4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3000: Between stars

The fleet of Star Alliances sailed deep into the stars, and they met the targets they were looking for between the stars.

The position of the body of the end of ‘thinking’.

However, this ontology is different from what most of them think.

What they encounter is actually a... civilization.

This civilization is situated in the void, and almost all of them are made up of 'amber matter'.

Whether it is the fleet or their buildings, everything in this civilization is orange-red.

In the face of the arrival of the Star Alliance fleet, they immediately launched an attack.

At that time, a fierce war broke out in the void.

The winter creators also saw these scenes in the ‘war live broadcast’.

The fleets of both sides began to bombard each other at a great distance. The initial firepower of the two sides was almost the same, but after a while, the fleet of the Star Alliance took advantage.

Their firepower slowly overwhelmed the Amber Fleet and completely destroyed them at the end.

After confirming that the other party was unable to counterattack, the Star Alliance sent a large number of reconnaissance ships to explore the situation of this civilization.

The scouts discovered in the course of the investigation that this civilization is purely a 'thinking civilization'.

All of the individuals in their population have only one brain left, and they use their own brain to control the surrounding amber matter.

The synthesis of these things into a variety of things for the use of such a civilization.

Moreover, when the scouts investigated, they encountered another attack, which caused the reconnaissance ships to be almost completely destroyed.

At this time, the Star Alliance allowed the fleet's large forces to surround the territory of this entire civilization.

In fact, their territory is not very large... Compared to the Star Alliance, they are very small.

After the Alliance Fleet surrounded them, they destroyed all their counterattacks and then carefully investigated them.

They found that all the individuals in this civilization knew nothing about the invasion of the Star Alliance. They thought that the Alliance was going to attack them before they attacked.

These creatures indicate that they are willing to surrender fully, if the Star Alliance is infested with amber matter... they can teach the Alliance how to control these substances.

As long as they are controlled, they are no longer a threat, but they are useful.

The commanders of the fleet agreed to the conditions for surrender and studied their control techniques for amber matter.

But... Where is the end of that mind?

Every individual of this 'amber civilization' does not know what ‘the end of thinking’ is. They mean that these amber substances are invented by themselves.

Although they have fought wars with other civilizations, the main way of fighting is to use ‘amber matter’ to form a weapon or something, instead of letting amber matter become a force according to the enemy’s thinking.

This civilization is also willing to let the Alliance observe its own history and express that it has not deceived.

The commanders of the fleet were very surprised by this, and they questioned the brain.

At this time, Zhou brain said the truth about the end of thinking.

The end of thinking is actually a parasite that once parasitized the civilization using 'amber matter' and used it everywhere... to do evil.

However, it noticed that the Alliance Fleet discovered the Amber civilization and immediately left and fled into the depths of the void.

As a result, the Alliance Fleet brought back the amber material control technology back to the Alliance and successfully controlled the amber structures that popped up everywhere, ending the crisis.

At the same time, they also found that amber substances are very convenient as long as they learn to use them, so they are used in many places.

At the same time, they also let the amber material civilization join the Star Alliance, but did not let them move to the Alliance's territory.

The alliance is growing stronger now, but in order to completely eradicate the threat...

The Star Alliance once again dispatched the fleet.

According to the position of the brain, they went deep into the void and started investigations.

The winter creator said that for a long time, the Star Alliance has been chasing the end of thinking.

At the end of the mind, I have been running away...

It sometimes escapes and is parasitic on a civilization, sometimes it is parasitic on certain creatures.

After the fleet discovered its parasitic target, it always had to play with the host, but after the game, it found that the end of the mind escaped.

They have never seen the ontology of the end of their minds, but they have seen many civilizations and creatures that have been madly attacked by its parasites, but when they are ignorant.

Later, the end of thinking parasitized something that could be called an 'artifact'.

These artifacts are said to have been made by some of the once-dead civilizations, with powerful functions.

There are some artifacts and even techniques that the Star Alliance can't understand.

Whenever they find these artifacts, the artifacts always attack the fleet, which has caused a lot of damage to the fleet.

However, according to the guidance of the brain, they finally found a way to close the artifact.

The Star Alliance then brought these artifacts back into the Alliance.

In addition to those powerful weapons, they will be placed far away, and those artifacts with convenient functions are used in many places by the Alliance.

Like the ‘stable space gate’ is one of the artifacts they discover, this thing can create a stable space door.

Let them have more convenient transportation between the territories.

Although the end of thinking has not been caught, the alliance has developed a lot.

They have absorbed a lot of races and recycled many artifacts, because the research of these things and the technology brought by alien species, the scientific strength of the entire alliance has been making rapid progress.

Even if these races are weaker than them, they can come up with many wonderful theories to find the technological advancement point.

Until... the last time.

At the end of the previous thinking is parasitic on something that finds the Alliance to escape when it finds it, leaving the host still there.

This time, it is said that the end of thinking did not escape.

The thing that parasitizes it, but it traps it. It can only die with the host.

This host is... a bus.

To be precise, this is the painful bus now.

The Star Alliances know the creatures of the bus. In fact, they were mentioned when the ‘Christians’ came.

However, before the Christians, the Star Alliance had contact with some bus creatures, but most of them were Void buses.

There are also buildings in the Union Territory, such as the 'Void Bus Terminal', which are mainly used to stop the visiting Void Bus.

As for the stellar bus, they have very little contact, but they have not touched it.

After discovering this parasitic star bus, they decided...may help.

Because they always want to form an alliance with this creature.

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