4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 144: Bizarre thing

Standing in front of the pom-pom, it is a mountain with a height of up to a thousand meters. The rushing river continuously flows out from the huge cave under the mountain.

Was this river flowing out of this mountain? It is also possible that the river only passes through the mountain, but Lin prefers that the secret of splitting the brain is in this mountain, so that it is not necessary to run too far.

I watched the huge cave where the river was flowing at the foot of the mountain, and the pompom slowly floated in.

The cave is quite spacious. It is not completely covered by darkness. At the top of the cave, it is covered with the glory of the stars. Countless small worms make glowing sticks on the top of the cave for hunting into the cave. Other bugs can even capture some small pterosaurs.

This kind of Lin was once seen in the underground world of the northern continent. I didn't expect that there were similar species here. The pompom floated slowly, while observing and advancing.

The river in the cave is very urgent. Occasionally, some large black shadows can swim through the water. There are some flat and flat rock banks under the cave walls on both sides. There are many crocodiles with different sizes. It is a nest of crocodile.

Nothing has been found so far. The pompon moves up against the current environment, and the surrounding environment is getting darker and darker. There are many small holes in the walls of the two sides, which seem to lead to other places.

This is the signal of ... brain waves.

Sure enough, it was also found here that the pompom floated to the right side of the wall, and on the damp rocky shore, Lynn saw a piece of red.

The pompom sticks out of the tentacle, grabs the piece and kneads it into pieces, and then Lin looks at a cave that is more than two meters in diameter on the wall.

Is it inside?

The pompom floated into the cave. There is no light at all. The pompom sticks out two eyeball tentacles that glow. Observing the surrounding environment, there are many tiny reptiles in this damp cave. At the same time, Lin found a new jade here.

It is called black sapphire. It looks like a black group. Now Lin has a new understanding of Maoyu, although this creature is relatively small. But it should be spread all over the continent. Because it is omnivorous and breeds quickly, they are not at a disadvantage in life.

After not flying in this cave for a long time, Lin found another piece of crystal, which was also broken into pieces by Lin.

These crystals and the split brains among them have decided to completely destroy it, and leave it alone. This kind of thing has no special value, it only creates trouble, and it is more than saying that they are brains. Like some shellfish. Crystallization is their shell, and then some tentacles are stretched out to find food. There is also a complete set of vital organs in itself, and the part that emits brainwave signals is actually not large.

Flying down the cave, the pompons broke a lot of crystals in succession. This quantity feels a bit more. Lin is wondering if there are any creatures producing these things? The Queen of the Yate group left behind? The split brain itself has no reproductive capacity.

Suddenly, there was a ray of light in front of the pompom. It seemed to be the exit of the cave. After the pompon passed through the exit, a blue sky and dense jungle, and a group of turkey dragons grazing on the ground, appeared in front of Lin’s eyes. !

Is this... outside? The pompom turned and saw the big mountain. It seems that the cave is somewhere to the foot of the mountain, so it seems that the clue is broken.

Do you want to fly back? Or……

The turkey dragons grazing in front of the pompoms suddenly cocked their heads, and they nervously looked around, then just listened to ‘oh! A sound of a wooden spear flew over and inserted in the middle of the dragon group.

The turkey was suddenly frightened and fled, and soon disappeared into the jungle. After a while, a white dragon was panting out of the jungle.

It lost the spear on the ground and did not insert anything. When it was about to turn and leave, it suddenly noticed the pompom floating on one side.

"Hey?" Bai Haolong stared at the pompoms. He had never seen this creature, and the two eyeballs of the pompom were watching it. Lin thought that this white dragon seemed quite normal and did not receive anything. The way it looks, so it seems that there should be no split brain here.

Suddenly, Bai Yanlong’s eyes changed, and he raised a wooden spear and slammed it into the pompon! But the pompoms easily escaped.

Sure enough, it should be gone.

Just as Lin was trying to fly back into the cave, Bai Xiaolong suddenly yelled and rushed up. He grasped the wool of the pompom with his claws and tried hard to press the pompom on the ground.

The pompom quickly reached out to the tentacles and slammed into the face of the white dragon. The white dragon suddenly screamed and was kicked out and rolled around on the ground before stopping.

"Hey!" Bai Xiaolong got up and yelled at the pompom, then turned and fled into the jungle...

It seems that the attacking behavior just felt abnormal. After thinking about it, Lin followed the white dragon. The white dragon flew fast in the jungle. The pompon changed color and followed for about a kilometer, and it reached the community where Bai Xiaolong was.

This is a community of twenty shacks that looks normal, but... there are some unusual things that appear in front of Lynn.

I saw only a dozen white dragons in the shack group, they are already dead bodies, and the strangest place is... their heads are gone.

The white dragon that Lin followed followed the body of so many companions. It was also very surprised. It stayed there for a while. It seems that this happened during the time it left the hunting.

There are a lot of broken spears on the ground, the bodies are scattered everywhere, and several shacks have been damaged. There are obvious signs of fighting everywhere, and then the scars on the neck seem to be some kind of creature with a big mouth. I bit my head...

Which creature is so wasteful? Just eat your head and don't eat the body?

However, this thing seems to be very interesting, but it has nothing to do with Lin’s search for split brains. These white dragons don’t seem to have any strange buildings, indicating that they are not affected by the split brain. If so, they should leave. Go to other places and continue to find it.

Thinking, the pompom left the village and flew back to the cave that was drilled before. Lin planned to go back to the river and continue upstream... What is that?

Lin suddenly saw a strange creature squatting in front of the hole in which the pompa was drilled. It was opening its mouth and spitting some red crystal fragments into the hole. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you~ I miss you, think about you, the monthly ticket~

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