4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 136: The only ethnic group in the jungle

When the second night's light shone again in the jungle, a figure of blood was standing on the battlefield.

Although the large carnivorous dinosaurs have left, the corpses in the forest are left to be eaten by them and various scavengers, but the smell of blood around the jungle is unwashable, with dragons and gnomes. There are some other smells.

Tuck looked down at the soil that had changed color, and he had a lot of doubts in his heart.

In the previous battles, the dragons lost a lot of money. There were only a hundred of the more than 500 ethnic groups. These ethnic groups are not entirely Tucker’s own births. They also contain Many of the dragon tribes wandering in the wasteland, after Tucker told them about the great deeds of pompoms, they all joined the Tucker group...

However, they were killed and wounded under the leadership of Tucker, which made Tucker regret some. It thought that perhaps it should not fight this group of gnomes.

However, since the battle has already taken place, then only the battle is over.

Tucker is very concerned about the ethnic group. It doesn't care about his position. It seems to be very rare for the leader who has been a leader for a long time, but the other dragons in the community have never competed with the leader. It is the reason for being more leisurely.

But because Tucker has a lot to do with pompoms, although Lin never said that Tucker has always been the leader, but the members of the tribes regard it as the messenger of the pompom, so there is no other now. The dragon and its competition leader.

"The leader, the group of gnomes have escaped from the jungle..."

Many dragons are standing behind Tucker, and they are also the people who survived this war. They never retreat or try to escape during the battle. This seems to be mostly related to pompons.

The dragons believe in a special thing. After the death, the dragon will receive the pompom, then turn into an egg in the light, and then reborn.

Although they don't know how they produced this idea, the idea did a good job of eliminating their fear of death.

Although they will still be afraid of death, they will fight hard at the crucial moment and never retreat.

Tucker looked at the rest of the surrounding people. He clenched his wooden stick, which had been broken into a small section in the battle, and said loudly: "Go to the cliff and enter their nest. Kill all the remaining... all." ”

“Oh!” Tucker’s decision was once again unanimously supported by the community, and they simply continued to act after finding some remaining bodies that had been eaten.

Now that you have reached this point, you must completely solve this threat!

However, when Tucker moved with the group in the direction of the cliff, it stopped.

"The leader?" Several dragons behind him stalked forward and pushed Pushuck. Tucker suddenly fell to the ground after they touched them.

"The leader?" "The leader!" All the dragons were surrounded, and Tucker stood up again at this time: "No... problem, go. Kill the creatures."


At the same time, outside the jungle on the other side...

The gnomes also suffered tremendous damage during the war. The original number of thousands has hit less than a thousand now, but they are not all dead, but some have been dispersed, and some have escaped. When they are getting less and less in the ongoing battle, Some gnomes have begun to fear to try to escape.

Now, the largest group of gnomes who escaped from the war escaped from the jungle and escaped from the high grasslands. Now they are in front of them, a white salt field...

“Wow?” The gnome leader looked at the place puzzledly. Obviously, they were lost. After all, they didn’t have cliffs. They used to communicate with sound instead of smell, so they didn’t know how to find the way back.

"Oh..." There was a strange sound in the high grassland, scaring the gnomes to flee in the direction of the wasteland.


At this time, Tucker had reached the cliffs of the gnomes, and they climbed down the cliff and into the cave of the gnome.

Drilled through the original narrow aisle, Tucker reached the depths of the gnome cave. It was very spacious. The caves that once gathered thousands of gnomes are now empty, only the bones and some debris.

There are still many passages in it. Tucker let the dragons spread out to search for gnomes, and they also went to search for one of the channels...

Tucker felt that his body had some strange feelings, but it didn't know what it was like...

The passage that Tucker entered soon came to an end. It found that there were many bodies of white dragons in it, and sure enough, they were all killed by the gnomes...

The flesh of these white dragons is still there, as if the gnomes didn't eat them... Don't know why? Tucker smelled a strange smell here...

"The leader!" Suddenly, Tucker heard the voice of his companion in the distance, and he left the room.

After passing through the passage, Tucker found that it was a relatively spacious room. There were many gnome cubs on the ground. They were almost immature and could only climb and climb on the ground. There are also some adult gnomes here. They were blocking the front of the group of youngsters, and they screamed at Tucker, but they did not attack.

Because the females of the gnomes will regenerate the eggs until they hatch, some gnomes that have not yet been produced remain in the caves. If they are in normal state, both females and males will participate in the battle.

"Hey!" Tucker watched as they yelled at once, and the dragons who went to explore other passages immediately gathered after hearing the sound.

"Get them back."

Under Tucker's orders, the dragons immediately began to act. They grabbed the little gnomes and adult gnomes who climbed everywhere, and tied them together with the vines outside the cave. .

After confirming that there were no more gnomes in the cave, Tuck left the cave with the community.

The war is the real end at this time.

The gnomes who fled the jungle swayed in the wasteland. They eventually did not return to the original cliff, but gathered in the vicinity of the wasteland river to start a new life.

Tucker ate most of the little gnomes, but some were retained, and Tucker thought they might have other uses.

Bai Xiaolong is no longer there, the gnomes have also escaped, and the community of the dragons seems to have finally become safe. They intend to begin to restore the number of ethnic groups, but... they have quickly encountered new problems... (to be continued) Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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