4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 2999: Source of amber

It is said that this is a legendary ancient creature.

It used to participate in the war, and now... it wants to destroy the Star Alliance.

After giving these things...

This group of 'Christians' was also captured by the search team of the Star Alliance and was executed.

The believers do not seem to care at all, they do not value their own life and death.

After solving this group of believers, the Star Alliance did not do anything to the little creators, they quickly returned to the original ... normal life.

Since the little creators of the time had no desires and special thoughts, those who said to the believers were not very concerned.

The only thing that cares is that the believers will soon have something to attack the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance also knows about it.

In fact, when they first started communicating with the small creators, the soldiers of the Star Alliance discovered them.

But they didn't do it right away, but they watched it.

When they learned the news, they immediately prepared to fight against the ‘God’ that the Order said.

The Star Alliance has also experienced many crises since its development, and they have the ability to defeat this creature by themselves.

The little creators felt that the war might spread to themselves, so they also intended to go to the small space of the Rift-Clock to hide as early as the believers said.

But they are now in the 'inorganic zone' where there is no cracking group, and they currently have no way to leave the area.

So they can only wait...

And while they waited, the sacred ‘God’ had already appeared.

This creature can be called the 'end of thinking'.

It is the ‘source’ of the various amber substances that Lynn now sees in the land of pain.

At the same time, it is also the source of the ‘horror parasite.’

Its appearance does not appear directly in the void, but uses a subtle way to invade the Star Alliance.

Mainly the resources that invaded them.

To maintain the lives of so many galaxies, the Star Alliance must also have a large number of life-sustaining substances.

They have built a large number of 'farms' in the emptiness of multiple galaxies, but only a few of these farms are raising livestock. In fact, most of them directly combine the collected substances into foods that can be eaten by various organisms.

Many of these sources are not internal to the Star Alliance, but external.

They will dispatch the fleet to the emptiness to collect resources, everything that can be used as food, minerals, and so on.

The end of ‘thinking’ initially invaded a mine of the Star Alliance.

It mixes a large amount of fine matter into the minerals collected by the Alliance.

The Star Alliance's mines found that the minerals they collected were mixed with huge amounts of impurities, so they tried to eliminate them.

But when they are going to do this, the impurities are... they are drilled from the accumulated minerals and combined together.

They form a 'biological' and attack all non-similars around them.

They are actually well solved, and the organisms formed by these impurities are very weak.

The only trouble is that they are endless.

Basically, it can be said that each time a group is solved, a group will emerge.

This happened very quickly in several mines, and these impurities continually gathered and launched attacks.

Their appearance led to the shackles of these mines, and the Star Alliance immediately dispatched troops to find the source of these impurities.

Later they discovered... this seems to be caused by pain.

Although there are no residents who have nightmares, the painful energy seems to be connected to the thinking of many residents.

At the same time, these impurities are also connected.

As long as there is a creature imagining around the impurities, these impurities are automatically assembled into a structure.

It is usually something that the creature fears and then attacks the surrounding creatures.

The investigators of the Star Alliance believe that these impurities have very sophisticated devices that can use the painful energy to read the surrounding biological thinking to form various structures.

Since the general weapon does not damage the reading device itself within the fine impurities, they can be continuously destroyed and then continuously reconstructed.

Of course, there will be losses in the process of being destroyed and reconstructed, but at least this process can be maintained many times.

Once you know it, you can do a lot. They can solve this group of structures by completely destroying impurities.

When the Star Alliance began to resolve the impurity structures and recapture the mines, they discovered that the real enemy had surrounded... many galaxies.

A huge army began to appear in the void.

These troops are called ‘imaginary forces’.

They look from the outside, a huge pile of ... amber, can also be said to be orange-red stones.

These things range in size from tens of meters to hundreds of meters, and they are extremely large, just like asteroid belts.

Numerous stones have appeared in the void around the major worlds of the Star Alliance.

They began a direct attack on these major worlds of the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance has also organized a comprehensive defense. In fact, the first batch of amber has been eliminated by the defensive agencies of the Star Alliance in the void.

The Star Alliance has placed a large number of defensive weapons and traps in the surrounding void.

These stones appeared in many batches, and they continually attacked and were destroyed again and again.

No stone can reach within one billion kilometers of the main world.

However, impurities have appeared.

These impurities... can also be said to be the 'amber substance' that Lynn now sees.

They initially had some tumbling in a group of stars.

Then appeared in multiple worlds.

They continually form various structures that attack civilians around them.

Although the Alliance actively destroys each structure completely, using a method such as melting, leaving them with little residue.

But they are still appearing constantly.

This is also the origin of the name 'the end of thinking'.

This is the name of some creatures that have been attacked by it in the past and the civilization.

As long as there are creatures still thinking, the structure will continue to appear.

They look good, but they will continue to appear and will not stop... just like biological thinking.

And these structures will also 'evolve' and they will become stronger and harder to deal with.

Until the entire civilization runs out of everything.

In the face of this situation, the initial alliance did not have a good solution.

But at this time, ‘Chorus’ spoke.

It directly points to the position of the 'ontology' at the end of thinking.

Then a huge fleet set off and prepared to destroy the body.

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