4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 137: Dream road


A dragon lingered on the ground, it spewed a lot of blood from the lungs, and then it fell to the ground, no longer living.

"This is already the fifth one." Three dragons jumped from the surrounding dragons, and they looked at the body of this dragon. They all had a sad mood. They used the body of this dragon. Dragged into a dug pit and buried with soil.

Here is the dragon forest of the dragon, which was originally a very lively place. If you walked here, you can often hear the sound of music made by various dragons with various stones. The little dragons are playing under the tree. Everything looks very peaceful...

However, after the war with the gnomes, everything is different...

Although the scorpion wars were devastating, they caused them to become like this. They had no direct relationship with the gnomes. It became strange at first, they became weak, some cockroaches began to cough constantly, some coughs were even more powerful, even coughed up blood, and soon died.

Xiaolong knows that the words describing this situation are called 'diseases', but they don't know what the disease is all about, and they rarely have such problems, but once they appear, they can't cope...

The three dragons that had just buried the body walked in the forest of Longqimu. There were weak coughs everywhere. One of the dragons turned and said to the other two: "We must go to the Tuck leader and solve it. This situation."

"Yes." "Yes."

The three dragons quickly moved to the largest dragon wood, and although they were symptomatic, they were not so serious.

They climbed the dragon wood. I found the tree house where Tucker was.

Tucker is lying on the ground made up of trunks. There are also a few small dragons next to it piled up a bunch of purple **** next to it. This is a nutrient ball that Longqimu grows out so that it can be eaten at any time.

Tucker was also seriously weak because of the disease, but he has not reached the point of crisis life.

Seeing that other dragons climbed up, the cubs ran away. At this time, a dragon walked up and said: "The leader! Santos has come, we must leave here!"

"We don't go anywhere." Tucker twisted his head and said, "Can't... leave here."

Xiaolong usually dealt with this situation far away from the area, but now they have changed the habit of wandering around. Tucker is particularly reluctant to return to his former wandering life, which may be related to its past.

Originally, when Xiaolong arrived here, he would also look for some plants to treat his family, but the current problem can't be solved.

"The leader, this way, Santos will destroy our ethnic group." The dragon continued.

The prototype of the so-called 'Santos' is a small dinosaur called the squirrel dragon. They move quickly in the forest, almost disappear without a trace, and often make a sharp laugh that makes Xiaolong feel harsh and irritated. This allowed the dragons to give it a name called 'Santos' and thought that all the bad things were caused by 'Santos'.

Tucker raised a hand weakly. Gently placed on a slate next to it, where the image of the pompon was painted. "Go find... cough! Pompom! It will... save us."

The dragon said: "But it has left us."

"No, it didn't leave." Tucker said: "Looking for the sun rising, passing through the bridge of white bones, where is where it is."

"Bone Bridge? It's very far away!" Xiaolong said: "And..."

"You can let them go." Tucker suddenly looked at the young dragons around him.

"Do they go?" All the dragons on the scene, including those who were young, were shocked.

However, Tucker also has its idea to do this. Recently, all adult Snapdragons have been affected too much by these diseases, but the babies have no problem.

If you let adult cockroaches go, they may fall ill on the way, so if you go to the puppies, you may be able to successfully reach your destination...

Of course, the pups are more likely to be eaten before they arrive.

"Let's go, Liddell." Tucker reached out and touched the head of the recent little dragon: "Bring other members... find it."

“Hey? Me?” The little dragon named Lidell stunned and said: “This...”

Each Snapdragon has a name, but they have no specific rules for their names, and they are more like occasionally thinking of a certain sound.

"This is impossible, the leader!" The big dragon next to it continued: "They can't even wear the salt! There are more jungles and..."

"I know." Tucker interrupted it: "But we can't leave here, we have to ask... cough!"

"The leader!" Seeing that Tuck coughed up a little red blood, several dragons immediately came up and said: "Let's go, we will arrive at that place!"

Tucker retired: "No, only they can ride on it." Tucker took out the corner of a horned dragon from the side and handed it to Xiaolong Long Lidell.

"What is this?" Liddell looked strangely at the corner. It seems that he has not seen this kind of thing. The cubs of this age will not go hunting with the ethnic groups.

Tucker said: "Go to the statue of the pompon, then blow it, then... then... there is a way to go."

"The statue? I know!" Liddell’s cub has been learning with Tucker. It knows Tucker’s words very quickly. It immediately walks out of the tree house and climbs down the tree.

"Wait a minute!" The three big dragons and other cubs immediately chased them down. They followed Liddell and climbed down to the statue.

This is a statue of pompom, and there is a new word called "altar". The statue is not fixed, but after many modifications, the current appearance has been basically fixed. The statue is divided into three parts, the most Below is a square base, with a huge pterosaur spreading its wings, and then a huge pom-pom on the pterosaur's head. Each hair on the pompon is specially made out. This workmanship is quite fine. .

The whole statue was made of a white rock made by Tucker especially a large number of dragons. The whole statue is very dazzling, but it is also easy to dye all kinds of traces.

Before they went out hunting, the dragons ran to the statue to carry out an activity called 'prayer'. This time, they did not come to pray, but hoped that the pompoms would save their ethnic groups.

In the past, Snapdragons usually abandoned injured or sick companions because they had almost no treatment at the time, and now they almost forgot the habit...

Xiaolong Long Lidell shakes his hand in front of the statue and shakes it. It still doesn't know how to use it. A big dragon next to it came over and took the corner: "This is to blow like this..."


Xiaolong put the corner of the horned dragon's horn in his mouth and forced a low voice. The sound echoed in the jungle, and it didn't linger for a long time... but nothing happened around it.

"It seems to be unresponsive?" The dragon then blew a few more times, and the voice was very loud, causing some of the pterosaurs on the tree to spread their wings, but nothing happened.

The little dragons and the other two dragons looked puzzled at it and blew the horn, and only Liddell turned around around the statue to observe the statue.

Suddenly it found a strange hole in the base of the statue's right side, just enough for its head to reach in.

"Hey? What is this?" Liddell curiously put his head into the hole. When his head was fully extended, it suddenly felt something silky tied its head and let it The head is difficult to pull out.

"Hey!" Just as Liddell just wanted to yell, the scenery around him changed instantly...

At first, it was just an endless darkness, and then slowly appeared some brilliance. This brilliance then expanded in an instant, forming a vast blue sky and sea...

Liddell looked at everything around in amazement. It never encountered such a thing. Then Lidell's feet appeared on the ground, and countless plants emerged from the surface of the earth, forming a huge jungle.

In the jungle, there is a strange voice echoing.

Perhaps it was because he had not experienced it, or because he was too young, Liddell did not think about how it came in, but began to explore the world.

This is a special world. The sun is not visible in the sky, but it is extremely bright. Although the plants are clustered, there is no wet feeling.


At the foot of Liddell, the ground suddenly began to boil. Like the surface of the water, a small bubble rose from the boiling. When the bubbles floated into the air, they suddenly stopped, surrounded by bubbles. Extending a small, short 'leg', the bubbles swayed the short legs around the body and flew in one direction.

Lidd looked at these little things and saw the incomparable curiosity. It immediately chased it up and reached out and grabbed a small bubble.

And when the bubble hits it, it slams out.

At this moment, other bubbles immediately turned to 'look' to Liddell, and their bodies began to swell constantly, seemingly very angry!

"Hey!" Liddell didn't care so much. It rushed forward with excitement and blew a bubble.

The last remaining bubble floated into the sky, Liddell couldn't shoot the high bubbles, and the bubble began to expand more and more, from a few centimeters to a few meters, and its surface even There was a mouth, suddenly, it accelerated the dive, swallowing Lidell in one go... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ excited elznmc~ monthly ticket~

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