4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 143: Go upstream

They woke up...

"Hey...?" There was a white dragon who was moving the stone and looked around in confusion. It seemed to wonder what he was doing. There were some white dragons moving around the stone. The white dragon immediately put down the stone in his hand and ran. Going to the other side of the moving Bailong, asked: "Hey?"

"Hey?" This white dragon suddenly stunned, and it put the stone down.

It seems that they have a different time to wake up. Lin sees that more and more Bai Xiaolong are wondering about their actions. They seem to remember what they are doing, but they don’t know the meaning of doing so.

They may have done this unconsciously. Did the original brainwaves have such a strange effect on them? But... what does this mean?

Some of the white dragons that were piled up and ready to go to the river also reacted. It looked at so many bodies in confusion, and a sad mood suddenly appeared in the heart.

"嘎噢——!!!" This white dragon raised his head and screamed in the sky. All the stones were still moving, and the white dragon that moved the body suddenly woke up under its voice.

They put down the stones in their hands and gathered them in front of the white dragon that screamed.

Lin found that they all looked at the piles of corpses. The emotions of each of the white dragons were very complicated, and some had very sad emotions. They seemed to be regretting...

They are regretting why they are doing this kind of thing, leading to the death of so many companions, which should be mostly exhausted, and Bai Xiaolong rarely takes a break when carrying the body.

"Oh!" Suddenly. A white dragon roared, and other white dragons were filled with anger. They frantically rushed to the rock circle where they had piled up before, kicking the stones, smashing the stones, pushing the stones away, and every white dragon was doing it in anger. Soon, they piled up the original. The stone circle was completely destroyed.

It seems that Bai Xiaolong is very angry about what he has done, so he thinks it should be destroyed?

Bai Haolong should not have been making such a circle. They have to spare time to hunt and fetch water, and with this stuff, it’s justifiable that they have less than a hundred of them from the previous thousand deaths.

After all the circles were broken, Bai Xiaolong was tired and squatted on the ground. Some were drinking water or eating something. Lin felt that they had a feeling of relaxation. It seemed that the tired state was much better.

In the next. The white dragons have returned to their normal state. When the night is over, they scattered the piles of corpses, and then they lurked beside the bodies, trying to capture the pterosaurs who went to eat the bodies.

The way they use the corpse is quite powerful. The pterosaurs in the dark are not very clear. The success rate of catching is much higher. The pterosaur relies heavily on vision, and the flying creatures usually do this...

These white dragons seem to be starving, and they caught quite a few pterosaurs in the dark, until each one was quite full. They are willing to stop.

By the time of the day, these full-bodied white dragons gathered together. They stood in front of the body and said some strange words, most of which were ‘嘎’.

Bai Xiaolong does not have a very detailed language look...

When they finished, they put their bodies in it, and they all went back to their own shacks, as if they had started a normal life.

In the next two days and nights, these white dragons broke all the other circles, and after that they did not have any special performance, just like ordinary white dragons.

They mainly live in shacks, hunting some wild animals for a living, and regularly go to the river to collect water.

Lynn is a bit strange. There are a lot of rooms in the cliffs by the river. It seems that it is not made by the white dragon. Maybe there are other kinds of creatures living nearby.

Before Lin also saw the body of a dragon in the river, there may also be a dragon living in the vicinity and was similarly affected?

Why do they have to pile up that circle? It doesn't seem to make much sense, probably because it was what the white dragons imagined themselves, and sometimes they imagined some strange patterns to explain the things around them.

Lin continued to observe these white dragons for a while. They have been living in shacks. They are similar to the white dragons in the jungle. There are no cubs in their community. It is estimated that they will keep the habit of throwing out the young ones. The difference between the jungle white dragons is that there are a large number of groups, but it may also be affected after being affected.

After confirming that this group of white dragons had no problem, the pompoms floated back to the river and continued to flow to the river.

There should be more split brains nearby, and creatures affected by the split brain. The pompons fly over the canyon. The river flows all the way to the southwest. The water here is more urgent than before, and some large fish can be seen in the water. Swim around.

Unlike the rich colors in the sea, the creatures in the river are usually gray and black. Although they are also rich in color, they are rare. This is an interesting phenomenon because the color of the river is similar to that of the sea. But their colors are much different...

Found it, that is...

On the bank of the river, Lin saw some shacks there. Although they were all shacks, they were obviously different from the shacks of Bailong. This is definitely the shack of the dragon.

Since Tucker has absorbed a lot of dragons, there are no other dragons in the jungle, but obviously there are more dragons in the farther places...

Both the dragon and the white dragon have the habit of spreading the ethnic group. The jade dragon does not know why they are all concentrated together. However, each group of the emerald dragon lives under a giant egg stone. They should be different communities and different communities. Spouses can be exchanged between each other to avoid inbreeding.

Some species have nothing to do with inbreeding, and some have big problems. This is also very interesting.

The pompoms flew over the shacks of this group of dragons. There are 49 shacks. According to the general Snapdragon group, this is already close to the largest group. In more than 50, they will be grouped.

“Oh!” Lynn heard a loud noise coming from nearby, and the pompom flew in the direction of the sound. After a large stone, I found the group of dragons who lived here.

The situation now seems strange. I saw a large group of dragons surrounded by a dragon. The hands of this dragon are tightly held, as if they were holding something.

"Hey!" The dragon holding the thing is screaming, it protects the things in his hands, and threatens not to come over to other dragons.

Lin already knows what it is holding, because there is a feeling of brain waves coming out there.

It is a pity that there are no other dragons to support it. There are two dragons rushing forward, pressing it on the ground, and a hand that has stepped on it to make it fall out of the hand.

Sure enough, that is the crystallization of a red pass.

"Hey!" Several dragons walked away from the crystal that fell out, and all the dragons turned and left, leaving the dragon that had just been crystallized on the ground...

Xiaolong will have not seen this kind of disagreement, and it is the effect of that kind of crystallization.

Lin followed the dragons. After they walked a few hundred meters, they reached a strange place. There was a hill made of stones. On the top stone of the hill, some red was placed. crystallization.

A dragon climbed up the hill and placed the crystal on the top of the mountain. Is there a total of five? They actually collected so many split brains.

After being placed, the dragons stood around the hill, and they were whispering something that they didn't know, and they danced and danced.

Both Bai Xiaolong and Xiaolong do not have a very complete language. They generally use this ‘universal language’, but in fact this is quite versatile and can contain many kinds of meanings.

'Snapped! When the dragons did this strange ceremony, the crystals on the hill were all broken.

"Hey?" The dragons looked at the hills as if they were awakened. When they saw the fragments scattered all over the sky, they suddenly rushed up! But when it rushed to half, it stopped again...

Why do you do that? They must think so now.

These dragons should live soon and return to normal. Now the pompoms have no time to observe them. The pompoms will continue to move forward to see if there are more dragons or white dragons affected.

During the next night and night, the pompoms continued to move up the water. As Lin thought, many people were affected, most of them were white dragons. In fact, there were very few dragons. After they were affected, Basically, a strange building is built, and then the split brain is worshipped. In addition, the dead companion body will be thrown into the river...

This phenomenon has always appeared on both sides of the river. Lin estimated that there was crystallization flowing down the river and then being picked up by the white dragons on the river bank. Lin investigated some communities far from the river and found no such phenomenon. phenomenon……

In this way, Lin has collectively 'save' dozens of Bailong's communities. Most of the communities except the ones that I started to see are small communities, each with only a dozen, and each of the worship buildings built. Not the same, as the size is related to the size of the community.

In other words, the source of the problem is flowing up the river. What is the situation there, can you find the main brain of another group of the Ate? However, they should be the one-brain division of labor.

The pompoms continued up the river, and when they walked nearly a hundred kilometers, they finally saw the end of the river. (To be continued. (qidian.) m.qidian. Read.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Long Haoyue ~ Uncle Bamboo ~ monthly ticket ~9

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