4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2953: go away


The fragile battleship floated slowly.

The one-kilometer frit battleship was originally without a driver, but now there is amber floating in the cab.

It seems to be able to connect its mind to the warship's system like the fuse that originally manipulated the battleship.

While the entire warship was slowly starting, other ambers were working quickly, and they had already dragged the creator from the original room.

Because the fuser was too big to cross the entrance and exit of the dock, they bombed the entrance and exit.

They dragged the creator... and placed the creator behind the battleship.

Then Lin saw the tail of the battleship slowly unfolding, revealing the internal storage space, and then amber quickly pushed the creator into the storage space, where all the amber also entered the battleship.

Then, the warship slowly moved forward.

Lin felt that this big warship couldn't rely on the 'ejector'. The creator should have some other methods.

And this group of amber creatures...has a very straightforward approach.

The largest frit warship slowly opened the muzzle of the whole body.

The shape of a frit warship is like a stone, so opening the muzzle will make it a stone with many holes.

The positions of these muzzles are movable, and the driver moves all the muzzles to the head of the battleship.

Are they... do you want to open this pier directly?

Not far from the front of the battleship is the rock wall at the end of the pier... there is no exit to the outside, and any warship that wants to leave from it must pass the 'ejector'.

'boom! ’

The violent explosion instantly shattered the ground and rock walls in front of the warship, as Lin thought... they planned to go out in this direct way.

However, the first bombardment did not blow through the rock wall, but only shredded the rock wall.

They did not open all the firepower of the warship, although it was said that all the muzzles were moved to the head of the warship... but they used only a very low firepower.

It is estimated that they are testing.

'boom! ‘Another explosion, this power is stronger than last time. This time... has already smashed the rock wall.

After a large expanse of smoke, Lin could see that the rock wall of the pier had been blasted into a large hole, and a layer could be seen at the big hole... a bubble-like thing formed a wall.

This foam wall separates the star's ‘fire sea’ and feels like a wonderful technique.

It seems that the outer layer of the entire creator base is mainly wrapped in this 'bubble'.

At this time... the battleship moved.

With a burst of sound from the simulation of Lin, the entire battleship slammed into the big hole it had just opened.

The hole it blasted was hundreds of meters in diameter, which is about the same width as the battleship.

The battleship slammed into the hole and continued to move forward after breaking a small amount of obstructed rock, hitting the wall of the 'bubble' in front.

At the moment when it touched the 'foam wall', it did not damage the foam wall, but instead passed directly through the foam wall.

The entire battleship was instantly wrapped in intense heat.

The wonderful thing is that Lin found that the warship was still driving fast in the heat... It seems that there was no harm.

Because there are a lot of Lin's mini-arms in the battleship, Lin has been observing their situation.

Lin found that it was not the warship that resisted the high temperatures, but the high temperatures around it seemed to have a little bit of separation from the battleship for some wonderful reason.

They are not directly in contact with the battleship.

These ambers drove through the battleship and quickly passed through the interior of the ‘star’... and entered the void outside.

Then the warship flew away into the distant sky.

They did not fly in the direction of the pain bus, but Lynn found that the pain bus was also flying in the same direction as the warship.

It feels very interesting...

......... In this way, the past ten or so pompons stayed up late...

After the ambers took the creators, they had already flown a long distance in the void.

And not far behind this frit battleship is the pain bus.

They have been flying together in the void.

Lin studied a lot of things during this period...

The first is the base of the creator, after the creator was taken away... everything in that base seems to be still functioning.

It seems that the creator has been caught. This kind of thing has never happened. The creatures inside, the frits all live as usual, and they quickly repaired the hole that had been blasted at the dock.

Lin studied the outer layer of 'foam wall', which Lin found was a layer of protection formed by a device in the base.

The wonderful thing is that they are not directly exposed to high temperatures, and the surrounding 'fire sea' is separated from the foam by a certain distance.

Lin felt it necessary to study it very carefully.

Lin’s main research is this group of creatures like amber.

This group of creatures...is a strange group of creatures.

In general, they can be described as ‘quiet wrapped in pain’.

The transparent amber-like outer shell of this group of creatures is actually composed of a large number of tiny movable structures... similar to a group of assembled blocks.

They can be separated or combined at any time, so that they can break a part of the body at any time.

The main thing is that they have a very 'quiet' energy in their amber shell.

Feeling is another kind of dream energy that has an effect on emotions, which makes the creature feel calm.

Then the black matter in the center of their body is the painful energy.

Of course not only painful energy, but also a mass of black matter as a carrier of painful energy.

These substances are like a combination of a large number of miniature creatures that can be brought together and extended from the amber body to be used for limbs and anything.

At the same time, they are also a bit like a bitter people. They use painful energy as the immune system. They often release the black substances in the body to clean the surface of the body.

Therefore, it is quite troublesome to study them, because these black substances are also composed of a large number of microorganisms, and they will fight with Lin's arms.

Therefore, Lin studied them mainly to catch an amber and then carry out detailed research slowly.

Lin found that their thinking structure is not in the black matter, but in the calm part.

The most important thing is that Lin found that they seem to be residents of ... the land of pain.

That is, they live inside the land of pain.

Now they are the place to fly back to the land of pain, and the purpose of capturing the creator is to use it to do something special... but Lin does not know what it is.

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