4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2955: Sneak attack

"Is getting an attack! Quick recovery!"

'boom! ’

A high-speed flying sphere flies from the depths of the void.

The melted battleships are like a liquid in their bombardment, and they seem to collapse at any time.

"Quickly stabilize the battleship! Unmelted!"

All the amber in the ship is very flustered, because the 'melting state' itself is not used for combat, but is used to remove the 'uninvited guest' like Lin.

The problem is that these amber and Lin are uninvited guests.

If it is a normal void, it should be a frit in the battleship. If the fuse is melted, even if the entire battleship melts them, it can be completely okay.

And amber... they have to vacate a safe, non-melting area, which leads to cleanliness.

And now there is something to attack during this period of melting.


There is another one... the shells flew over.

It just hit the 'waist' of the battleship, and the strong impact caused the surface of the battleship to pick up a lava flower.

And the shell continued to move forward, it penetrated the softened battleship inside, and directly hit the ... amber's current room.

Although the room did not melt, its power instantly burst into a large hole in the outer wall of the sturdy room.

Then the flying projectile passed through the room, and a large hole was thrown out on the opposite wall. Finally, it exploded on the other side of the battleship and flew into the void.

This shell... directly penetrated the entire battleship.

In fact, other shells are similar. They don't explode at all, just pure impact. Because the warships have melted, these shells can easily penetrate the whole battleship.

It feels that the threat is not as big as the explosion... but even so, it has caused a lot of damage to this group of amber.

After the shells broke through the room, the temperature control function disappeared, and the rolling heat wave poured into the room from the pierced hole, quickly infecting the entire room.

Under the extremely elevated temperature, Lynn found that all of these ambers began to soften.

They are rapidly collapsing like melted wax, but even so, they remain calm.

When this does nothing to do with it, this group of creatures let a lot of 'calm energy' flow into their own minds, making themselves into a state of no desire and no desire... even life does not ask.

Fortunately, they have not lost their lives.

After a few seconds, the temperature quickly dropped and the entire frit battleship slowly hardened.

Its appearance has also changed from a sloshing lava to a boulder in the void. What is more interesting is that after it hardens, the traces left by those shells remain on the body.

Therefore, it can be seen that the shell of the warship is full of 'bomb holes'. Of course, the centers of these 'bomb holes' are sealed up, but there is no trace, only a trace is left.

And the amber in the room, they are slowly recovering.

They slowly recovered from the softened state to the state of the previous solid, and there seems to be no problem.

These creatures are still amazing, and Lin rarely sees the ability to recover biologically.

However, their mental state has collapsed.

When they stopped supplying calm energy to their thinking, they all panicked.

The reason for their panic is mainly the announcement that the temperature has dropped and spread throughout the ship.

"Attention! It was stolen! All attention, it was stolen!"

This information means one thing.

The creator... is gone.

The warehouse of the battleship creator was empty, just when it was attacked... The creator was stolen.

So big things were stolen, they just didn't feel anything at all.

It may be because the driver is trying to make the battleship recover quickly, not paying attention to the disappearance of the creator... until the announcement is initiated.

Lin had noticed it before.

There were a few special shells that flew through the outer layers of the battleship and flew to the location of the creator and exploded.

When they exploded, the entire fuser disappeared.

Accurately speaking, it is ‘invisible’, and their explosion will produce an effect of shielding multiple perceptions.

However, Lin can still 'see' the creators through some methods.

Then there were several other large shells coming in, they slammed into the location of the creator, and then shot a lot of ... chains from the body.

They wrap these chains around the fuser, and then pull the meltbreaker away from the battleship.

Now you can see a huge trace behind the battleship, like a giant rushing out of the splash of water, which remains perfectly on the battleship's outer shell after the battleship hardens.

Now that several 'cannonballs' have pulled the creators to flee to the void, apparently this is a planned attack.

And they are completely aimed at the time when the battleship melted.

However, they did not destroy the battleship... Lin felt that they should have this ability, but only stole the creator.

So where did the sneak attackers come from...

Lin feels that she needs to study it carefully.

"It's in that place, I've found it."

At this time, a new notice came, and the entire warship began to fly toward the nearby void.

It seems that they have found the target.

In fact, the sneak attackers are not very far away. They are currently about 30,000 kilometers away from the warships. It can be seen that there are six... the spheres with a diameter of about 30 meters are pulling the fuser to fly fast.

After pulling the creators to escape a certain distance, they are no longer in an 'invisible' state.

Lin speculates that their invisibility may consume energy or something, so there is no way to maintain it for a long time.

After the warship drivers noticed them, they immediately manipulated the warships and chased them.

What is more amazing is that the pain bus has no reaction to this.

The pain bus has been flying not far behind the battleship... but after these things happened, it continued to fly and did not chase or do anything.

The warships are now chasing these sneak attackers at full speed.

Perhaps it is afraid of hurting the founder, the warship did not fire, but the warship is much faster than those spheres.

Soon the battleships got closer to them... At this point the shape of the battleship's head was slowly changing.

The head of the battleship slowly opened, like a huge mouth... It seemed to want to reinvent the creator and those spheres into the battleship.

And those spheres, now seemingly ready to fight back, Lin noticed that they had a line out of the creator and flew over here.


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