itself is not visual, but its perceptual power is similar to that of vision. It is a kind of ability to perceive a straight line. As long as it is 'irradiated' by its perception, the metal will burn.

It seems that the things that appear here are specific to it. When you see the burning, the mood of the chain will become very excited at this moment, even after destroying the target, it will not be calm for a long time.

At the time when these metals initiated the 'burning reaction', it seemed to directly hurt the chain.

This is also the main reason why it is afraid.

Lynn wants to know what this is... What is this 'nightmare area'?

Maybe it has something to do with the makers of the Eye of the Storm?

Because Lin had discussed it with the melt chain before, although the melt chain had made a lot of storm eyes before, it said that the eye of the storm in the ‘war bus’ was not made by it.

It has never wanted to advertise that the bus is evil or something.

In fact, it is not very concerned about the wars of the past, it simply wants to realize their dreams.

The eyeball of the storm that it used to attack the dream hunter, the way it was made was recorded in some rings, it was only made temporarily.

Although the melt chain is not necessarily true, but... Lin also feels that the propaganda of the bus may be another creature.

"Must stop... stop, stop the nightmare! Stop it!"

Suddenly, the chain seems to be very exciting... although it has always been very exciting, but this time it is special.

Under the violent fluctuations of emotions, it directly spreads a whole chain into a large number of rings.

At the same time, the rings all flew in one direction, and they continued to shoot while flying.

They flew in the direction of nothing at first, but slowly appeared...the scenery.

A small group of fire suddenly appeared in the red sky, and then suddenly expanded.

This group of fires is bigger than any other group that has appeared in the past. It has been constantly expanding, and finally formed a sphere with a diameter of about a thousand kilometers.

It looks like a burning giant fireball suddenly appears here.

The rings did not hesitate to face this giant object, they were still emitting light, and finally rushed into the sea of ​​fire.

This was followed by successive explosions, each of which was turned into a burst of brilliance that bloomed in the sea of ​​fire and quickly dissipated.

Obviously, the objects that appeared this time could not be blown up casually.

But this kind of continuation of the flame that caused the melt chain to last did not last long.

This huge object will soon be extinguished.

All the burning flames dissipated in a short period of time, revealing its fascinating surface.

At least from the distant sky, it looks very disgusting.

A huge crack seems to smash the whole piece in the center of the sphere, and the red glow in the crack.

On the surface around the crack, there are traces of large and small, pits, or mountains like swollen bags.

Lin feels that the surface of this sphere seems to have been smashed by a large piece of meteorite rain.

"it is……"

At this time, Lin found that the mood of the dream hunter became a little excited.

"Do you know it?" Lin asked the hunter.

"It is the bus that created me...the bus." The dream hunter replied.

...this seems quite interesting.

Then Lynn asked carefully.

The dream hunter said that the appearance of this bus has been vastly different from the previous one...especially its size is much smaller.

But it can feel that this is definitely the bus that made it.

Could it be that... is it making this 'nightmare'?

"The source of the nightmare..."

At this time, Lin found that the mood of the chain became much more stable. In fact, after the bus's 'fire' went out, it stabilized. Perhaps the pain before it disappeared.

However, it still has an angry mood.

“Is this the source of the nightmare?” The chain is like talking to himself, and like saying to the bus: “Why is this? Can you answer me?”

Although Lin feels that it should disappear after the pain disappears, it is better to escape.

But the chain has been continually questioning the bus, and the bus has not responded.


It is moving.

Soon after the melt chain sent out the message, the bus moved forward.

It moves faster and faster, and is constantly approaching here.

The melt chain continues to send all kinds of information... It doesn't seem to be afraid of death.

As for the dream hunter, it seems a bit afraid of death.

It had been staying between the chains of the chain before, and when it found the bus flying to it, it immediately flew away.

Lin asked why it was, the dream hunter told Lin... This bus gave it a very bad feeling.

This kind of emotion is not well described, so the overall emotional information is sent to Lin.

After receiving it, Lynn felt this kind of emotion...

It was almost the same as that of Ershimin who saw a corpse suddenly resurrected and climbed to himself.

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