4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 145: Head maker

That creature is spitting the split brain! Is it the so-called queen?

Lin carefully observed that this thing is quite strange. It is more than three meters long, the body is yellow, and the ellipse is obese. There are many small tentacles on the body surface. There are eight limbs under the body, and some are like a fat one. Spider, but the body is not divided, so it can not be considered a spider, and its mouth is very flat, like sticking to the face, there are two rows of jagged fangs inside, which is used to crush something.

It is so weird, not like a dinosaur or a general arthropod, and only a divisional species has this possibility. This creature is squatting in front of the cave and spewing red crystals with split brains.

Lin feels that it is a legacy of the Atlantis. It is really troublesome to say that this population is left. So many strange things have been left behind after the death of the main brain.

After the brains of other divisional species, the remaining arms will basically think about how to 'resurrect' the brain, or create a new brain, and the arms of the Yate group will be dispersed and become a kind of Each is in a state of war.

This creature may not have the ability to think like it. It may have been responsible for producing split brains, and it continues to do this after the main brain dies.

Perhaps it should be better to call it 'brains.'

Pompon looks at this ‘brain-making’... Lin is thinking about how to deal with it, the pompoms are small, should they be poisoned or paralyzed? Or it is easier to let it eat directly.

That's right, let it eat it.

Then, the pompon begins to make something in the body. The main thing is to wrap a large number of micro-arms with some anti-corrosive shells. This way they will not be dissolved. Then drill inside the other's intestines and slowly invade the creature.

This method is more efficient, although the fun is relatively low, of course, Lin can also directly inject it into the micro-arms, but that can only be injected into a small amount, the speed is not so fast.

In this way, the pompom flew to the front of the brain-making monster, and then fell into front of it with a powerless look.

Lynn could smell the rotten smell in the mouth of this brain-making monster. It must be a carnivorous creature, and some carnivorous creatures will also 'raise' a large number of carrion bacteria in their mouths for attack.

"Hey?" The brain-like blame seems to have spit out those splitting brains. As soon as he stood up, he saw the pompoms falling in front of it. It walked up in confusion, and the eight eyes of his face looked at this side at the same time. ......

Lin feels that this thing has something in common with Li, and the face is similar, but the figure is completely different.

The brainsman squatted down and touched the fluff of the pompom with the short tentacles on his mouth, as if smelling the smell of pompoms.


Lynn suddenly felt that her brains produced a kind of ‘disgusting’ emotion. It stood up and ran away.

This is very strange... The pompons slowly floated from the ground, and Lin looked puzzled at the running brains. Is there any nasty smell on the pompom?

Different creatures do have different odors, and Lyne doesn't know which odor it hates. If so, it's better to inject it into the micro-arms.

The pompoms quickly caught up with the escaping brains. It stopped in the jungle without running far, and then began to move slowly under the body, feeling like ambushing prey.

Lin felt that she should first look at how it lives, and it will not be too late to start again. Lin actually has an interest in how to live from a divisional species to a 'wild species'.

The brain-creating squats in the jungle, hiding its body in the trees, its eyes staring at the open space ahead, where Lynn sees a white figure...

That is... the only white dragon that survived before?

This white dragon hand holds a wooden spear, and it is looking at it. Lin feels that it may have to leave the original ethnic group to find other ethnic groups. This is one of the habits of Bai Xiaolong.

"Oh..." As the white dragon approached, the brain-creating slowly moved, but it moved to cause some sounds in the leaves, which instantly made the white dragons clench their wooden spears cautiously.

At the moment when Bai Xiaolong looked at this side, the brains rushed out of the bushes. It was very fast. The white dragons didn’t even have time to **** them with wooden spears. They were bitten by their brains.

‘Hey! 'Next, I heard a crack of the neck bone. The head of the white dragon was bitten by the whole brain. The headless body of the white dragon fell to the ground, and the hands and feet were constantly twitching because of the nerve line, but it I can't stand up...

It’s a good hunting technique. The teeth in the head and tail of the brain seem to be specially made for the broken head, so it is so easy to bite the opponent’s head, but... the death of this white dragon seems to be the same as the previous village. The white dragons in the same are exactly the same, they are all bitten off, is that caused by... brains?

This seems unlikely, although the brain is three meters long and a lot bigger than the white dragon, but compared to the giant meat dragons, the brain-building figure is very petite, and the white dragon lives in This place has become accustomed to facing the threat of all kinds of giant creatures. How do brain-making monsters completely destroy a group of white dragons?

Although it is possible to have the effect of the magical effect, after all, it will create a split brain, but the white dragon of that community obviously has traces of fighting.

Next, the brain-hunter swallowed the head, and then it made a very wasteful move, leaving the body and walking away.

Actually so waste? The head is just a little energy, is it satisfied when you eat it? The corpse is so big, isn’t it? Sure enough, it is like a division of labor. It should be a high success rate. Otherwise, it should be difficult to survive.

By the way, is it true that the brains do not eat pompons because... the pompom has no head relationship?

It is possible that the Yate population created this species in order to make it exclusively for the brains of other creatures.

But what about brains? ... of course this is to make a brain!

That's it! This is the pass! Is it a brain to create a split brain by eating the brains of other creatures? Although it is only an inference, it seems to be very reliable. Of course, it is impossible to know how to make it, or to create a split brain. It has nothing to do with eating a brain. Is there another reason to eat brain?

In any case, there may be no other reason for the brain to do this. It is just some instructions left by the main brain. Even if the main brain dies, because it does not have the individual character like Li, it is still executing. This kind of order.

However, by now the order is over, it will be extinct with the Atlantis!

The pompoms stick out a few tentacles, aiming at the brain-making monsters below. Each tentacle has hidden countless small needles. The micro-arms contained in the small needles will invade the target and eventually devour the target!

‘Hey! With a small voice, the flying needle shot at a very fast speed and flew toward the back of the brain.

‘呲. At the moment when the flying needle was shot, Lin felt a subtle brain wave signal. This is...

In the next moment, the brain-hunting sneaked forward a step forward. These needles suddenly shot in the air and were inserted on the ground.

This is very wonderful, the brains of the stranger actually feel these flying needles and then escape? This is very interesting.

At this time, the brain-creating monster is turning to look at the pompoms in the sky. The pompoms are also preparing for the second round of shooting. At the moment when the flying needles fly out, the brain-making monster suddenly retreats a few steps. After avoiding the flying needle, it immediately turns around. Escape to the depths of the jungle.

Sure enough, it has a strong sense of perception.

The pompoms immediately catch up with the brain-creating genius. This thing runs fast with eight limbs, but it has been running straight, so the pompons can easily catch up with the jet tentacles.

However, it seems that it is not so easy to hit it. At the moment when the pompom shoots the flying needle, the brain-making monster can always move to the left and right to avoid it.

So Lynn decided... to plunge directly!

Looking at the brain-building blame in the rush, the pompon speeds up and slams forward, while sticking out a lot of tentacles, the goal is to make the back of the brain!

"Hey!" The brainsman seems to know that the pompoms have to be rushed over. It suddenly lowers the body and jumps directly to the pompoms with the back. This time, the pompoms are flung out, and the brains are again after landing. Accelerated running, its figure disappeared into the jungle and disappeared.

Lin looked at the brains and escaped, but let the pompoms stop.

There is no need to chase it. Just now, at the time of the collision, a tentacles of the pompon have successfully injected some micro-arms on the back of the brain-making monster. Now they are drilling into the brain-making body.

The brains of the brains are thick, but not hard enough, mainly a layer of shells. Lin uses the drill-type arms driller. It takes a little time to get in. The pompoms only need to fly slowly to the target. Just fine...

Lin found that the brain-stopping stopped, it seems that it ran for a distance and found that the pompom did not catch up and stopped to rest.

The color change of the pompoms slid into the surrounding environment and slowly drifted to the position where the brains stopped...

But... After arriving, Lynn did not see the brains, but saw a yellow skin on the ground...

That thing actually peeled off and ran away? Does it know that Lin has injected arms into it? This is really... what is this?

Lin suddenly noticed that under the tree not far from the front, the obese figure of the brain was constantly struggling, and it was **** with a lot of vines, and these vines were still continually Tight it, let it make a painful snoring.

It seems to be a trap plant. So, the brain-building genie wants to escape after taking off the skin. The result is caught by the trap plant.

Maybe the brain-creating is very sensitive to the goal of moving, but it is hard to detect the target of rest. If it can't move, then it will be decomposed! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ 688~

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