
A large piece of barrage flew over to Lin.

Although most of them were escaped by Lin, some of them were played by Lin.

Lin’s body fell to the ground with a continuous impact, turning into pieces...

...here, the frit battleship driven by Amber.

The warship was loaded with the creator who had been sailing in the void, but there was a small problem on the way.

This problem is caused by Lynn.

The internal environment of the entire frit warship is like a cave maze. It is a complex environment extending in all directions. During the sailing time, this group of amber scattered throughout the battleship, so there are quite a few orders.

Lin just found one and let a large group of mini-arms besiege it, break it down... and finally replace it.

Lynn made an identical spy instead of the amber, but when Lynn was a spy, other ambers... found Lynn.

What is more amazing is that when Lin broke down the amber, the other amber did not respond, but after Lin made a good spy, it was like suddenly knowing where the spy was, and all gathered here.

Then, it is the scene where Lynn’s spy is broken by...

Although it was broken, Lin could still observe the amber with the spy broken body.

After they broke the spy, they began to communicate around the spy.

The way they communicate is to let the body crack some small cracks and then sprinkle some black matter from it.

These black substances have a small amount of painful energy, and the surrounding kind will be felt at the moment of spilling.

The meaning of 'painful content' in painful energy is different, and the meaning they express will be different.

For example, the pain of being hit by a hard object is the meaning of expressing 'hello'. The pain of being chopped by a sharp object is the meaning of ‘no’... The pain of being wounded is the meaning of “attack”.

In a nutshell, the black particles spilled from the amber can express a certain painful feeling very strongly...and they express different meanings through different painful feelings. When amber spills a lot of black particles, this The painful feeling can be connected into a 'sentence'.

This also means that they will continue to feel pain when they listen to the same kind of speech... but they generally don't matter.

It's not that they don't feel pain, but they don't think so.

Because the amber's thinking organs are located in an amber structure that contains 'calm', they immediately let calm into the mind at the moment of suffering, thus letting them ignore the pain.

But their thinking system usually does not touch calm energy, because it is always calm and will affect the usual decision.

Now, Lynn looks at them and discusses things about...Lin.

"We must purify here."

"This is very dangerous."

"But we have no way to get rid of it, just start it, there is no time."

This group of creatures is mainly discussing the removal of Lin.

When they just killed Lin's spy, they immediately thought that there was some kind of monster in the warship.

These monsters kill their peers and want to mix into their groups.

In order to correspond to this monster...that is, Lin, they intend to launch the ‘elimination system’ of this warship.

This is also a fun place for frit battleships.

This frit warship now looks like a stone, but it can be 'lavated'.

Most of the entire warship can heat up quickly and become a lava-like liquid state.

...Doing so can eliminate a lot of dangerous substances inside.

Previously they were able to move the barrel of the ship's surface to the moving position, which is actually a function of this function.

However, this group of amber is not very sure whether it is safe to do so.

Because they think that they want to completely eliminate Lin... they have to lava the almost all the battleships.

But this does not know whether it will affect the welders and their own safety.

They are afraid that too much melting will not be fully controlled.

But... they still decided to use this method.

So all the ambers gathered in a room in the battleship.

Lynn’s spy also followed them to the room.

In fact... Lynn did two spies.

The spy that was shattered was made by Lin using ‘general materials’, which is the kind of dust and debris collected in the battleship. It has a completely different material structure except for the appearance and amber.

The second spy, Lin is completely imitating amber, whether it is the material structure or the energy stored in the body, these Lin is completely imitation.

It seems that they... did not distinguish.

The main reason is that they don't find one of them. It seems that they just need to be identical to them... no doubt.

Or they don't know how many of their own groups are, and they are not familiar with each other.

In this way, Lynn completely imitated the spy and followed them to the special room inside the battleship.

This room is a place that stays normal when it is melted... However, the driver is not confident that the place will remain normal, so they are all prepared for the announcement.

"Now all the staff is ready, the complete melting is about to begin!"

Their announcement is to release painful energy throughout the battleship, and each amber begins to prepare after receiving painful energy.

They are prepared by creating cracks in the body and creating a kind of mucus from the body.

This is in case the place is also melted, they can also resist the high temperature for a period of time.

Looking at the preparations for each amber around, Lin's spy made the same move.

"Start melting now."

When all the amber was ready, the temperature of the entire warship began to rise sharply.

Of course, this warship has stopped moving forward.

The interior and outer shell of the battleship are now rapidly softening, and the violent temperatures fill the entire warship.

Many of the micro-arms that swayed everywhere were heated to death, and some of them with strong resistance to high temperatures continued to observe changes.

The room where the frit stayed was safe, it didn't heat up... It seemed that the driver was in control.

Of course, the reservoirs of the creators have not warmed up, as long as the two places control... the entire ship is successfully melted.

Although...it doesn't make sense, because they didn't rule out Lin.

"It seems to have completely melted..." "Does it seem to be successful?"

The frits were able to 'observe' into the room, and the entire rock battleship has become a lava.

It seems that it is very successful, but...

'boom--! The head of the battleship exploded.

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