4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 142: Split brain

All in all, check the environment around you first...

Lynn observed the white dragons here. They are not as scattered as in the jungle, but there are thousands of shacks in one place, and it seems that they are not the first time to build that strange circle. I also found several identical circles, which are made up of hundreds of kilograms of stones, and then piled up in a circle, starting with a small circle about five meters in diameter, and then slowly making a circle outside. The circle of the circle is larger until the diameter of about 70 meters, and the circle that Lin had seen before has not been completed.

They have created five such circles, and now it is the fifth.

Bai Longlong built this kind of thing for a long time, which led to their community becoming less and less. Lin actually didn't know how they kept this hard work and could live here, but now they should be almost on the verge of extinction. Well, perhaps they should be prevented from establishing such a circle.

The pompons flew to the construction site. These white dragons were still carrying them tirelessly. When they were idle, they used a kind of skin with water to drink some water. Then they continued to do it. There were some dried on the ground. Meat, there are several white dragons who are especially responsible for guarding and preventing them from being eaten by pterosaurs.

These guards seem to be in rotation, and they change every time, so they are not easy.

Lin wants to see first... What are they worshipping? There seems to be no paintings or statues here. It seems that Bai Haolong does not seem to get those, so it is difficult to know what they worship...

This feeling...

In the center of the circle formed by the white dragons, Lin felt the feeling of some brain waves coming out...

Is that the one? Also here?

The pompom flies to the center of the circle. There is nothing in it here. But when the pompom sticks out of the tentacle and digs up some sand on the ground. Lin saw a small crystal buried in the ground, and there was a white thing in the crystal.

The pompoms immediately protruded from the end to be a tip-tip tentacle. A small unit was injected into the small crystal to investigate. Sure enough, this is the brain of the ... No, it should be split brain.

Is this brain causing the white dragon to become like this?

The brain of the Yate group has a special place. In addition to the main brain, it has a lot of 'split brains'. It is the brain that splits from the main brain.

In fact, it is unclear whether it is split from the main brain. Anyway, it is so good. For this split brain situation, Lin knew it ten years ago.

At that time, Lin was taking the time to bring them out to build the village.

Lynn has been quite curious about the network channels built by the crystal jungle and the huge underground group, as well as the crystal trees that will be 'recorded' on the ground and the wonderful feeling of 'very cold'. The excavation troops went to investigate there.

The excavation force is mainly composed of a small worm like a pioneer. Lin has found a huge underground network structure there. There is also a lot of ecology inside, for example, there are three kinds of ribs and two kinds of jade. There are also some bugs, pterosaurs and so on. The underground caves there seem to have existed for a long time, and they form their own peculiar environment, but this underground cave system can be maintained, in large part because its bottom is connected to a huge dark river.

The water of the Dark River is salty. It is rich in living things and nutrients. It is estimated to be directly connected to the ocean. The Dark River raises some plant-like creatures, and then some creatures feed on plants and slowly expand upwards. The cave system provides vitality.

Although this underground system has wonderful things, the most peculiar thing that Lynn discovered is the ‘split brain’.

Originally, the Lieutenant leader also had a split brain. Lin thought that there were not many such things, but there were actually many, and this split brain was occasionally found everywhere in the cave.

This split brain is usually the same, they are placed in a small crystal, usually with tiny holes in the crystal to make it contact with the outside world. The split brain itself has some green cell-like ability to absorb light energy. Occasionally, some tentacles are extended through tiny holes to absorb nutrients such as dirt, but in fact, even without nutrients, this brain can live for a long time, and it basically keeps a pole. Low energy consumption, it has only one effect, and continuously releases some brainwave signals...

However, Lin has not yet discovered that this kind of signal will have a large-scale impact on other organisms, for example, it will not be affected.

Other creatures with lower brain capacity need not be said. Although they didn't care, Lin still collected this kind of brain. Lin specially created a brainwave signal that senses the arms to perceive them. Currently there. Among the underground caves, more than twenty split brains were discovered... but there seems to be no special use...

After that, Lin didn't find anything, and wasn't sure why the crystal trees were related to the Atlante. Or what is related to other situations, Lin feels that it is possible to hide other wonderful races under this continent.

But at least they are now extinct, but the impact they have caused many strange things in the area of ​​the crystalline woodland...

I don't know what the purpose of the brain of the Yate population is to make these split brains, and why is it throwing this brain everywhere? At the beginning, it was found that the location of the underground was everywhere, and there was no law. I did not expect it to be found here, and it caused the white dragon to become like this.

But in the end it is caused by this thing, but also to do so!

Thinking, the pompoms hit a dozen with the tentacles, and the small pieces of crystals together with the brain inside were suddenly broken into pieces! The brainwave signal is therefore stopped.

But... no response.

The surrounding white dragons are still moving stones, and they seem to have not noticed what happened here.

...... Yes, there are four circles around, and there shouldn’t be there?

Next, the pompoms quickly fly to the center of each circle, where the split brain enclosed in the crystals is dug and minced.

Lin feels that there is no need to collect it. This is more direct. After all the brains have been destroyed, the white dragons are still not responding.


The pompons have been observed in the sky, and the white dragons have not responded, but after a long time, these white dragons began to have doubts... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~metallicclaw~乾坤屯蒙~的月票~

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